
标题: cooperative apartment houses & dwelling这题 [打印本页]

作者: creditadvice    时间: 2004-7-5 17:03
标题: cooperative apartment houses & dwelling这题

Cooperative apartment houses have the peculiar distinction of being dwellings that must also operate as businesses.

(A) of being dwelling that must also operate as businesses

(B) of dwellings that must also operate like business

(C) that they are dwellings that must operate like businesses

(D) that, as dwellings, they must also operate like businesses

(E) to be a dwelling that must also operate as a business

答案是A。这个A到底是什么意思呢?到底是什么must also operate as businesses呢? cooperative apartment houses 是复数,怎么变成dwelling单数呢?

作者: creditadvice    时间: 2004-7-5 21:14
作者: WONDERLAND2004    时间: 2004-7-6 11:02
(A) of being dwellings that must also operate as businesses

(A)选项中的dwelling后面应该是漏掉了s.这个题还是要用排除法来做。首先distinction(特性)这么样一个抽象名词应该后面接of,可以理解一个冬冬有“什么什么的特性”,不可能说一个冬冬有特性,这个特性怎么怎么样。好比我们都说importance of ....但不说importance that....
这样在a、b之间很明显就是选a 了。
作者: creditadvice    时间: 2004-7-6 21:29
作者: lost_my_account    时间: 2004-7-6 21:34

have the distinction of being is very common usage...i don't understand this question.

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