
标题: 【每日逻辑链练习贴】【逻辑1-6】加入AA新元素~ [打印本页]

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-11 20:24
标题: 【每日逻辑链练习贴】【逻辑1-6】加入AA新元素~
应bat建议 我们以后都附上正确选项的内容啦 以便讨论。
应fox和抓抓建议 加入一题AA 让大家数罪 哈哈~


Court records from medieval France show that in the years 1300 to 1400 the number of people arrested in the French realm for "violent interpersonal crimes" (not committed in wars) increased by 30 percent over the number of people arrested for such crimes in the years 1200 to 1300. If the increase was not the result of false arrests. therefore, medieval France had a higher level of documented interpersonal violence in the years 1300 to 1400 than in the years 1200 to 1300.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?


In the years 1300 to 1400 the French government's category of violent crimes
included an increasing variety of interpersonal crimes that are actually nonviolent.

Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of bean plants or other legumes produce fixed nitrogen which is one of the essential plant nutrients and which for non-legume crops, such as wheat normally must be supplied by applications of nitrogen-based fertilizer. So if biotechnology succeeds in producing wheat strains whose roots will play host to Rhizobium bacteria. The need for artificial fertilizers will be reduced.
The argument above makes which one of the following assumptions?


Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of wheat would produce fixed nitrogen.

If we are to expand the exploration of our solar system. Our next manned flight should be to Phobos one of Mars’s moons, rather than to Mars itself. The flight times to each are the same, But the Phobos expedition would require less than half the fuel load of a Mars expedition and would, therefore, be much less costly. So, it is clear that Phobos should be our next step in Space exploration.
Which one of the following, if true, would most help to explain the difference in fuel requirement?


Lift-off for the return trip from Phobos requires much less fuel than that from Mars because of Phobos weaker gravitational pull.

Lourdes: Dietary fiber is an important part of a healthful diet. Experts recommend that adults consume 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day.
Kyra: But a daily intake of fiber that is significantly above that recommended level interferes with mineral absorption, especially the absorption of calcium. The public should be told to cut act on fiber intake
Which one of the following, if true, most undermines Kyra’s recommendation?


Among adults, the average consumption of dietary fiber is at present approximately 10 grams a day.

The following appeared in an ad for a book titled How to Write a Screenplay for a Movie:
“Writers who want to succeed should try to write film screenplays rather than books, since the average film tends to make
greater profits than does even a best-selling book. It is true that some books are also made into films. However, our nation’s film
producers are more likely to produce movies based on original screenplays than to produce films based on books, because
in recent years the films that have sold the most tickets have usually been based on original screenplays.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.


作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-11 21:33
哇卡~~~抱住狂蹭~~~开心开心~~~明天早上可以在AI AA之前来看了~~
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-12 03:25
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-12 13:32
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-12 15:14
1. 40s
Conclusion: 1300-1400 more people commit violent crimes
Premise: The number in 1300-1400 rose by 30% compared to the number in 1920-1930

Weaken: Lots of people are not arrested in 1920-1930

2. 38s
Conclusion: If the root of wheat can be altered to play host for R, artificial nitrogen will be reduced.
Premise: R bacteria can support nitrogen to some plant but cannot support nitrogen to wheat

Assumption: Wheat can absorb the nitrogen supported by R bacteria

3. 40s
Info1: The time to P is equal to the time to Mars
Info2: The fuel needed to get P is less than that needed to get Mars

Resolve: Sth. make P different from Mars

4. 32s
Kyra: We should cut act on fiber intake
Lourdes: Plentiful consumption of fiber is essential, 20-30 gram

Weaken: Currently, no one consume as much as 20-30 gram
作者: zhengzhengzz    时间: 2011-8-12 18:01
premise:the number increase 30%, the increase was not the result of false arrests
Conclusion: 1300~1400 had a higher level of documented interpersonal violence.
2。这个理解的跟superbat28 貌似有点不太一样。。。是我理解错了不~?求解~~
background information: R is living in the roots of bean plants and is one of the essential plant nutrients.
premise:normally, the wheat must be supplied by the nitrogen-based fertilizer
Conclusion: if the root will be the host of R, the fertilizers will be reduced.
background: the flight time to P and M is the same
premise: to P, the fuel is much less than to M
Conclusion: our next step should be P.
Lourdes: dietary fiber is important 20~35 a day
Kyra: the intake of fiber is above the level interfers with the mineral absorption, especially the calcium
Conclusion: the public should be told to cut act on fiber intake
Conclusion: writers who want to succeed should write film screenplays
Premise: 1. More profits in film screenplays than books.
         2.films are more based on the original screenplays
作者: kidvii    时间: 2011-8-12 18:54
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-12 22:58
premise:the number increase 30%, the increase was not the result of false arrests
Conclusion: 1300~1400 had a higher level of documented interpersonal violence.
2。这个理解的跟superbat28 貌似有点不太一样。。。是我理解错了不~?求解~~
background information: R is living in the roots of bean plants and is one of the essential plant nutrients.
premise:normally, the wheat must be supplied by the nitrogen-based fertilizer
Conclusion: if the root will be the host of R, the fertilizers will be reduced.
                                                                                                                          -- by 会员 zhengzhengzz (2011/8/12 18:01:58)

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-12 23:52
1. 42s
According to Court record,
The people who has commited violent interpersonalcrimes and has been arrested in 1300-1400 was far more than those in 1200-1300.
The increase was not a result of false arrest.
There must be a higher level of violent interpersonal crimes documented in 1300-1400.

2. 39s
BG: R bacterium has N that provides nutricients for plants.
If plants can produce N by nitrogen-based fertilizer with R, the need for artificial fertilizers can be reduced.
The nutricient received by nitrogen-based fertilizer  is no less than artificial fertilizers.
The nutricient received by nitrogen-based fertilizer can be applied to the plants.

3. 30s
If we are to explore solar system, our next stop is Mars's Moon P.
Though P is as far away from the earth as is Mars, it cost only half of the fuel to go to P and thus cost less.
We should go to P instead of the Mars.
The fuel needed for the exploration to P is different from that for exploration to Mars, costing much more.

4. 37s
L: Fiber is essential for healthy diets. Doctors recommends that
people comsume X amount of fiber a day.
However, consuming excessive fiber can have a detrimental impact.
Thus, people should decrease the amount of fiber that they comsume every day.
Weaken B:
The amount of fiber that people now consume every day is far less than that is required every day.

5. 45s
For more success, writers should write screenplays rather than books.
The avearage profit of films is much more than the profit of best-selling books.
The film producers tend to prefer screenplays rather than books for films.
1. average--> 个别
2. sales statistics in recent years are not sufficient indicator of screenplays' success.
3. either or choise. The writer can take both strategies.

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-12 23:53
-- by 会员 kidvii (2011/8/12 18:54:33)

       我也是不上qq 微博也是让好朋友改密码噜
作者: zhengzhengzz    时间: 2011-8-13 09:39
2. 38s
Conclusion: If the root of wheat can be altered to play host for R, artificial nitrogen will be reduced.
Premise: R bacteria can support nitrogen to some plant but cannot support nitrogen to wheat

Assumption: Wheat can absorb the nitrogen supported by R bacteria

-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/12 15:14:40)


介个介个。。。Premise: R bacteria can support nitrogen to some plant but cannot support nitrogen to wheat
作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-14 22:39
#1 36s

#2 超时好多。。这题一战的时候复习看到过JJ

#3 45s
premise:到达MARS' MOON的耗油量少
premise:去mars和mars's moon的距离一样,次数也一样
Q: PARADOX.可能是说二者的某些环境不一样导致需要fuel不同

#4 45s
counter premise:K说人们每天的正常摄入量都超过这个量了

#5 45s

3)即使目前确实写剧本比较赚钱,but this fact still cannot ensure the success of any writer; after all, whether any writer will succeed depend on many other factors.比如skills,topics。
4)Past success cannot guanrantee the same trend in the future.可能出现其他的因素,比如人们改变preference。
作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-14 22:47
2. 38s
Conclusion: If the root of wheat can be altered to play host for R, artificial nitrogen will be reduced.
Premise: R bacteria can support nitrogen to some plant but cannot support nitrogen to wheat

Assumption: Wheat can absorb the nitrogen supported by R bacteria

-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/12 15:14:40)

介个介个。。。Premise: R bacteria can support nitrogen to some plant but cannot support nitrogen to wheat
-- by 会员 zhengzhengzz (2011/8/13 9:39:37)


作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-15 00:51
#1 思路方向正确,但是还不够开阔。他因可能是1200-1300记录的偏少,也有可能是1300-1400记录的偏多

#2 (这题题干好复杂,被我理解地颠三倒四了)很难想到,看题干的时候根本没有发现这个GAP:premise中提到的host是bean,conclusion中提到的host是wheat

#3 哈开心~基本完全一致~果然是重力这样的问题,btw高中物理的尝试还是有点用的呀~

#4 这题的weaken方式好神奇,平时好像比较少见到直接说premise的data本身有问题的把?
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-15 02:01
Premise: The 1300-1400 violent record of arrested crimes has been raised for 30% compare to 1200-1300
conclusion: The violent record is raised if this result based on the fact.
Weaken: The number of people who were arrested less in 1200-1300 than in 1300-1400.

Premise: The bacteria has nitrogen which supplies nutrition to the plants, yet not for wheat.
Conclusion: The fertilizer can be reduced if bio-technology works for wheat as well.
Assumption: The bio-technology has to develop the similar effects like the fertilizer to wheat.

Premise: the distant is shorter if we go to phobes first, so the fuel cost will be less.
Conclusion: So we should explore phobes instead of Mars first.
Paradox: The exploration of phobes requires a very heavy equipment which adds the same amount of fuel as the one of mars.

Premise: The diet fiber is beneficial for human body.
Conclusion: Too much diet fiber will minimize the absorption of Calcium.
Weaken: Calcium can always been reproduced after a short period of intake of fiber.

Conclusion: More profit comes to the screenplay than to the books, so the writers should write more screenplays than books.
Argument: 1. The research only collects random samples instead of representative ones from a various sources.
                 2. The profit will come to the actors of the screenplay rather than that come to the writers.
                 3. Most people would like to read the original books first before watching movies. esp.for the classical literature ones.
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-15 02:06
2. 38s
Conclusion: If the root of wheat can be altered to play host for R, artificial nitrogen will be reduced.
Premise: R bacteria can support nitrogen to some plant but cannot support nitrogen to wheat

Assumption: Wheat can absorb the nitrogen supported by R bacteria

-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/12 15:14:40)

介个介个。。。Premise: R bacteria can support nitrogen to some plant but cannot support nitrogen to wheat
-- by 会员 zhengzhengzz (2011/8/13 9:39:37)


作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-15 02:08
#1 思路方向正确,但是还不够开阔。他因可能是1200-1300记录的偏少,也有可能是1300-1400记录的偏多

#2 (这题题干好复杂,被我理解地颠三倒四了)很难想到,看题干的时候根本没有发现这个GAP:premise中提到的host是bean,conclusion中提到的host是wheat

#3 哈开心~基本完全一致~果然是重力这样的问题,btw高中物理的尝试还是有点用的呀~

#4 这题的weaken方式好神奇,平时好像比较少见到直接说premise的data本身有问题的把?
-- by 会员 抓抓sandra (2011/8/15 0:51:42)

作者: 纳丁Cat    时间: 2011-8-18 16:11
Court records from medieval France show that in the years 1300 to 1400 the number of people arrested in the French realm for "violent interpersonal crimes" (not committed in wars) increased by 30 percent over the number of people arrested for such crimes in the years 1200 to 1300. If the increase was not the result of false arrests. therefore, medieval France had a higher level of documented interpersonal violence in the years 1300 to 1400 than in the years 1200 to 1300.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
Interpersonal 人之间的
削弱:the number of people arrested 不等于level of documented interpersonal violence
标答:In the years 1300 to 1400 the French government's category of violent crimes included an increasing variety of interpersonal crimes that are actually nonviolent.

2. 35s
Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of bean plants or other legumes produce fixed nitrogen which is one of the essential plant nutrients and which for non-legume crops, such as wheat normally must be supplied by applications of nitrogen-based fertilizer. So if biotechnology succeeds in producing wheat strains whose roots will play host to Rhizobium bacteria. The need for artificial fertilizers will be reduced.
The argument above makes which one of the following assumptions?
Strain 拉力,张力,血缘
标答:Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of wheat would produce fixed nitrogen.

3. 35s
If we are to expand the exploration of our solar system. Our next manned flight should be to Phobos one of Mars’s moons, rather than to Mars itself. The flight times to each are the same, But the Phobos expedition would require less than half the fuel load of a Mars expedition and would, therefore, be much less costly. So, it is clear that Phobos should be our next step in Space exploration.
Which one of the following, if true, would most help to explain the difference in fuel requirement?
标答:Lift-off for the return trip from Phobos requires much less fuel than that from Mars because of Phobos weaker gravitational pull.

4. 50s
Lourdes: Dietary fiber is an important part of a healthful diet. Experts recommend that adults consume 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day.
Kyra: But a daily intake of fiber that is significantly above that recommended level interferes with mineral absorption, especially the absorption of calcium. The public should be told to cut act on fiber intake
Which one of the following, if true, most undermines Kyra’s recommendation?
标答:Among adults, the average consumption of dietary fiber is at present approximately 10 grams a day. 根本就没有多吃,K说得就是废话。
作者: zoeant    时间: 2011-9-11 21:47
mark mark
作者: 大三准备留学    时间: 2012-2-21 14:41





 K: 但是人们每天摄入的量以及超过了那个标准 并且影响了人们对矿物质和盖的吸收,所以人们应该少摄入纤维


5.Make a great profit does not mean succeed
  卖出去的票最多的电影是源于SCREENPLAY 不代表导演更偏好于SCREENPLAY
作者: CC5    时间: 2012-10-7 10:19
(45)1. con: document interpersonal in 1300-1400 is higher than in 1200-1300  
 re: if increase was not the result of false arrest
 Weaken: 1.increase in ”vic” not mean higher level of documented interpersonal

(39)2. con: the need for artificial fertilizers will be reduced
    Pre: produce a wheat that Rb can living in its roots



作者: MiaZhang    时间: 2012-11-5 21:24
2. 36s
Weaken K:如果把食物纤维的摄取控制在L所提出的标准以内,就不会影响矿物质的吸收;或者,矿物质的吸收需要一定的食物纤维
作者: Cybill    时间: 2013-4-7 11:09
1. 45'
BG: voilent interpersonal crime increase during 1300 to 1400.
Premise: Crimes increase not because false arrest.
Conclusion: Crimes increases because medieval France had a higher level of documented interpersonal crimes.
Weaken: Other result causes increasing crimes.[答案没懂]

2. 42' 有点儿绕
BG: R bacteria living in roots of bean and can produce fixed Nitrogen.
Premise: Fixed-Nitrogen is important nutrients for plants like wheat.
Assumption: If R bacteria can produce fixed-nitrogen in root wheat.
Conclusion: it will need less artificial fertilizer if root of wheat has R bacteria.

3. 35'
BG: Phobos is Mar's moon.
Premise: Exploring Phobos will cost less than half the fuel load of a Mars expedition.
Conclusion: Phobos should became our next step.
Explain the different of fuel cost: atmosphere? gravity?

4. 59'
Lourdes: People should intake fiber.
Kyra: intaking much fiber will interfere mineral absorption.
Weaken: people cannot intake so much fiber once day.

5. 39'
BG: why people should write screenplay for movie
1. make more money than write book
2. Producers likely to make film based on screenplay than book.

作者: flonacui    时间: 2013-7-22 21:32
1 47s
P record showed that people arrested in France for "" in 1300-1400 increased 30% over 1200-1300
C medieval France had a higher level of documented interpersonal violence
2 58s
P R bacteria could produce nitrogen in the crops' roots and act like the nitrogen fertilizer.
C if the technology produced the wheat which could be the host of R bacteria, the application of the fertilizer would be decreased.
3 32s
P The flght time is the same, but the exploration on P is less costly
C our next exploration should be on P, rather than on mars
4 31s
L dietery fibor is important to people's health, so people should take 20-35 grams of a fiber a day
K Too much fibor will inhibit the absorbtion of mineral absorption, especially calcium. So, the public should be told to cut the intake of fiber.
5 46
1 the trend in recent years cannot predicate that there would be the same trend in the future.
2 The success of a writer does not measure to the profits he or she could earn
3 People could write other things rather than books or screenplays to be successed.
4 "since the average film could earn more profits than the best-selling books." How can the author conclude this?
5 " our nation's producers are more likely to ...." maybe produces in other more developed countries tend to adapt movied from the books rahter than screenplays and in this way, people could get more money.
作者: xiqiong    时间: 2013-7-30 20:16
1.France interpersonal crime ↑ 1400~

削弱:它因(原来犯罪没抓到? 现在抓的技术提高了?)--->就是找到一个GAP,

2.bacteria在BEAN PLANTS固氮(很重要),----> Bacteria也能在wheat上用就好了。
assumption: bean 和 wheat 相似,没有其它的原因使得这种推理不成立。
猜想答案: 这种bacteria不会对wheat造成不好的影响。

这是加强逻辑链。即:有bacteria在wheat上-------> wheat不缺氮了
gap在于, bacteria在wheat上会固氮。

   和                  +相同点:飞行时间相同        不同点:耗油不同

解释耗油不同的问题: 即找到火星和P这间的不同点(关乎耗油问题之处就是答案)

K:推荐摄入的超过了能吸收的 mineral absorption,特别是钙。所以推荐要降低。
K:当人摄入过多的DF, 阻碍mineral的吸收,特别是钙。 所以要降低推荐量。
削弱:SIGNIFICANTLY 不成立。 人们不会超过推荐量。BINGO!

5.succeed----> write film (x book) ∵profits ↑
  some book ---> film BUT film producers *screenplays  xbook
∵: tickets sold 多的 是 screenplays

      2)票卖得多的不能说明更popular, 也许刚好就几个突出了。其它都是book的。
      3)popular也不代表赚更多钱,cost也许也多呢,给写film screenplays的人的钱就少了。


作者: Yvette19    时间: 2013-8-6 05:45
1. 45s + 吃完酸奶又回头偷看了两眼 = =
Premise: French medieval : court records shows that interpersonal crimes in 1300-1400 increased 30% compared to 1200-1300. There's no false arrested.
Conclusion: Interpersonal crimes increased 30%

Weaken: there might be false record...

2. 45s到了之后又看了好一会儿==+
R bacteria produce an essential nutrient for legume plants such as beans on the root. Non-legume crops such as wheat cannot have this through root but it relies on artificial fertilizer.
If bio tech could make wheat strain get access to this nutrient, the fertilizer would be less sold.

Assumption: 难怪我找不出lassumption因为我的conclusion写错了,我直接跳过R bacteria写nutrient了。。。跳跃了

3. 40s
BG: If human want to expand the exploration of solar system, people would choose the moon of Mars, Phobos, rather than Mars itself.
Fact: Even though the travel time to both are the same, it takes less fuel to Phobos than to Mars.
Conclusion: Therefore, Phobos will be the first step for solar system exploration.

Explanation:the difference in gravity, I guess

作者: 大三准备留学    时间: 2013-8-7 21:57
Yvette19 发表于 2013-8-6 05:45
1. 45s + 吃完酸奶又回头偷看了两眼 = =
Premise: French medieval : court records shows that interperso ...

作者: m1nt    时间: 2013-8-12 10:26
1. 25’
Premise: The number in 1300-1400 rose by 30% compared to the number in 1920-1930
Conclusion: the increase was not the result of false arrests. 1300-1400 more people commit violent crimes
Weaken: A lot of criminal people were not arrested in 1920-1930

2. 40’
Premise: R bacteria can support nitrogen to some plant but cannot support nitrogen to wheat
Conclusion: If the root of wheat can be altered to play host for R, artificial nitrogen will be reduced.
Assumption: Wheat can absorb the nitrogen supported by R bacteria

3. 25’
Premise: flight times to Mars and P are the same, but P requires less fuel than Mars
Conclusion: P should be our next step in Space exploration.
Resolve: 去P的阻力小,所以fuel要的少

4. 18’
Lourdes: Consume 20-30 grams a day fibers
Kyra:  Daily intake of fiber is above the recommend level, we should cut act on fiber intake
Weaken K: Intake的fiber成分不能都被吸收,很多没用

5. 25’
Premise: 1. Films have more profits than even best selling books
        2. More likely to produce movies based on original screenplays than to produce films based on books
Conclusion: Writing film screenplays rather than books has more chances to succeed
Weaken: 1. Film挣的钱都给了producer不是作者
        2. 基于book改编的电影比基于剧本的挣钱

作者: jenniferlyy125    时间: 2014-2-13 18:18
1. 【因果】因为1300-1400抓到的数量比1200-1300增加30%,所以更多数量。
因为百分比增加,所以更多。因果关系削弱:1)C是因为其他原因导致增多。2)a, no b  3)no a,b 4) b—a. 这些方向不太好。
直接削弱,violence数量并没有更多。可能的原因是:1)既然30%增加是一定的,voilence没有更多,那么其他增加的是non-voilence的。举例原来100,现在130,要削弱被记录的没有更高,就是被记录的是一样或者更低,还是100,那么另外的30就是别的。貌似这个方向是最合理的;2)voilence没有更多,以前的没有reported罢了。但是这里的结论是higher level of documented interpersonal violence 直接说是记录的,所以不佳。因为以前记录的确实是要低。

2. P:豆类植物R细菌---氮---豆类和其他植物,比如小麦需要氮肥。

3. C:下一步载人飞船应该要探索火星的行星P。

4. 观点1:fiber纤维对身体有好处。建议每天摄入25-30.
削弱观点2. 1)每天的量不会高于推荐的30. 不会干扰。2)某物质中和,不可能产生干扰作用。反正方向是没事,不需要减少。

C:if you want to be success, you should write film screenplay rather than books
P1: avg flim profits are greater than best-selling books
P2: more likely to produce film based on screenplays than books
P3: most tickets sold are from screenplays
1)        数据,average。电影平均收益比最好卖的书籍要好。忽略extreme, 有的电影比一般书籍收益要少。不说明所有电影赚钱都多。
2)        Profitable=/ write screenplay=/success. 错误假设。赚钱,就一定要写,就一定等于成功。反驳,赚钱不一定要写,有的人写书或者电影,不是因为赚钱,二是爱好。赚钱不一定等于成功,每个人对成功的界定不一样,有的人觉得follow heart兴趣才是成功。
3)        Our nation, more likely=/necessary. 更可能选择剧本作电影,不说明一定。书还是有成功的可能。而且是在our nation, 忽略了可能性和其他国家的情况。More likely to produce, 不等于success. 可能只是生产了很多,但是出名和成功的没有几个
4)        Most ticket=/success. 错误假设。假设卖的最多票的就是成功,反驳卖的最多的不一定成功,卖的多的原因很多,可能是促销,可能是跟风,可能是明星…及时卖的多的来自剧本,也不说明些剧本一定就成功。
5)        Future trend 不能保证。现在赚钱平均多,更可能生产,卖的多,不保证以后。很多因素会影响未来发展。举例因素:policy 鼓励, customer need, industrial development….

作者: liyao604    时间: 2014-4-17 18:20

Day six
Court records from medieval France show that in the years 1300 to 1400 the number of people arrested in the French realm for "violent interpersonal crimes" (not committed in wars) increased by 30 percent over the number of people arrested for such crimes in the years 1200 to 1300. If the increase was not the result of false arrests. therefore, medieval France had a higher level of documented interpersonal violence in the years 1300 to 1400 than in the years 1200 to 1300.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?



In the years 1300 to 1400 the French government's category of violent crimes
included an increasing variety of interpersonal crimes that are actually nonviolent.

Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of bean plants or other legumes produce fixed nitrogen which is one of the essential plant nutrients and which for non-legume crops, such as wheat normally must be supplied by applications of nitrogen-based fertilizer. So if biotechnology succeeds in producing wheat strains whose roots will play host to Rhizobium bacteria. The need for artificial fertilizers will be reduced.
The argument above makes which one of the following assumptions?ving in the roots of wheat would produce fixed nitrogen.
70’严重超时哭了 逻辑链略难的,为啥看到大家都只用了30多秒QAQ
P:R细菌living在root里produce N
P:N是essentially肥料(for L和,错误)non-L
(但是L可以自己补充,而N只能靠肥料,错误从哪里YY出这么一条P --!)
C:如果在non-L的root里培养R,那么可以省了肥料→flourish N

If we are to expand the exploration of our solar system. Our next manned flight should be to Phobos one of Mars’s moons, rather than to Mars itself. The flight times to each are the same, But the Phobos expedition would require less than half the fuel load of a Mars expedition and would, therefore, be much less costly. So, it is clear that Phobos should be our next step in Space exploration.
Which one of the following, if true, would most help to explain the difference in fuel requirement?


C:less costly→P是next目的地

Lourdes: Dietary fiber is an important part of a healthful diet. Experts recommend that adults consume 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day.
Kyra: But a daily intake of fiber that is significantly above that recommended level interferes with mineral absorption, especially the absorption of calcium. The public should be told to cut act on fiber intake
Which one of the following, if true, most undermines Kyra’s recommendation?


L:每天fiber的摄入是health的重要部分→专家recommend 20~35 gram of fiber a day
K:但是过量的摄入(大于专家recommend的)fiber阻止矿物的吸收,特别是钙。所以人们应该be told限制(cut action)fiber的摄入

The following appeared in an ad for a book titled How to Write a Screenplay for a Movie:
“Writers who want to succeed should try to write film screenplays rather than books, since the average film tends to make
greater profits than does even a best-selling book. It is true that some books are also made into films. However, our nation’s film
producers are more likely to produce movies based on original screenplays than to produce films based on books, because
in recent years the films that have sold the most tickets have usually been based on original screenplays.”
Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.


P:因为写一本screenplay——经常被用来拍电影(一部电影)可以赚的钱比一本卖得很好的book还要多。虽然book也经常用来拍电影,但是人们(我们国家的制作人)更倾向于用screenplay来拍,因为最近最较好的电影都是based on screenplay

作者: kaniris    时间: 2014-9-8 11:50
作者: FredaCi    时间: 2020-12-24 21:07
1.Since the number of people who committeed interpersonal crime increased in the period of 1300 to 1400 and they were sensibly caught,
people in this period are likely to have worse interpersonal relationship.

2.One kind of bactria can produce fixed nitrogen which is essential to some plants.
So if the scientists can make the bactira  live on the roots of these plants, the plants would not need fetilizer.

3.If we are to investigate the mars, we should go to its probe, since the cost would be just half that we need for investigating the mars itself.

4.It is benefitial to intake dietary fiber.
However, if a person take too much fiber, the fiber will interfer with the consumption of some minerals, especially calcium.
So the fiber intake should be limited.

5.It would be more profitable for writers to learn to write screenplays for movies rather than for books.
It is because a writer will usually earn more money from movies than from the best-sellings.
Althought movies can be adapted from books, the most profitable movies at past were adapted from screenplays directly.

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