1. Politician: Those economists who claim that consumer price increases have averaged less than 3 percent over the last year are mistaken. They clearly have not shopped anywhere recently. Gasoline is up 10 percent over the last year; my auto insurance, 12 percent; newspapers, 15 percent; propane, 13%; bread, 50 percent. The reasoning in the politician’s argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that the argument
A. impugns the character of the economists rather than addressing their arguments B. fails to show that the economists mentioned are not experts in the area of consumer prices C. mistakenly infers that something is not true from the claim that it has not been shown to be so D. uses evidence drawn from a small sample that may well be unrepresentative E. attempts to persuade by making an emotional appeal
2. Ditrama is a federation made up of three autonomous regions: Korva, Mitro, and Guadar. Under the federal revenue-sharing plan, each region receives a share of federal revenues equal to the share of the total population of Ditrama residing in that region, as shown by a yearly population survey. Last year, the percentage of federal revenues Korva received for its share decreased somewhat even though the population survey on which the revenue-sharing was based showed that Korva's population had increased. If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also have been shown by the population survey on which last year's revenue-sharing in Ditrama was based?
(A) Of the three regions, Korva had the smallest number of residents. (B) The population of Korva grew by a smaller percentage than it did in previous years. (C) The populations of Mitro and Guadar each increased by a percentage that exceeded the percentage by which the population of Korva increased. (D) Of the three regions, Korva's numerical increase in population was the smallest. (E) Korva's population grew by a smaller percentage than did the population of at least one of the other two autonomous regions.
3. In 1980, Country A had a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) that was $5,000 higher than that of the European Economic Community. By 1990, the difference, when adjusted for inflation, had increased to $6,000. Since a rising per capita GDP indicates a rising average standard of living, the average standard of living in Country A must have risen between 1980 and 1990. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Between 1980 and 1990, Country A and the European Economic Community experienced the same percentage increase in population. B. Between 1980 and 1990, the average standard of living in the European Economic Community fell. C. Some member countries of the European Economic Community had, during the 1980s, a higher average standard of living than Country A. D. The per capita GDP of the European Economic Community was not lower by more than $1,000 in 1990 than it had been in 1980. E. In 1990, no member country of the European Economic Community had a per capita GDP higher than that of Country A.
4. Students from outside the province of Markland, who in any given academic year pay twice as much tuition each as do students from Markland, had traditionally accounted for at least two-thirds of the enrollment at Central Markland College. Over the past 10 years academic standards at the college have risen, and the proportion of students who are not Marklanders has dropped to around 40 percent.
Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the statements above?
A. If it had not been for the high tuition paid by students from outside Markland, the college could not have improved its academic standards over the past 10 years. B. If academic standards had not risen over the past 10 years, students who are not Marklanders would still account for at least two-thirds of the college’s enrollment. C. Over the past 10 years, the number of students from Markland increased and the number of students from outside Markland decreased. D. Over the past 10 years, academic standards at Central Markland College have risen by more than academic standards at any other college in Markland. E. If the college’s per capita revenue from tuition has remained the same, tuition fees have increased over the past 10 years.
The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper. “The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”
作者: kidvii 时间: 2011-9-2 19:46
此楼为答案 D E D E
作者: UlysessHope 时间: 2011-9-2 20:54
顶一下 请教楼主,POWER SCORE CR BIBLE 哪有下载?作者: UlysessHope 时间: 2011-9-2 21:14
哦 我找到了 The PowerScore GMAT Critical Reasoning Bible: A Comprehensive System for Attacking the GMAT Critical Reasoning Questions作者: superbat28 时间: 2011-9-2 22:05
mark……今天欠作业吧。。状态全无。。作者: fox0923 时间: 2011-9-2 22:58
29s Premise: Other products price has been increased in different % higher than 3%. Conclusion: The consumer price average has been less than 3% is not true. Weaken: The average consumer price increase is different from the unit consumer price increase. (D)
45s Premise: three autonomic regions K,M & G receive federal revenues according to their population. Conclusion: The federal revenue was decreased even though the population of K was increased. Assumption: population increase+?=revenue increase(没想出来) 选项: (B) The population of Korva grew by a smaller percentage than it did in previous years.
27s Premise: The GDP has been increased from 5000 to 6000, and GDP indicates the standard living. Conclusion: The standard living has been increased between 1980 and 1990. Assumption: The standard living in A was higher than that in European community in 1980. (D)
34s Premise: The students who are not from M. always pay twice tuition more than the M. students, and 2/3 of students are not from M. Conclusion: The students who are not from M has been dropped 40%. Inference: The students who enrolled in college are from M is 2/3x3/5=40% (C)
AA Conclusion: The application to build a shopping mall in Elm city should be denied. Weaken: 1. 类比:It's inappropriate to use Oak City as a sample to illustrate the failure of Elm city only based on the local condition and environments in OAk city. 2. 他因:There might be other reasons that caused the OAk City's crimes, shortage of parking, and etc....such as government control or budget. 3. Compare the recent years of economy to the past in Elm City in order to see if this city is able to build a new construction, instead, the author compares Oak city's economy to Elm's.作者: fox0923 时间: 2011-9-2 22:59
此楼为答案 D E D E
-- by 会员 kidvii (2011/9/2 19:46:41)
kid,给我吧!!!作者: 纳丁Cat 时间: 2011-9-3 14:40
9-2 1.40s Politician: Those economists who claim that consumer price increases have averaged less than 3 percent over the last year are mistaken. They clearly have not shopped anywhere recently. Gasoline is up 10 percent over the last year; my auto insurance, 12 percent; newspapers, 15 percent; propane, 13%; bread, 50 percent. The reasoning in the politician’s argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that the argument 结论:有人说人们的平均消费下降了3%是不对的。 原因:他们都花费到其他地方去了。比如油啊、报纸啊啥的
A. impugns the character of the economists rather than addressing their arguments B. fails to show that the economists mentioned are not experts in the area of consumer prices C. mistakenly infers that something is not true from the claim that it has not been shown to be so D. uses evidence drawn from a small sample that may well be unrepresentative E. attempts to persuade by making an emotional appeal 前提削弱,以偏概全。
2.45s Ditrama is a federation made up of three autonomous regions: Korva, Mitro, and Guadar. Under the federal revenue-sharing plan, each region receives a share of federal revenues equal to the share of the total population of Ditrama residing in that region, as shown by a yearly population survey. Last year, the percentage of federal revenues Korva received for its share decreased somewhat even though the population survey on which the revenue-sharing was based showed that Korva's population had increased. If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also have been shown by the population survey on which last year's revenue-sharing in Ditrama was based? 前提:一个联邦D由K、M和G3个地区组成,他们分的的财政收入于他们的人数匹配。K到的收入变少了,尽管人数大大增加了。
支持:K和M增加的比例更多。 (A) Of the three regions, Korva had the smallest number of residents. (B) The population of Korva grew by a smaller percentage than it did in previous years. (C) The populations of Mitro and Guadar each increased by a percentage that exceeded the percentage by which the population of Korva increased. (D) Of the three regions, Korva's numerical increase in population was the smallest. (E) Korva's population grew by a smaller percentage than did the population of at least one of the other two autonomous regions. E是一定成立的,C是不一定成立的。前提削弱。
3.35s In 1980, Country A had a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) that was $5,000 higher than that of the European Economic Community. By 1990, the difference, when adjusted for inflation, had increased to $6,000. Since a rising per capita GDP indicates a rising average standard of living, the average standard of living in Country A must have risen between 1980 and 1990. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? 信息:A国家收入80年人均GDP为5000比欧共体多5000。90年,考虑通涨后,为6000. 结论:因为人均GDP是衡量生活水平的一个重要标志,所以A的生活水平上升了。
A. Between 1980 and 1990, Country A and the European Economic Community experienced the same percentage increase in population. B. Between 1980 and 1990, the average standard of living in the European Economic Community fell. C. Some member countries of the European Economic Community had, during the 1980s, a higher average standard of living than Country A. D. The per capita GDP of the European Economic Community was not lower by more than $1,000 in 1990 than it had been in 1980. E. In 1990, no member country of the European Economic Community had a per capita GDP higher than that of Country A.
4. 35 s Students from outside the province of Markland, who in any given academic year pay twice as much tuition each as do students from Markland, had traditionally accounted for at least two-thirds of the enrollment at Central Markland College. Over the past 10 years academic standards at the college have risen, and the proportion of students who are not Marklanders has dropped to around 40 percent.
Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the statements above? 信息:K中心的学费比外面多2陪。这解释了2/3的入学率。然而K的学术成绩上升10%后,外面的入学下降了40%。 信息:从M省外面来的学生,比本省的学生,要给2倍的学费。而外省的学生至少有2/3。过去10年,大学的学术水平上升了,但是外省学生的比例下降了40%。
A. If it had not been for the high tuition paid by students from outside Markland, the college could not have improved its academic standards over the past 10 years. B. If academic standards had not risen over the past 10 years, students who are not Marklanders would still account for at least two-thirds of the college’s enrollment. C. Over the past 10 years, the number of students from Markland increased and the number of students from outside Markland decreased. D. Over the past 10 years, academic standards at Central Markland College have risen by more than academic standards at any other college in Markland. E. If the college’s per capita revenue from tuition has remained the same, tuition fees have increased over the past 10 years. 关系推理作者: 大三准备留学 时间: 2012-4-5 11:22
1.p:E说平均物价只上涨了百分之三是扯淡。。举了各种涨了百分之10的例子 削弱P:平均的含义啊!!
4. 超时。。。好绕。。。看了两三遍才看明白
M省内的学生比省外的学生少付一半的学费。省外学生占四分之三的Central M College的注册学生。
inference。。。 作者: Monica2020 时间: 2019-8-2 08:49
1. 0:24 ;1:10
infor: Those economists clearly have not shopped anywhere recently.
infor:Gasoline is up 10 percent over the lastyear; my auto insurance, 12 percent; newspapers, 15 percent... criticism
D. uses evidence drawn from a small sample that may well be unrepresentative
2.0:30 ; 1:11
information:Last year, the percentage of federal revenues Korva received decreased even though population had increase
own idea:the percentage of increase is different in each areas
(C) The populations of Mitro and Guadar each increased by a percentage that exceeded the percentage by which the population of Korva increased.
premise:In 1980, Country A GDP was $5,000 higher than that of the European Economic Community.
By 1990, the difference had increased to $6,000.
conclusion: the average standard of living in Country A must have risen
assumption: the GDP/ living condition EEC in 1990 did not fall a lot
D. The per capita GDP of the European Economic Community was not lower by
more than $1,000 in 1990 than it had been in 1980.
4.0:35; 1:45
infor1:Students from outside M pay twice as much tuition as students from Markland, their percentage is 2/3
infor 2: in last 10 years academic standards have risen, and the proportion of students who are not M has dropped to around 40 percent.
C. Over the past 10 years, the number of students from Markland increased and the number of students from outside Markland decreased.