标题: 请教大全608 [打印本页]
作者: michellelee 时间: 2004-7-6 01:32
标题: 请教大全608
1. Researchers have questioned the use of costly and experimental diagnostic tests to identify food allergies, such as milk, that supposedly disrupt normal behavior.
(A) to identify food allergies, such as
(B) to identify food allergies, like
(C) to identify food allergies, such as to
(D) for identifying food allergies, like that of(C)
(E) for identifying food allergies, such as for
为什么答案不是a ? 而是c?

作者: lost_my_account 时间: 2004-7-6 01:39
allergic to
作者: lost_my_account 时间: 2004-7-6 01:40
哪位NN来讲一下FOR + DOING表目的的用法。。我很迷惑
作者: michellelee 时间: 2004-7-6 02:08
thank s , I also feel confused about the use of "for doing...."
作者: paopao 时间: 2004-7-6 05:09
1. for 表sb目的时,后面只能接名词, 不能用v-ing. 如用动词,只能用to do.
例子:I go to restaurant for a dinner. (正确)
I go to USA for learning English. (错误)
2. for 后接v-ing时,一般是说明sth的用途.
例:It is a knife for slicing bread.
作者: tania 时间: 2005-8-9 15:18
谢谢paopao,帮助很大!可是我还有一个疑问,这里为什么不可以理解为costly and experimental diagnostic tests的用途就是identify food allergies,从而用for呢?也就是C选项为何不对呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-9 15:21:49编辑过]
作者: zimerman 时间: 2006-8-5 22:26
作者: hhjc 时间: 2007-9-13 17:02
作者: tonyakira 时间: 2007-9-13 19:30
to do 优于 for doing
作者: szy733 时间: 2008-6-26 16:52
作者: richrobey 时间: 2009-6-1 21:35
作者: elric9 时间: 2009-7-28 16:42
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