coordinated with her narratives,(non essential) Beatrix Potter。。。
Attention1:In her book illustrations, carefully coordinating
them with her narratives, Beatrix Potter。。。
解释:Phrase carefully coordinating … Illogicallymodifies the noun that immediatelyprecedes it: book illustrations; Potter, not the
illustrations, did the coordinating.
Attention2:Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully
coordinating them with her narratives,capitalized.
解释:The participial phrase does not clearly
modify the noun in the preceding phrase;
use of the present progressive form of the
verb confuses the sequence of time with
respect to the past tense of the main verb
---现在分词摆在两名词间就是怪!OG言则若现在分词修饰前面的名词符合逻辑,就不存在夹心修饰后面名词(主语)的嫌疑吗??不明白! 作者: merciCD 时间: 2011-8-15 15:08
补充,OG107题说 107.Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission OG解释:second modifier (having…) actually modifies the first modifier.作者: flywer 时间: 2011-8-15 18:04
先回答OG107吧 请lz再仔细看看,having 这个句子是紧跟在air pollutants的后面的,那么从语法规则上来说它就应该是修饰前面的air pullutants的。但是从逻辑意思上来说,这个句子应该是修饰a technique called...主句的,是一个什么什么样的技术能够分析化学元素,而不是空气污染(这第一个句子也是修饰主语的)。