标题: 请教大全300 [打印本页] 作者: Yangkd 时间: 2011-9-2 07:36 标题: 请教大全300 Following the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger, investigators concluded that many key people employed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its contractors work an excessive amount of overtime that has the potential of causing errors in judgment.
(A) overtime that has the potential of causing (B) overtime that has the potential to cause (C) overtime that potentially can cause (D) overtime, a practice that has the potential for causing (E) overtime, a practice that can, potentially, cause
顺利排除ABC之后,D和E真的很难抉择~~ 答案是E,但是potentially的问题真的奇怪;选D又觉得the potential for causing的表达不好~~ 反复琢磨了3分钟,选了D~~个人感觉DE的问题都不足以让我自己排除掉任何一个~~ 求NN们指点作者: myancamel 时间: 2011-9-2 10:23
DE语法都正确,当然要优选动词cause了作者: chasekai 时间: 2011-9-3 23:53
和楼主一样的疑惑,贴一道og: Refer to Q-159, OG-10 While depressed property values can hurt some large investors, they are potentially devastating for home-owners. whose equity--in many cases representing a life's savings--can plunge or even disappear. (A) they are potentially devastating for homeowners, whose (B) they can potentially devastate homeowners in that their (C) for homeowners they are potentially devastating, because their (D) for homeowners, it is potentially devastating in that their (E) it can potentially devastate homeowners, whose ---- Explanation - "... can potentially is redundant in B and E. ..."
既然OG这么说,再把大全里面的题目和OG一比较,我认为至少大全答案是不怎么合理的。大全有几道争议题,我想这是不是也是一道有点争议的题目。 欢迎高手解惑!作者: evayan3176 时间: 2013-9-12 05:14
引用Mahattan Forums上staff的解释:
“Now, between D and E, you do have to know that they consider "has the potential for causing" wordier than "can, potentially, cause. Fewer words, yes, but also just using the verb form (since we're talking about an action, that's preferred to writing the verb in noun form).”
总结就是D:wordy E:正确使用最佳搭配 动词加名词 amount of overtime can cause error.