
标题: 想请问下OG 对36C项的解释· [打印本页]

作者: mia113    时间: 2011-8-30 21:06
标题: 想请问下OG 对36C项的解释·
36.Offshore oil-drilling operations entail an unavoidablerisk of an oil spill, but importing oil on tankerspresently entails an even greater such risk perbarrel of oil. Therefore, if we are to reduce the risk ofan oil spill without curtailing our use of oil, we mustinvest more in offshore operations and import less oilon tankers.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens
the argument above?

(A)Tankers can easily be redesigned so that their
use entails less risk of an oil spill.

(B)Oil spills caused by tankers have generally been
more serious than those caused by offshore

(0 The impact of offshore operations on the
environment can be controlled by careful

(D)Offshore operations usually damage the ocean
floor, but tankers rarely cause such damage.

(E)Importing oil on tankers is currently less
expensive than drilling for it offshore.

OG说C可以support, 但是我认为是无关选项·因为原文是在比较两种方式哪种 更好
而C只说明了offshore operations的environment impact可以控制,并没有给出有关tankers的信息·所以我认为是不能判断

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-8-31 00:26
Well, whether it is supportive or irrelevant, C) is not weakening. Why bother?
作者: mia113    时间: 2011-8-31 21:12
在对OG复习总结阶段·所以想搞清楚GMAC关于每种类型的题得出题思路 包括正确选项和错误选项·
我个人觉得题目中 就AB两事物进行比较,得出某个结论 如果要weaken或support的话·正确选项的信息应该是同时关于A和B的·
比方说: Because A is cheaper than B, A is better than B
the quality of B is better than that of A 对
the quality of B is good 无关 (We don't have the information about the quality of A, so we cannot use this statement to juge which one is better)

举完这个例子 我突然一下明白了为什么36题中A选项虽然没有说offshore,是support C中没有说tanker是weaken了
这题和我举得例子不同。 他们还是在说oil spill这个environment impact的问题· 题干里是:因为Offshore比tanker在oil spill上好,所以offshore好
A,使这个原因可能不成立, C 使原因更成立
作者: mia113    时间: 2011-8-31 21:22
刚刚看了下OG 47题
Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
Davison River farmers are currently deciding between planting winter wheat this fall or spring wheat next spring.
Winter wheat and spring wheat are usually about equally profi table. Because of new government restrictions
on the use of Davison River water for irrigation, per acre yields for winter wheat, though not for spring wheat,
would be much lower than average. Therefore, planting spring wheat will be more profi table than planting winter
wheat, since .
(A) the smaller-than-average size of a winter wheat harvest this year would not be compensated for by higher
winter wheat prices
(B) new crops of spring wheat must be planted earlier than the time at which standing crops of winter wheat
are ready to be harvested
(C) the spring wheat that farmers in the Davison River region plant is well adapted to the soil of the region
(D) spring wheat has uses that are different from those of winter wheat
(E) planting spring wheat is more profi table than planting certain other crops, such as rye

OG对C选项的解释:Th is does not help explain why spring wheat is likely to be more profi table than winter wheat,
because it gives no information about how well winter wheat is adapted to the soil of the region
此时比较谁更profitable, 原文中已经有了一个evidence: yields of Sw > yields of WW  (类似与我举得例子中的cheaper)
sw is well adapted to soil (类似与我举得 quality of B is good)无关

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