
标题: 求教PREP2-7运木材的题,有一点想不通 [打印本页]

作者: suci    时间: 2011-8-12 14:04
标题: 求教PREP2-7运木材的题,有一点想不通
United Lumber will use trees from its forests for two products.The tree trunks will be used for lumber and the branches converted into wood chips to make fiberboard.The cost of this conversion would be the same whether done at the logging site, where the trees are debranched, or at United's factory.However, wood chips occupy less than half the volume of the branches from which they are made.

The information given, if accurate, most strongly supports which of the following?

(A) Converting the branches into wood chips at the logging site would require transporting a fully assembled wood-chipping machine to and from the site.

(B) It would be more economical to debranch the trees at the factory where the fiberboard is manufactured.

(C) The debranching of trees and the conversion of the branches into chips are the only stages in the processing of branches that it would be in United's economic advantage to perform at the logging site.

(D) Transportation costs from the logging site to the factory that are determined by volume of cargo would be lower if the conversion into chips is done at the logging site rather than at the factory.

(E) In the wood-processing industry, branches are used only for the production of wood chips for fiberboard.
答案选D,看了看讨论帖,都是说在site的体积少所以运费少,但是我不太理解,在logging site已经conversion into chips了为什么还要运到factory,logging site 和factory不都是conversion的地方么。。。就是这里想不通

作者: wang415705825    时间: 2011-8-12 14:44
把branches加工成chips之后,体积只是原来的一半不到(原文:"wood chips occupy less than half the volume of the branches from which they are made"),因为体积与运费成正比(选项:Transportation costs…that are determined by volume of cargo…),所以如前所述,体积减少了,运费也就相应降低了,并不是无关选项
作者: suci    时间: 2011-8-12 14:51
我明白你的意思,但我的问题不在这里,我就是对正确选项的说法有些疑问,为什么要说从logging site 到factory 的运费呢,factory 是convert into chips的地方,在logging site已经convert了,再运到factory干嘛。其实我问的与这道题关系不大,就是我自己对选项想不通的一个地方,我觉得说运费应该是从site和从factory到其他地方的比较,而不是from site to factory
作者: rockDJAbel    时间: 2011-9-21 15:28
作者: xinruiAbby    时间: 2011-10-3 23:19
题中信息支持选项,D是对的哦~ C有ONLY 太绝对啦

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