
标题: 【每日逻辑链练习贴】【逻辑1-9】 [打印本页]

作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-15 02:17
标题: 【每日逻辑链练习贴】【逻辑1-9】

#1 FEIFEI 91
91. Leachate is a solution, frequently highly contaminated, that develops when water permeates a landifill’s site. If and only if the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids is exceeded does the leachate escape into the environment, generally in unpredictable quantities. A method must be found for disposing of leach ate. Most landfill leachate is sent directly to sewage treatment plants, but not all sewage plants are capable of handling the highly contaminated water.

Which one of the following can be inferred from the passage?
E.    If leachate does not escape from a landfill into the environment, then the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids has not been exceeded.

#2 FEIFEI 92
92. Baking for winter holidays is a tradition that may have a sound medical basis. In midwinter, when days are short, many people suffer from a specific type of seasonal depression caused by lack of sunlight. Carbohydrates, both sugars and starches, boost the brain’s levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves the mood. In this respect, carbohydrates act on the brain in the same way as some antidepressants. Thus, eating holiday cookies may provide an effective form of self-prescribed medication.

Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the passage?
D.    Some antidepressants act by changing the brain’s level of serotonin.

#3 FEIFEI 93
93. The efficiency of microwave ovens in destroying the harmful bacteria frequently found in common foods is diminished by the presence of salt in the food being cooked. When heated in a microwave oven, the interior of unsalted food reaches temperatures high enough to kill bacteria that cause food poisoning, but the interior of salted food does not. Scientists theorize that salt effectively blocks the microwaves from heating the interior.

Which one of the following conclusions is most supported by the information above?
D.    The danger of food poisoning can be lessened if salt is not used to prepare foods that are to be cooked in a microwave oven.

#4 FEIFEI 95
95. Scientific research that involves international collaboration has produced papers of greater influence, as measured by the number of times a paper is cited in subsequent papers, than has research without any collaboration. Papers that result from international collaboration are cited an average of seven times, whereas papers with single authors are cited only three times on average. This difference shows that research projects conducted by international research teams are of greater importance than those conducted by single researchers.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
C.    The number of citations a paper receives is a measure of the importance of the research it reports.

#5 AA60 有点长。。
60. The following appeared as part of a recommendation by one of the directors of the Beta Company.
“The Alpha Company has just reduced its workforce by laying off fifteen percent of its employees in all divisions and at all levels, and it is encouraging early retirement for other employees. As you know, the Beta Company manufactures some products similar to Alpha’s, but our profits have fallen over the last few years. To improve Beta’s competitive position, we should try to hire a significant number of Alpha’s former workers, since these experienced workers can provide valuable information about Alpha’s successful methods, will require little training, and will be particularly motivated to compete against Alpha.”
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-15 11:39
1. 33s
Info1: L is a solution that is contaminated
Info2: We must control L
Info3: Some measures have been adopted, but not all landfills are capable of controlling L

Inference: Some landfills cannot prevent L

2. 38s
Info1: baking cookie in the winter is good
Info2: People suffer from depression in winters because of the lack of sunlight
Info3: Cookies can boost ….. and have the same effect with medication

Inference: …….看了答案发现…inference题真不好inference….

3. 38s
Info1: It is said salt limits the ability to kill bacteria
Info2: More salt, less able to kill bacteria.

Inference: ……继续看答案。。。

4. 38s
Premise: International collaboration paper is cited more by subsequent people
Conclusion: International collaboration paper is more important

Assumption: Importance= more frequent
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-15 11:45
1. No reason that they need little training===>the structure in both companies may differentiate each other very much
2. No reason to believe that profits will rise====>We do not know whether the currently low profits level is caused by high payment, and we do not know whether those former Alpha's employees will charge very high salary
3. Reach the conclusion to hastly====>Again, those method may not be applicalbe in Beta, and we do not know whether such a behavior may encounter some legal sue....
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-16 07:14
Must Be True: 可以寻找那种有能力过滤L的S植物来过滤以解决污染问题。

BG: Lacking sunlight, People usually suffer from seasonal depression in midwinter.
Premise: Carbonhydrate can increase S, which can improve mind.
Conclusion:Thus, people can eat holiday cookies to improve mind.
Must Be True: ...wait and see...

3. 42s
Oven waves can kill the bacteria of unsalted food, while they can't kill the bacteria in the interior of the salted food.
Conclusion: Scientists hytheosize that salt prvents oven waves from heating the interior.
Must Be True:
The heat that reaches the interior of the salted food is not high enough to kill the bacteria.

Premise: Papers with collaboration are cited more times than papers with single authors.
Research conducted by international teams are more improtant than that conducted by individual.
The number of being cited is an essential standard of assessing a paper's improtance.

1. A公司裁掉的员工如果是没有能力的,不能掌握Alpha’s successful methods的呢?
T。T 要出去了 回来再看 btw那道恶心的AA我还没懂。。
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-16 12:28
Premise: L is contaminated and L can get into the plant
Conclusion: so we have to find measurements to solve the problem, but not all measurements are useful for attacking it.
Inference: The plants will be contaminated if there's no effective method to control it.

Premise: Baking during short winter time is benefit for human's depressant because of the carbonhydrate.
Conclusion: Eating cookies will have the effect of anti-depressant.(又和答案不一样~)
Inference: Cookie has carbonhydrate.

Premise 1: The food without salt under the microwave heat can release poison, but the food with salt doesnt release poison.
Premise 2: The salt can block the heat of microwave.
Conclusion: The salt can take away the poison by blocking the heat of microwave.

Premise: The international collaboration has greater influence on paper production than individual one. International has 7times as average one, and individual one has 3times as average one.
Conclusion: The international research is better than individual one.
Assumption: This citation is based on the comparison of international researches and individual researches.
作者: 纳丁Cat    时间: 2011-8-19 15:31
1. 40s
Leachate is a solution, frequently highly contaminated, that develops when water permeates a landifill’s site. If and only if the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids is exceeded does the leachate escape into the environment, generally in unpredictable quantities. A method must be found for disposing of leach ate. Most landfill leachate is sent directly to sewage treatment plants, but not all sewage plants are capable of handling the highly contaminated water.
Which one of the following can be inferred from the passage?
Leachate沥出液 permeates弥漫
L是一个溶液会污染环境。它在垃圾场里,当垃圾场hold liquids的容量超过了,L就会污染环境。结论:所以要一些方法来过滤它。
标答:E.    If leachate does not escape from a landfill into the environment, then the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids has not been exceeded. 逆否命题。关系推理。

92. Baking for winter holidays is a tradition that may have a sound medical basis. In midwinter, when days are short, many people suffer from a specific type of seasonal depression caused by lack of sunlight. Carbohydrates, both sugars and starches, boost the brain’s levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves the mood. In this respect, carbohydrates act on the brain in the same way as some antidepressants. Thus, eating holiday cookies may provide an effective form of self-prescribed medication.
Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the passage?
标答:  Some antidepressants act by changing the brain’s level of serotonin. 补上gap

3. 30s
The efficiency of microwave ovens in destroying the harmful bacteria frequently found in common foods is diminished by the presence of salt in the food being cooked. When heated in a microwave oven, the interior of unsalted food reaches temperatures high enough to kill bacteria that cause food poisoning, but the interior of salted food does not. Scientists theorize that salt effectively blocks the microwaves from heating the interior.
Which one of the following conclusions is most supported by the information above?
微波炉加热食物杀死里面的细菌。后来发现,加了没有加盐的食物里面的细菌容易被杀死,加了的不容易。结论:盐阻止了微波炉杀死细菌。 到达高温
标答:D.    The danger of food poisoning can be lessened if salt is not used to prepare foods that are to be cooked in a microwave oven. 结论支持,简单重复

4. 35s
95. Scientific research that involves international collaboration has produced papers of greater influence, as measured by the number of times a paper is cited in subsequent papers, than has research without any collaboration. Papers that result from international collaboration are cited an average of seven times, whereas papers with single authors are cited only three times on average. This difference shows that research projects conducted by international research teams are of greater importance than those conducted by single researchers.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
标答:C.    The number of citations a paper receives is a measure of the importance of the research
作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-19 23:00

#1 严重超时。Q:没想到。

#2 38s
p1. 冬天烧烤这个传统是有医学理由的
P2. 冬天日照时间短,容易抑郁
P3. 碳水化合物可以改善这种抑郁
Q: must be true——A和B是烧烤的【……差了十万八千里】

#3 35s

#4 55s
作者: 大三准备留学    时间: 2012-2-23 14:55
1.超时 LA是一种污水(solution看了半天) 是水穿过垃圾后的污水,这种污水是当垃圾没有足够的容积收容这些液体的时候会流出意想不到多的这种液体,必须有办法来解决这些污水,通常我们把它排到下水道里,但是下水道也没有足够的空间容纳这些污水

2.吃糖是冬天的一种习俗同时也有一定的药物效果,在冬天 很多人因为缺少阳光的照射使得精神萎靡,然后C中有物质可以刺激人释放S S会使得人们更加兴奋,减少抑郁,所以吃糖会对人们产生良好的药物效果


4.超时 国际合作的调查比单个调查更具有效果,因为国际调查的论文平均出现在其他类似的论文中7次,而单个调查只有3次
假设,出现的次数越多 说明效果越好
作者: CC5    时间: 2012-10-9 16:25
Inf1: L will change water into contaminated water.
 Inf2: L will prolife in unpredictable quantities
 Inf3: t plants can’t hand highly contaminated water

Infer: t plant can’t dispose L

Inf1: the c lever will be high in winter
Inf2: C can lead human to be in a good mood

Infer: people will be in a good mood easier in winter

Pre: salted food can’t kill the bacteria in it in a high temperature environment
Con: Scientist think salt can affect the microwave
My a:用中文吧,应该是少加盐有关的选项
4. pre: papers with international c have greater influence than that don’t have
 Con: research projects conducted by international research teams are of impotance than those conducted by single research
 Ass: the importance of a research is due to its papers
作者: MiaZhang    时间: 2012-11-9 16:42
P是一种处理水的方法,通常会被污染。只有当landfill承装液体的能力被超出的时候L才会逃到大气里面,数量不可预见。所有的landfill L都被直接送到污水处理厂,但是不是所有的污水处理厂都能处理这种被污染的水。


Main Point:【对结论的改写】


作者: Cybill    时间: 2013-4-19 11:42
1. BG: water contaminate often permeate landfill site. Only when liquids in landfill's capacity is exceeded does the leachate escape into the environment.
Premise: leachate is sent directly to sewage.
Conclusion: however, not all plants in sewage are capable of handling the highly contaminated water.

BG: people lack of sunlight will depression.
Premise: Sugars and starches contain Carbohydrates can improve mood. like antidepressants.
Conclusion: Cookies may provide an effect like self-prescirbe medication.
Inferred: Cookies are sweet.

3. 38'
BG: microwave ovens heated food interior and kill bacterias.
Premise: It can kill unsalted food interior bacterias. but cannot kill in salted food interior bacterias.
Conclusion: salt can blocks the microwaves from heating the interior.

4. 50'
Premise: papers, which involve international collaborations, have more number of times be cites.
Conclusion: Papers with international collaborations are more important than papers with single writer.
Assumption: cites = important

5. 53'
A company reduce its workforce.
B want to heir workers who used work at A company to increase competitive position and to learn successful method of company A. It's good for company B to compete against company A.

作者: flonacui    时间: 2013-7-25 14:55
P L is a highly contaminated solution.
p when water passed the landfill and exceeded the capacity of the landfill.
P The L escaped in the environment in a unknown quantity.
P something must be done to dispose L, and now L is sent directly to the sewage system, but not all sewage are capable of handling that.

2 50s
P people are depressed when they lack sunlight in the midwinter.
P carbohydrate act like the antidepressants.
C eating holiday cookies is an effective self-prescribed medicine.

3 45s
Info microwave is useful in killing bacteria in food, but this effect has been reduced in the food which contain salt.
P When heated in a macrowave oven, 没有盐的食物能迅速加热杀掉细菌 但是有盐食物的interior却不能被加热
C the salt block the microwaves from heating the interior.

4 55s
Info 当论文是international collaboration的时候 influence会很大 因为paper被引用次数比single researcher研究的引用次数要多
P international collaboration: 6 times single:3times
C international collaboration的paper more important

a These old workers may be suitable for B, because B and A have totally different coorperation culture.
b although some products of B are the same as the A's, it could be the products that different from B that determine the A's profits
c It could be the reuction of workforce that results in the failure of B
d Recruiting new workers would cost lots of money too, and the company did not consider the cost and profit balance.
e There could be some other good ways to improve the profits instead of recruiting old workers fromB.
作者: xiqiong    时间: 2013-7-31 19:21

Infer: 文中的某一句话的改写!



猜测答案:引用代表着重要性   bingo!


作者: Yvette19    时间: 2013-8-11 07:21
1. 放弃了 生词太多。。
Argument: 在寒假baking是有医学依据的。
Premise 1: 冬天日照时间短,人容易抑郁。
Premise 2::碳水化合物能够给人体带来某种物质,起到抗抑郁的作用。
Conclusion: 因此冬天吃点小饼干有类似自我疗法的作用。

Inference: 有冬天baking习惯人总是比不吃饼干的人心情好~

3. 微波炉在加热食物杀死细菌的效率 会受食物中盐含量的影响。
Conclusion: 科学家于是下结论,盐会妨碍微波炉由内而外加热食物的效率。

4. Argument:国际合作的科学研究报告相比单一国家的研究更有影响。


5. ß公司的director说
作者: 大三准备留学    时间: 2013-8-12 10:55
Yvette19 发表于 2013-8-11 07:21
1. 放弃了 生词太多。。
Argument: 在寒假baking是有医学依据的。

作者: m1nt    时间: 2013-8-14 10:52
1. 40’
Premise: Leachate is a solution, frequently highly contaminated, that develops when water permeates a landifill’s site. If and only if the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids is exceeded does the leachate escape into the environment, generally in unpredictable quantities
Conclusion: A method must be found for disposing of leachate

2. 35’
Premise: Winter- lack of sunlight- depression
       C, Sugar and starches boost serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves the mood.
       C acts as antidepressants
Conclusion: eating holiday cookies may provide an effective form of self-prescribed medication.
Inference: Antidepressants 改变 serotonin

3. 35’
Premise: Heated in a microwave oven, the interior of unsalted food reaches temperatures high enough to kill bacteria that cause food poisoning, but the interior of salted food does not
Conclusion: Scientists theorize that salt effectively blocks the microwaves from heating the interior.

4. 38’
Premise: International collaboration paper is cited more times
Conclusion: International research teams are of greater importance
Assumption: Cited more times means greater importance

5 25’
Premise: A is laying off employees and encouraging early retirement
       B has same production as A, profits have fallen
Conclusion: To improve Beta’s competitive position, we should try to hire a significant number of Alpha’s former workers
Weaken: 1 Hire more will cost more
       2 Former A employees are not the good employees
       3 Profits have fallen because of other reasons such as tax, materials

作者: jenniferlyy125    时间: 2014-3-4 22:17
1. P: only when the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids is exceeded, leachate escape into the environment, leachate should be disposed.
P: most L sents to sewage plants, while some plants cannot handle L.
【逻辑链】when L is more than the lanfill’s capacity---flow into the environment----so L should be sent to sewage plants
题目出现if and only if 明显的条件提示,所以这里的gap就是,有且仅有…的时候, L才会…

2. 49’
P: in winter, because of lack of sunlight, depression is common
P: carbohydrates, which contain sugar and can bring happiness to human, so it is an anti-depression medicine
infer: Carbo—sugar---boost brain serotonin---improve mood---anti-depression, so cookie---medicine

3. 37’
P: when salt appear, efficiency of micro oven destroy bacteria diminished
P: interior temperature of unsalt food is high to kill bacteria, while temp of salt food not
C: salt block the heating of interior food
assum: Salt---block heating---temp not high—not kill bacteria---food poisoning

4. 43’
P: the papers of international cooperation are cited 7 times, and individual papers are cited 3 times
C: papers with international cooperation are of great importance
Assume: the no. of times papers were cited represent the importance of the papers.

作者: liyao604    时间: 2014-4-23 18:45
Day nine
#1 FEIFEI 91
91. Leachate is a solution, frequently highly contaminated, that develops when water permeates a landifill’s site. If and only if the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids is exceeded does the leachate escape into the environment, generally in unpredictable quantities. A method must be found for disposing of leachate. Most landfill leachate is sent directly to sewage treatment plants, but not all sewage plants are capable of handling the highly contaminated water.

Which one of the following can be inferred from the passage?

P:当landfill hold liquid的能力超过L流出去的能力时,(错误,当hold liquid的能力饱和时“这点非常非常非常的重要这句话一定要看懂!!”,L才会流到环境中去,以让人意想不到的量)

#2 FEIFEI 92
92. Baking for winter holidays is a tradition that may have a sound medical basis. In midwinter, when days are short, many people suffer from a specific type of seasonal depression caused by lack of sunlight. Carbohydrates, both sugars and starches, boost the brain’s levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves the mood. In this respect, carbohydrates act on the brain in the same way as some antidepressants. Thus, eating holiday cookies may provide an effective form of self-prescribed medication.

P:C(包含糖还有一个是什么不认识,估计是bake里面的成分把)可以使人们阳光(通过boost S——一种神经传导可以使人阳光),在这种情况下,就像anti-depression的药一样

Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the passage?
D.    Some antidepressants act by changing the brain’s level of serotonin.

#3 FEIFEI 93
93. The efficiency of microwave ovens in destroying the harmful bacteria frequently found in common foods is diminished by the presence of salt in the food being cooked. When heated in a microwave oven, the interior of unsalted food reaches temperatures high enough to kill bacteria that cause food poisoning, but the interior of salted food does not. Scientists theorize that salt effectively blocks the microwaves from heating the interior.
P:当用微波炉加热的时候,没有抹盐的地方reach a heat(错误,然杀死那些会让事物变坏的细菌)然后变坏,而抹了盐的地方不会

Which one of the following conclusions is most supported by the information above?
D.    The danger of food poisoning can be lessened if salt is not used to prepare foods that are to b
#4 FEIFEI 95
95. Scientific research that involves international collaboration has produced papers of greater influence, as measured by the number of times a paper is cited in subsequent papers, than has research without any collaboration. Papers that result from international collaboration are cited an average of seven times, whereas papers with single authors are cited only three times on average. This difference shows that research projects conducted by international research teams are of greater importance than those conducted by single researchers.


Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
#5 AA60 有点长。。
60. The following appeared as part of a recommendation by one of the directors of the Beta Company.
“The Alpha Company has just reduced its workforce by laying off fifteen percent of its employees in all divisions and at all levels, and it is encouraging early retirement for other employees. As you know, the Beta Company manufactures some products similar to Alpha’s, but our profits have fallen over the last few years. To improve Beta’s competitive position, we should try to hire a significant number of Alpha’s former workers, since these experienced workers can provide valuable information about Alpha’s successful methods, will require little training, and will be particularly motivated to compete against Alpha.”

A公司会在不同部门不同level进行大范围的裁员→encourage 别的A公司员工提早退休
B公司和A公司的经营模式(只是生产的some products)相似,而且B公司近几年的盈利下降了,所以我们要雇佣A公司以前的员工,那样我们不仅能够省去培训费和时间,而且也更有动力和A公司竞争。(漏掉了原因:有经验,可以提供A公司成功的方法)

作者: kaniris    时间: 2014-9-8 15:29
作者: 进击的智人阿飞    时间: 2018-10-15 19:20
48 s
premise:landfill 被水填满后会放出污染的LK +LK 能被用来给植物施肥+植物对污染的LK的承受能力有限   
conclusion: 需要一个专门的地方来盛放 LK
infer: 当流入landfill的水太多时,需要一个专门的地方来承受LK,如果没有,植物会死

premise: 冬天日子短,人容易抑郁+碳水化合物能促进S递质的生成,抗抑郁    conclusion: 冬天应该做面包和饼干
infer:面包和饼干被服用后能转化成促进递质生成的碳水化合物; 吃饼干和面包能抗抑郁

1min 6s
premise: 微波炉高温可杀菌+无盐的食物能被加到高温+有盐的不能加到适当的高温   conclusion: 有盐的食物阻止了微波炉杀菌的作用
strenghten: 前提不导致结论的情况不存在: 微波本身不能杀死细菌; 前提一定导致结论:不到一定的高温,细菌不会受丝毫影响。

premise: 被引用次数决定国际影响力+有国际合作的paper被引用次数多+无国际合作的paper被引用次数少  conclusio: 由国际合作的paper影响力更大
assumption: 因果。引用次数少不是因为国际影响力而是因为引用限制少?

premise: A公司裁员很多+鼓励提前退休+B公司和A公司生产一样的产品+B公司利润降低    conclusion:B公司应该雇佣被A裁掉的员工,因为那些员工知道关于Adam技术
weaken: 那些被裁掉的是技术不足的员工,去 B也会拖后腿

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