
标题: 【每日逻辑链练习贴】【逻辑2-1】 [打印本页]

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-27 09:17
标题: 【每日逻辑链练习贴】【逻辑2-1】
不好意思 daisy迟到了 haha 今天开始走到系列2了。最勤奋的bat,糊糊,bala和纳丁有什么感受呢。

1. In January of last year the Moviemania chain of movie theaters started propping its popcorn in canola oil, instead of the less healthful coconut oil that it had been using until then.  Now Moviemania is planning to switch back, saying that the change has hurt popcorn sales.  That claim is false, however, since according to Moviemania’s own sales figures, Moviemania sold 5 percent more popcorn last year than in the previous year.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument against Moviemania’s claim?

Key: Total sales of all refreshments at Moviemania’s movie theaters increased by less than 5 percent last year.

Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
Twenty percent of the stores in Morganville's downtown shopping district will fail within five years because they will be competing directly with the SaveMart discount department store newly opened in East Morganville.  The downtown shopping district has lost business at this rate before and has always completely rebounded.  Confidence that it will rebound again from the losses it is now about to suffer is ill founded, however, because __________.
--08prep 77

Key:the stores likely to be put out of business by direct competition from SaveMart are the downtown shopping district's anchor stores , on whose ability to draw shoppers many of the other downtown stores depend
Columnist: A democratic society cannot exist unless its citizens have established strong bonds of mutual trust. Such bonds are formed and strengthened only by participation in civic organizations, political parties, and other groups outside the family. It is obvious then that widespread reliance on movies and electronic media for entertainment has an inherently corrosive effect on democracy.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the columnist’s argument depends?
Key: Relying on movies and electronic media for entertainment generally makes people less likely to participate in groups outside their families.

4. Medical researcher: As expected, records covering the last four years of ten major hospitals indicate that babies born prematurely were more likely to have low birth weights and to suffer from health problems than were babies not born prematurely. These records also indicate that mothers who had received adequate prenatal care were less likely to have low birth weight babies than were mothers who had received inadequate prenatal care. Adequate prenatal care, therefore, significantly decreases the risk of low birth weight babies.
Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the medical researcher’s argument?
Key: Mothers giving birth prematurely are routinely classified by hospitals as having received inadequate prenatal care when the record of that care is not available.

5. Unlike newspapers in the old days, today’s newspapers and televised news programs are full of stories about murders and assaults in our city. One can only conclude from this change that violent crime is now out of control, and, to be safe from personal attack, one should not leave one’s home except for absolute necessities.
Which one of the following, if true, would cast the most serious doubt on the conclusion?
Key: Newspapers and televised news programs have more comprehensive coverage of violent crime than newspapers did in the old days.
作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-8-27 10:13
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-27 10:17
-- by 会员 balapupu (2011/8/27 10:13:07)

   我也是 纠结 我们要不要定一个顺序 比如今天我找prep1-5 那样就不容易乱了
作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-8-27 10:29
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-27 10:48
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-27 11:01
1. 38s  一上来读太快。。懵了。。
Conclusion: Popcorn sell is not hurt
Premise: The sales figure shows that the sale increased 5%

Support: 不存在一个削弱的可能==>比如答案。。。就表明了,其实大部分都达不到5%,你达到5%了,就证明你的sale真的没有被影响。。

2. 38s
Background: An analogy between now and past was made.
Conclusion: We cannot embrace the same economy rebound this time
Premise:  _______________________

Answer: 这次和上次不一样。。。

3. 35s
Conclusion: Entertaining materials corrupts demoncracy
Premise: To miantain demoncracy, we need partcipate into many types of organisms

Assumption: 引入新名词了~要link上~ Entertaining materials hamper people from participating into many types of organims

4. 50s   我就不写了。这道题我自己之前做过,被死虐的一道题。。。

5. 32s
Conclusion: Nowadays, violence is too much, people should be careful
Premise: Today, television give too much info on the murders...

Weaken: Previously, the coverage was not enough to spot all the murders...
作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-8-27 11:03
3.【39s】一个民主的社会 ,它的国民必须要有相互信任感——》只有参加一些政治组织等什活动的人才会有这种信任感——》所以,当今社会各种电子娱乐活动严重影响到了一个国家的民主。
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-27 12:01
我觉得最好的保证方法,就是大家天天做作业= =
作者: 纳丁Cat    时间: 2011-8-27 15:45

A. the stores likely to be put out of business by direct competition from SaveMart are the downtown shopping district's anchor stores , on whose ability to draw shoppers many of the other downtown stores depend
作者: 纳丁Cat    时间: 2011-8-27 16:03

1. 30 s
In January of last year the Moviemania chain of movie theaters started propping its popcorn in canola oil, instead of the less healthful coconut oil that it had been using until then.  Now Moviemania is planning to switch back, saying that the change has hurt popcorn sales.  That claim is false, however, since according to Moviemania’s own sales figures, Moviemania sold 5 percent more popcorn last year than in the previous year.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument against Moviemania’s claim?

Key: Total sales of all refreshments at Moviemania’s movie theaters increased by less than 5 percent last year.前提支持

2. 40s
Twenty percent of the stores in Morganville's downtown shopping district will fail within five years because they will be competing directly with the SaveMart discount department store newly opened in East Morganville.  The downtown shopping district has lost business at this rate before and has always completely rebounded.  Confidence that it will rebound again from the losses it is now about to suffer is ill founded, however, because __________.

Key: A. the stores likely to be put out of business by direct competition from SaveMart are the downtown shopping district's anchor stores, on whose ability to draw shoppers many of the other downtown stores depend
put out of business使破产anchor stores主力店

Columnist: A democratic society cannot exist unless its citizens have established strong bonds of mutual trust. Such bonds are formed and strengthened only by participation in civic organizations, political parties, and other groups outside the family. It is obvious then that widespread reliance on movies and electronic media for entertainment has an inherently corrosive effect on democracy.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the columnist’s argument depends?
Inherently本质的  corrosive腐蚀性的

Key: Relying on movies and electronic media for entertainment generally makes people less likely to participate in groups outside their families. 补上gap

4. 45s
Medical researcher: As expected, records covering the last four years of ten major hospitals indicate that babies born prematurely were more likely to have low birth weights and to suffer from health problems than were babies not born prematurely. These records also indicate that mothers who had received adequate prenatal care were less likely to have low birth weight babies than were mothers who had received inadequate prenatal care. Adequate prenatal care, therefore, significantly decreases the risk of low birth weight babies.
Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the medical researcher’s argument?
prenatal care 产前护理
前提:几个医院的调查显示,早产儿比普通婴儿亲些。而母亲接受少的p care比接受多的生的娃娃也要轻些。
结论:P care 对决定娃娃的重量很重要

削弱:早产儿的妈妈接受p care少些。

Key: Mothers giving birth prematurely are routinely classified by hospitals as having received inadequate prenatal care when the record of that care is not available. 他因涉入

5. 20s
Unlike newspapers in the old days, today’s newspapers and televised news programs are full of stories about murders and assaults in our city. One can only conclude from this change that violent crime is now out of control, and, to be safe from personal attack, one should not leave one’s home except for absolute necessities.
Which one of the following, if true, would cast the most serious doubt on the conclusion?

Key: Newspapers and televised news programs have more comprehensive coverage of violent crime than newspapers did in the old days. 前提削弱。
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-27 22:40

A. the stores likely to be put out of business by direct competition from SaveMart are the downtown shopping district's anchor stores , on whose ability to draw shoppers many of the other downtown stores depend
-- by 会员 纳丁Cat (2011/8/27 15:45:32)

       噢 我又糊涂了 马上修改~~  纳丁九月中考??
作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-8-27 22:46
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-27 22:55

A. the stores likely to be put out of business by direct competition from SaveMart are the downtown shopping district's anchor stores , on whose ability to draw shoppers many of the other downtown stores depend
-- by 会员 纳丁Cat (2011/8/27 15:45:32)

作者: 纳丁Cat    时间: 2011-8-28 14:30

A. the stores likely to be put out of business by direct competition from SaveMart are the downtown shopping district's anchor stores , on whose ability to draw shoppers many of the other downtown stores depend
-- by 会员 纳丁Cat (2011/8/27 15:45:32)

       噢 我又糊涂了 马上修改~~  纳丁九月中考??
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/27 22:40:13)

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-28 14:42
-- by 会员 balapupu (2011/8/27 22:46:47)

    我改过来了~ 是吗?
作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-8-28 20:21
恩~~是我理解错了。。要是我做真选的C了~原来和same kind 没有关系。。我往discount 和 nondiscount那个方面想了。。。。
作者: kidvii    时间: 2011-8-29 06:49
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-29 11:00
Premise: The company wants to change the oil made popcorn back to the original one.
Conclusion: The company actually increased its revenue 5% than the previous year, so it shouldn't change it back.
Strengthen: The cost of changing the new popcorn back to the original one will also cost a lot money on equipment changes as well.

Premise: The stores which compete with this discounted store will loss their market.
Conclusion: However, these stores which have been lost would get back their confidence again.
Complete: Because these stores would discount their products more than the discounted store in order to allure customers.

Premise: The democratic cannot be achieved without the civic events outside of family among people.
Conclusion: The social medias will be a corrosive factor to affect the democracy.
Assumption: The social medias such as TV and videos do not belong to the civic events the democracy can only depend on.

Premise: The baby with low birth weight are likely to be premature than baby without low birth weight.
Conclusion: The parent with adequate parental care are not likely to have baby with low birth weight.
Weaken: The baby with low birth weight can be caused by other reasons.

Premise: The newspaper shows that the crimes numbers have been increased.
Conclusion: People shouldn't leave their homes unless there are emergency
Weaken: The crimes report on most newspaper show the same crimes all the time.
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-29 11:02
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-29 11:04
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-9-8 16:19
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/8/29 11:02:11)

  也对呵 我现在才看到糊糊的回复。题重复的话 我们就简单的重复下去吧 像糊糊说的那样逼着自己像遇到新题那样思考。
作者: DREAMNENGNENG    时间: 2011-9-8 20:56
1.    In January of last year the Moviemania chain of movie theaters started propping its popcorn in canola oil, instead of the less healthful coconut oil that it had been using until then.  Now Moviemania is planning to switch back, saying that the change has hurt popcorn sales.  That claim is false, however, since according to Moviemania’s own sales figures, Moviemania sold 5 percent more popcorn last year than in the previous year.


推测:以下哪个选项可以支持M的说法  或者  反对作者的说法


Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument against Moviemania’s claim?

Key: Total sales of all refreshments at Moviemania’s movie theaters increased by less than 5 percent last year.

Twenty percent of the stores in Morganville's downtown shopping district will fail within five years because they will be competing directly with the SaveMart discount department store newly opened in East Morganville.  The downtown shopping district has lost business at this rate before and has always completely rebounded.  Confidence that it will rebound again from the losses it is now about to suffer is ill founded, however, because __________.

M地区的那些商店将会在S开业的时候纷纷lost businesses;但是这些lost 的business还是会恢复的,因为以前面临过同样的情况。
上述说法是有问题的,因为 S和其他的是不同的。

A. the stores likely to be put out of business by direct competition from SaveMart are the downtown shopping district's anchor stores , on whose ability to draw shoppers many of the other downtown stores depend
Columnist: A democratic society cannot exist unless its citizens have established strong bonds of mutual trust. Such bonds are formed and strengthened only by participation in civic organizations, political parties, and other groups outside the family. It is obvious then that widespread reliance on movies and electronic media for  entertainment has an inherently corrosive effect on democracy.


预测:以下可以WEAKEN 作者观点的
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the columnist’s argument depends?
Key: Relying on movies and electronic media for entertainment generally makes people less likely to participate in groups outside their families.

Medical researcher: As expected, records covering the last four years of ten major hospitals indicate that babies born prematurely were more likely to have low birth weights and to suffer from health problems than were babies not born prematurely. These records also indicate that mothers who had received adequate prenatal care were less likely to have low birth weight babies than were mothers who had received inadequate prenatal care. Adequate prenatal care, therefore, significantly decreases the risk of low birth weight babies.

P1. 早熟的宝宝比不早熟的宝宝轻
P2. 有care 的妈妈一般较少生早熟的宝宝
结论:care 降低BABY不足重量的风险。


Mothers giving birth prematurely are routinely classified by hospitals as having received inadequate prenatal care when the record of that care is not available.

因为care不足,那些生了不足月的宝宝的妈妈会被专门分类出来,但是她们之前的care 的记录通常是not available 的,或者说就是说明记录是不可靠的;将Medical 学者得出结论的证据否定掉,就可以起到否定结论的作用啦

Unlike newspapers in the old days, today’s newspapers and televised news programs are full of stories about murders and assaults in our city. One can only conclude from this change that violent crime is now out of control, and, to be safe from personal attack, one should not leave one’s home except for absolute necessities.

Which one of the following, if true, would cast the most serious doubt on the conclusion?
Key: Newspapers and televised news programs have more comprehensive coverage (更加透彻、深入的报道。)of violent crime than newspapers did in the old days.

[本帖最后由 daisyの小夢想 于 2011-08-27 22:40:50 编辑]
数量 VS 深度和广度
作者: 大三准备留学    时间: 2012-3-7 18:25


2.百分之二十的商店都要关门 由于S打着商场的开门。但是他们都会重新恢复的 就像五年前一样先倒闭在恢复  但是这个结论是不对的 因为:反正和原来有啥子不同吧。。。

3.一个民主的国家需要人们互相信任 互相信任需要社会有团体组织 所以现在的大众媒体的娱乐休闲节目对我们的民主产生了腐蚀作用。。。


4.小孩premature就会低体重  母亲怀孕没照料好就会使得小孩低体重 所以良好的照脸会大大减少低体重


5.不想过去的报纸 现在的报纸和电视节目播报了大量的谋杀伤人事件,能够总结现在治安不好,人们没有绝对必要不要离开自己的住宅

作者: MiaZhang    时间: 2012-11-14 19:46



作者: Cybill    时间: 2013-6-28 15:51
1. 45'
P: change oil hurt sales.
P: moviemania is plan to switch back.
C: Figures show that sales 5%more than last year.
P: always rebounded last year,
C: confidence this time is hard to found,
3. 40'
P: outside increase democratic society
C: movies and electronic media corrosive effect on democracy
Assumption: inside house = media
4. 38'
P: baby prematurely --- low birth weight ----- hove not adequate prenatal
C: adequate prenatal ---- decrease low birth weight
Weaken: Record is wrong
5. 24'
作者: flonacui    时间: 2013-8-11 19:57
P:The sales figure shows that M sold 5% more popcorn than before.
C:The popcorn sales  increased because of the switch.
strengthen:Other cinemas experienced a sales drop.
P:M has always rebounded before.
C:It is impossible to rebound this time.
complete:This newly opened discount department is superior.
类比推理 原来会rebound现在也会rebound
info:The success of the democratic society depends on the mutual trust with citizens.
P:participating some kinds of the organization will enhance the democracy
Carticipating some entertainment activities could corosive effect on democracy.
GAParticipating some entertainment activities could inhibit people from participationg the organizations
P Women with adquate P are less likely to have low birth weight babies.
c adequate P care significantly reduce the risks of low birth weight baby.
weaken: other factors
削弱:早产儿和妈妈是否经过足够呵护没有关系 生早产儿的妈妈被医院自动分类成没有经过足够呵护
P The increase publicity of the murder in newspapers than before.
C The murder is out of control and we could better not go our unless necessary.
weaken: other factors account for the increase publicity. people's open mind
作者: Yvette19    时间: 2013-8-30 03:07
1. 45s
BG1 : 某电影院之前卖的爆米花是用椰子油,不健康。(椰子油 - - 难道是传说中的健康杀手棕榈油?XD)
BG2: 去年一月起改用另一种油。
Claim: 但是最近他们又打算用回椰子油,因为他们觉得改用这种油之后吧对爆米花的销量不利。
Argument: 然而他们是错的,因为实际上去年的销售量比前年增加了百分之五。


2. 45s
BG2: 通常情况下这种损失比率他们最后还是可以复苏的。
Conclusion: 但是这次这种情况他们再复苏的可能性是没有的。

Premise: 因为。。这次情况严重到必死无疑的程度

3. 55s
Conclusion: 因此,过分依赖把电影和电子媒体作为娱乐方式,对于民主是木有好处的。

Assumption: 建立这些组织和媒体娱乐相矛盾?

4.  42s
1. 早产儿比非早产儿普遍体重轻。
2. 母亲收到良好的产前护理,更不易生出体重轻的婴儿。
Conclusion: 因此良好的产前护理能有效降低婴儿体重轻的概率。

Weaken: 孩婴儿是否早产和产前护理无关。

5. 30s
Sub-Conclusion: 由此可以判断当今的犯罪事件已经不受控制了。
Conclusion: 所以不是非得出门的话还是宅在家里吧!

weaken: old newspapers didn't not report all the crimes
作者: 大三准备留学    时间: 2013-8-30 22:24
Yvette19 发表于 2013-8-30 03:07
1. 45s
BG1 : 某电影院之前卖的爆米花是用椰子油,不健康。(椰子油 - - 难道是传说中的健康杀手棕榈油?XD ...

作者: 小运    时间: 2019-2-5 19:10
con: popcorn sale higher than last year
prem: sale 5% more than last year
bg: M swith the oil to coconut, the sale down, so switch back to oil

2.1'23(最后一句未理解,however 在后面总是要反应一会儿)
con:the confidence to rebound back always
inter con: 20% shoppers will fall when compete with S in ES
premise: 20% shoppers in the downtown fall

if de s, then mutual bond. if mutual bond ,then partipation in CO, PO. if medai, then no democracy
con:if no partipation= media

premature babies----- low weight
inadequate-----low weight
con: if adequate, no low weight

5.因: newspaper more violence than older
果:to avoid the vio, stay at home

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