
标题: 【每日逻辑链练习贴】【逻辑1-3】 [打印本页]

作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-8 23:15
标题: 【每日逻辑链练习贴】【逻辑1-3】

NO1  FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q12
The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth. A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip. Therefore, it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

NO2 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q15
Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the researcher’s reasoning?

NO3 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q17
Psychologist: Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?

NO4 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q2
We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the parties. But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms. It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

NO5 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q3
Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films. In the first experiment, grammar school children were shown a film that included scenes of a male teenager engaging in violent acts against others, such as punching, pushing, and kicking. During a free-play session following the film viewing, 42 percent of the children were observed to engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film. In a second experiment, a different group of children was shown a similar film featuring a female teenager. Only 14 percent of the children were observed behaving violently afterward. The psychologists concluded that children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the psychologists’ conclusion?

貌似有点长啊…不要怪我T T
注:我上次实战的时候,碰到了6行的逻辑题,不过是一道main conclusion题。。我连读都没好好读。。勾起我悲惨回忆了。。
作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-9 00:21
作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-9 07:51
premise:Spaceship is too heavy too get on Mars
premise: The spaceship is heavy because it must carry enough fuel to get on Mars.
premise: New device can use the atmosphere of Mars to produce energies.
conclusion: Spaceship with the new devide can get on Mars.
Q: ASSUMPTION,假设是new device本身不重


counter premise:但是来自T和NYC两个医院的、记载同一个时候出生的一大批人性格并不一样。


作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-9 12:48
作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-8-9 13:15
作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-8-9 13:16
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-9 22:11
1. 45s
Con: It is possible for people to go to Mars by using the new spaceship that equipped with the new device
Premise: this device allows the spaceship to fuel in the return trip, and fuel is the only factor that limits people’s ability to go to Mars

Assumptions: The spaceship would have enough fuel to reach the re-fueling point.
 Better one: The spaceship would not lose dynamic before reaching the re-fueling point.

2. 38s
Con: Doctors should not fill the cavity unless the cavity hurts the nerve system
Premise: Most cavities does not do extreme harm to the tooth, since it does not attack the nerve system, and fill the cavity may actually hurts other teeth

Strengthen: (英文表达不出来了。。) 在直接危害之前,不存在潜在危险会诱发该危害。。

3. 46s 被那个horoscope打败了,不认识这个词啊T T
Con: we cannot say horoscope determines our personalities
Premise: The same time they are born, one in T one in NYC, but they do not have same personalities

Assumption: The other factors are all the same for these two people.

4. 45s
Con: The importance of the parties does not decline
Premise: they have won every election and they spent lots of money in the previous election

Strengthen: The more money is not compensatory for the declining of importance.

5. 55s
Con: children are more likely to mimic male than female
Premise: A research & A comparison

Weaken: The first group is by nature more violent than the second…
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-9 22:12
-- by 会员 balapupu (2011/8/9 13:16:26)

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-9 23:37
1. 42s
BG: Weight has hindered spacecraft to go to Mars. Even the lightest craft can afford the
weight of fuel for the whole journey.
The new equipment can help to produce fuel for the return, so the weight of the fuel carried can decline.
The spacecraft with new equipment can go to Mars.
1. The fuel produced in the Mars's atmosphere is the same as that on Earth.
2. The new equipment doesn't weigh as much as half of the fuel for the whole-round journey.

2. 45s

3. 40s
A claim: horoscopes determine people's personalities.
Twins have similar personalities. But two persons born on the same day, one in NY,one in
Tokyo, have great differences in personalities.
The claim that horoscopes decide people's personalities is wrong.
Where one is born and which country one is from are not horoscopes.

4. 60s
BG:Media has played a significant role on the election outcome.
Both of the two main parties have devoted much more money to the propaganda to win support every year.
In contrast, some small parties or individuals has put little money for advertisement and so on. So they never win the election.
The reports of the ends of the two parties are premature at best.
1. 其他小党派未来也不会有充足的资金来支撑它的选举宣传。

5. 66s
1. 电影里包括一个男孩的暴力行为。在电影后的自由玩乐时间,有20%+的孩子产生相似的暴力行为。
2. 电影换成了女孩的暴力行为。之后只有14%的孩子产生暴力行为。

Weaken: 1.两部电影中男孩的暴力行为比女孩的更容易模仿。
2. 细心看在发现实验前后两组参与者是不同的孩子,所以weaken就是第一组孩子本来就比第二组孩子更有暴力倾向。
作者: 抓抓sandra    时间: 2011-8-10 00:18
哇你们瞬间把明天的都做了~~亚历山大。。。。T T
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-10 07:54
哇你们瞬间把明天的都做了~~亚历山大。。。。T T
-- by 会员 抓抓sandra (2011/8/10 0:18:40)

        妳晕了 哈哈 这是昨天的嘛~~
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-10 11:40
Premise: spacecraft is too heavy to take people to the space and return.
Conclusion: The spacecraft can be refilled by extra device for people to return easily.
Assumption: The weight of the extra device is enough light for the spacecraft to carry with.

Premise: A lot cases of cavities do not cause serious problems if left them untreated.
Conclusion: The dentist shouldn't treat the cavity of tooth if it's not dangerous.
Strengthen: The research is based on the accurate information of representative samples of patients.

Premise: The twins have the same personality, but two individuals were born in different areas 40years ago have different personalities.
Conclusion: So the horoscope can't determine the personality.
Assumption: The horoscope cannot be the only factor for determine human's personalities.

Premise: It is not important that any of candidates win the election, since the two parties support their preferable candidates by throwing money in.
Conclusion: These two parties are very premature.
Strengthen: Two parties sponsor the medias with a lot money to allure people's attention in order to get their candidates win.(感觉好像和原来的premise重复了,想不出来了,你们都帮我看看,这样的strengthen行吗?)

Premise: Two experiments show the different results of children's behavior when they watch different videos.
Conclusion: Children would like to imitate violent action when watch male video more than they do when watch female video.
Weaken: 1. The children in these two groups are different.
              2. The children who like to imitate the violent action are tested to have disease of anxiety and depression.
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-10 12:16
Premise: spacecraft is too heavy to take people to the space and return.
Conclusion: The spacecraft can be refilled by extra device for people to return easily.
Assumption: The weight of the extra device is enough light for the spacecraft to carry with.

Premise: A lot cases of cavities do not cause serious problems if left them untreated.
Conclusion: The dentist shouldn't treat the cavity of tooth if it's not dangerous.
Strengthen: The research is based on the accurate information of representative samples of patients.

Premise: The twins have the same personality, but two individuals were born in different areas 40years ago have different personalities.
Conclusion: So the horoscope can't determine the personality.
Assumption: The horoscope cannot be the only factor for determine human's personalities.

Premise: It is not important that any of candidates win the election, since the two parties support their preferable candidates by throwing money in.
Conclusion: These two parties are very premature.
Strengthen: Two parties sponsor the medias with a lot money to allure people's attention in order to get their candidates win.(感觉好像和原来的premise重复了,想不出来了,你们都帮我看看,这样的strengthen行吗?)

Premise: Two experiments show the different results of children's behavior when they watch different videos.
Conclusion: Children would like to imitate violent action when watch male video more than they do when watch female video.
Weaken: 1. The children in these two groups are different.
              2. The children who like to imitate the violent action are tested to have disease of anxiety and depression.
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/8/10 11:40:18)

我牺牲了吃午饭的时间前来援救啊T T
恩。。第三题貌似fox读错题了吧,结论好像反了的说 = =

第四题啊。。第四题我觉得你也读错了T T
容我拿母语说吧,说完热饭吃去T T



作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-11 04:07
Bat: I reviewed the problem number 3 again, is the conclusion supposed to be "the horoscope can determine the personality is wrong?" That's what I had there, then which part that you mentioned I understood wrong?

You are right for the problem 4,i missed the term of last sentence-the end. I read it again, thanks lah.

I have to type in english, no chinese type version in my cell phone. Geee.....
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-11 08:59
Bat: I reviewed the problem number 3 again, is the conclusion supposed to be "the horoscope can determine the personality is wrong?" That's what I had there, then which part that you mentioned I understood wrong?

You are right for the problem 4,i missed the term of last sentence-the end. I read it again, thanks lah.

I have to type in english, no chinese type version in my cell phone. Geee.....
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/8/11 4:07:02)

I reply in English~ lalala~
就是第一次结论你错了啊~它的结论是horoscope cannot determine the personality,不是第一次你说的horoscope is not the only factor that determine the personality。貌似二者还是有差别的吧>< (貌似我现在觉得差别不是特大。。但是,还是觉得第二个不像是特别specific的结论)
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-11 09:10
终于回到我可爱的家了,可以打中文了,原来你说的是我的assumption,那我了解了,这个assumption我当时也觉得有些不舒服,不过想了想觉得horoscope is not the only factor to determine the personality表达的是还有其他的原因是决定personality的,所以单凭horoscope itself不能成立。不过我也了解这不是个很理由的理由,看了你们的有了些启发。
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-11 09:14
I reply in English~ lalala~
就是第一次结论你错了啊~它的结论是horoscope cannot determine the personality,不是第一次你说的horoscope is not the only factor that determine the personality。貌似二者还是有差别的吧>< (貌似我现在觉得差别不是特大。。但是,还是觉得第二个不像是特别specific的结论)                                    

作者: balapupu    时间: 2011-8-11 10:03
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-11 10:10
I reply in English~ lalala~
就是第一次结论你错了啊~它的结论是horoscope cannot determine the personality,不是第一次你说的horoscope is not the only factor that determine the personality。貌似二者还是有差别的吧>< (貌似我现在觉得差别不是特大。。但是,还是觉得第二个不像是特别specific的结论)                                    

-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/8/11 9:14:01)

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-11 10:19

3. 46s 被那个horoscope打败了,不认识这个词啊T T
Con: we cannot say horoscope determines our personalities
Premise: The same time they are born, one in T one in NYC, but they do not have same personalities

Assumption: The other factors are all the same for these two people.

-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/9 22:11:57)

为horoscope是星座,那么作者就认为the same time they are born等于他们有相同的星座了。
回到bat说的,无论the other factors是不是the same都没有影响,因为是星座决定了性格,除非the other factors也是影响星座的属性。
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-11 10:48
3. 46s 被那个horoscope打败了,不认识这个词啊T T
Con: we cannot say horoscope determines our personalities
Premise: The same time they are born, one in T one in NYC, but they do not have same personalities

Assumption: The other factors are all the same for these two people.

-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/9 22:11:57)

为horoscope是星座,那么作者就认为the same time they are born等于他们有相同的星座了。
回到bat说的,无论the other factors是不是the same都没有影响,因为是星座决定了性格,除非the other factors也是影响星座的属性。
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/11 10:19:55)

Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?


所以,我觉得,可以认为作者观点与premise之间有GAP。它如果想说“星座不是影响性格的决定要素”,那他应给出的例子是:“同一个地方,甚至同一个医院(再甚至双胞胎= =),出生后性格迥异”
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-11 11:50

思路: Psychologist举例否原观点,举的反例必定是在原观点相同的前提情况下产生了与原观点不同的结论。原观点的前提情况是相同星座,结论是性格相同。反例的前提情况需要与原观点的一致,所以即是不管多伦多还是纽约生的星座是一样的。

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-11 12:05
C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.
所以反例换句话说就假设了纽约和多伦多的两个孩子星座是一样的--> the same time they are born等于他们有相同的星座-->出生地差异不会影响他们的星座差异
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-11 12:06
C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.
所以反例换句话说就假设了纽约和多伦多的两个孩子星座是一样的--> the same time they are born等于他们有相同的星座-->出生地差异不会影响他们的星座差异
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/11 12:05:02)

   再推:出生地差异不会影响他们的星座差异===星座仅仅与出生时间有关  是同样的道理。
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-11 12:07

思路: Psychologist举例否原观点,举的反例必定是在原观点相同的前提情况下产生了与原观点不同的结论。原观点的前提情况是相同星座,结论是性格相同。反例的前提情况需要与原观点的一致,所以即是不管多伦多还是纽约生的星座是一样的。

-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/8/11 11:50:24)

思路: Psychologist举例否原观点,举的反例必定是在原观点相同的前提情况下产生了与原观点不同的结论。原观点的前提情况是相同星座,结论是性格相同。反例的前提情况需要与原观点的一致,所以反例的前提仅应该是星座相同

作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-11 12:09
C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.
所以反例换句话说就假设了纽约和多伦多的两个孩子星座是一样的--> the same time they are born等于他们有相同的星座-->出生地差异不会影响他们的星座差异
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/11 12:05:02)

   再推:出生地差异不会影响他们的星座差异===星座仅仅与出生时间有关  是同样的道理。
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/11 12:06:52)

我懂了。。啊。。= = 原来答案被我理解错了。。。画圈去了。。。
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-11 12:10

Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?

                                    答案意思应该是:  多伦多和纽约的地区差异不会导致星座的不同,如果星座不同了这个反例就没有意义了~~                                                                
所以,我觉得,可以认为作者观点与premise之间有GAP。它如果想说“星座不是影响性格的决定要素”,那他应给出的例子是:“同一个地方,甚至同一个医院(再甚至双胞胎= =),出生后性格迥异”
-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/11 10:48:41)

作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-11 12:11
Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?

  答案意思应该是:  多伦多和纽约的地区差异不会导致星座的不同,如果星座不同了这个反例就没有意义了~~
所以,我觉得,可以认为作者观点与premise之间有GAP。它如果想说“星座不是影响性格的决定要素”,那他应给出的例子是:“同一个地方,甚至同一个医院(再甚至双胞胎= =),出生后性格迥异”
-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/11 10:48:41)

-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/11 12:10:28)

作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-11 12:11
bat比我反应快  哈哈~~
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-11 12:13
bat比我反应快  哈哈~~
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/11 12:11:27)

悲剧了。。微波炉坏了。。出去买饭吃T T
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-11 12:28
C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.
所以反例换句话说就假设了纽约和多伦多的两个孩子星座是一样的--> the same time they are born等于他们有相同的星座-->出生地差异不会影响他们的星座差异
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/8/11 12:05:02)

作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-11 13:05

C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.

也就是说Toronto和NY的不同地理位置决定了星座的不同 ----〉这样的话,和原文的psychologist conclusion:相同的星座不能决定性格,而相同的星座是由相同的时间决定的。

但感觉上是间接weaken conclusion,直接weaken premise。我这么又自己重新回顾了一下,是不是这个道理?
作者: daisyの小夢想    时间: 2011-8-11 13:30

C.The geographical difference between Toronto and New York did not result in the two individuals having different horoscopes.

也就是说Toronto和NY的不同地理位置决定了星座的不同 ----〉这样的话,和原文的psychologist conclusion:相同的星座不能决定性格,而相同的星座是由相同的时间决定的。

但感觉上是间接weaken conclusion,直接weaken premise。我这么又自己重新回顾了一下,是不是这个道理?
-- by 会员 fox0923 (2011/8/11 13:05:40)

        weaken可以weaken premise也可以weaken conclusion~~ 因为weaken了premise, conclusion就自然lose credibility了 呵呵。
作者: fox0923    时间: 2011-8-11 13:38
恩,明确了,原来以为只能weaken conclusion,而不能weaken fact....不过这个不算是fact,因为它是为反驳前面conclusion用的例子,所以可以weaken。

作者: ccmoom    时间: 2011-8-12 16:25
1、    45s
background:The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth.
Premise:A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip.
Conclusion:it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return.
Assumption:做过这题…… 答案是有足够的燃料飞回地球

2、    45s
background:Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point.
Premise:unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.
Conclusion:dentists should not fill a cavity.

  Conclusion:Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false
  Premise:However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.

 Background:We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the parties.
 remise: But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms
 Conclusion:It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.

 remise:Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films. In the first experiment, grammar school children were shown a film that included scenes of a male teenager engaging in violent acts against others, such as punching, pushing, and kicking. During a free-play session following the film viewing, 42 percent of the children were observed to engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film. In a second experiment, a different group of children was shown a similar film featuring a female teenager. Only 14 percent of the children were observed behaving violently afterward.
 Conclusion:The psychologists concluded that children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.
作者: zhengzhengzz    时间: 2011-8-15 21:56
background: the only problem is the weight.
Premise: carrying fuel would be too heavy to launch; a new invention to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip.
Conclusion: it is possible to carry this device and then return.
Assumption: 假设 new invention 本身不是很重
BG: filling a cavity is not a harmless procedure
Premise:cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth; many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point.
Conclusion: dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.
Support: 神经没有受到伤害的时候做了手术 结果不好
BG: some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities
Premise: identical twins  born at the same time have similar personalities; two individuals who born on the same day but different places, 40 years  personalities are different
Conclusion: the claim is false.
Assumption: 纽约和Toronto的环境很相似,这两个地域的不同并不影响结果。
Premise: the mass media decide the outcome of the elections, not the power of the parties, but no independent candidate has won any election in the last nationwide campaign.
Conclusion: reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.
Strengthen: 这个这个。。。没看明白。。。求解答~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GB: experiments to test the effect upon violence in films.
Premise:1.male teenager:42% of the children were observed to engage in other violent acts similar to those in the film
      2.female teenager: 14% of the children were observed to engage in other violent acts similar to those in the film.
Conclusion: children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown
Weaken: 男孩更容易模仿暴力的场景,女孩也会模仿,只不过不是暴力的场景,或不太会在游戏中体现出来(呃。。。参考了之前各位的解答。。。)

作者: 纳丁Cat    时间: 2011-8-16 17:07
1. NO1  FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q12 36s
The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth. A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip. Therefore, it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
假设:这个新装置是可行的,而且除了The only physical factor,没有其他阻碍人们去火星

2. NO2 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q15 30s
Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the researcher’s reasoning?

3. NO3 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q17  35s
Psychologist: Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?

4. NO4 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q2   45s没有读完
We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the parties. But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms. It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?
it is worth noting that值得注意的是
PS:刚看的时候不明白第一句话在题干里啥作用, Lawyer的解释:原文结论是说这两个主要政党立即要消失的报道为时过早。原文有两个证据:还没有独立或第三党候选人;最近的普选两个党投了很多钱(可以给媒体,而媒体可以决定选举结果)。

5. NO5 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q3  45s
Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films. In the first experiment, grammar school children were shown a film that included scenes of a male teenager engaging in violent acts against others, such as punching, pushing, and kicking. During a free-play session following the film viewing, 42 percent of the children were observed to engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film. In a second experiment, a different group of children was shown a similar film featuring a female teenager. Only 14 percent of the children were observed behaving violently afterward. The psychologists concluded that children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the psychologists’ conclusion?
grammar school 初级中学
作者: UlysessHope    时间: 2011-8-31 16:24







我们最近听说了近期两大党的重要性降低。是大众传媒决定了选举的结果。but这个无济于事 没有一个独立的各体或第三党在近些年赢过选举。且在最近的全国运动中,两大党在支持他们各自的参与者中比以前投入了更多的金钱。


心理学家做了一组实验。在第一个实验中 , grammar school children 观看了一个包含男性青少年暴力的电影,42%children 被观察到 engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film
在第二个实验中,a different group of children 观看了类似的电影,女性青少年暴力。只有14%的observed behaving violently afterward

削弱:grammar school children和a different group of children不是同一组实验对象
作者: xqxqzym    时间: 2011-11-5 03:13




作者: 大三准备留学    时间: 2012-2-15 13:52
1.background: the most important problem to carry astronauts to MARS is weight
                       we don't have enough fuel for the lightest spacecraft to get to and return from MARS
  premise: a new device can refuel the spacecraft when it return from the MARS

  conclusion: we can finish the jouney to MARS
assumption: 这个新东西可以载那么多油到指定地点进行refuel           错了  是otherwise不是 other!!!
2. premis: 修复有洞的牙齿可能会损害到其他健康的牙齿 所以修复牙齿并不是无害的
          所以牙医应该在确认有洞的牙齿会对神经造成伤害后再进行修复  结论记错了 。。。。。

3 两个人同时出生 但是不在痛一个医院 他们有着相同的hometele。。。 但是却表现出来不同的性格  
 结论 星座并不带表相同性格
 假设:不在同一个地方出生 但是同时也有着相同的heme。。

4.超时而且每照到逻辑 我擦。。。过去两年没有个人或者小团体花钱赢得过竞选  
结论 这两个政党正在衰退。。。。。

5.心理学家做了两组实验,一组是给孩子们看男性暴力电影  百分之47的孩子后来又模仿行为,另一组是分开了看女性暴力电影  百分之14后来有模仿行为
  结论  男性的暴力模型更加容易让孩子模仿

削弱:两组孩子本身的不同   一个是GRAMMER  一组是。。。
作者: 单身学文    时间: 2012-5-27 15:55
1’02 做过

37” 做过
35” 做过
作者: pengfu    时间: 2012-8-24 15:26
bg : 阻碍人类登火星的原因是重量,太重的东西降落不适合在地球上
      但是现在有个新设备发明了,太空飞船可以带着他装着燃料在返回的           时候。
bg: 填补牙洞不坏,因为避免伤害其他的牙齿
con:  牙医不应该补洞,除非有危险


q: weaken
bg: 看了两部电影(男女冲突),不同的组的学生,反应不同
con: 对于男生的打斗更有挑动性。
作者: ciel5chiang    时间: 2012-10-3 17:04


两个人同时一个杂NY 一个在XX地方出生,他们的性的是不一样的.两个人同月日而不同年份出生,性格也是不一样的?星座学家说星座决定我们的性格,但是这是错误的.


Conclusion: children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.
作者: MiaZhang    时间: 2012-11-2 19:11
BG: people cannot go to Mars because the aircraft would have to carry too much fuel to leave off earth.
P: recently, people invented a device that can allow the aircraft to refuel in the Mars atmosphere.
C: People will be able to travel to and back from Mars.
Assumption: there will not be other factors that render people's travel to Mars
BG: filling a cavity in a teeth is dangerous because it will harm some of the healthy part of a teeth. Cavity will not be harmful unless the cavity has reached the nerve.
P: (however) few cavity will reach the nerve
C: dentist should not fill a cavity unless the cavity is in imminent danger.
Support: imminent danger will definitely develop into harm to nerve.
BG: 很多人觉得星座能影响人的性格,双胞胎就具有相同的性格
P: 同一时间出生在东京和纽约的两个人
C: 这两个人具有不同的性格
C: 取消两党系统还不成熟
P: 两个实验:第一个实验——给孩子们放暴力片子,里面是男性在打斗,结果孩子们有很大比例都会模仿这些行为;第二个实验——给孩子们放的暴力片子里面,主要是女性的打斗场面,结果孩子们模仿暴力行为的比例很小
C: 暴力片子中,男性的行为对孩子的影响更大
作者: 纽约我爱你    时间: 2013-3-20 22:00
Premise: 1.the gravity makes it hard for human to get on the mars. invention can fill the energy after we get on mars.
Conclusion: it will be possible for us to get on the mars.
Assumption: there are enough source on mars to be energy(似乎错了,解决的不是重力的问题而是燃料的问题)
The craft is itself not heavy.

Premise: 1.Only when C reaches the nerves of the tooth will it hurt us.
2.most C don’t get that deep.
Conclusion: we don’t need to fill the C immediately.
Support: most C don’t develop after they appear.

Premise: 1. twins that have similar personalities are born at the same day.
2.people who are born at different places have different personalities.
Conclusion: the previous thought that the date of birth decides people’s personality is wrong.
Assumption: there is no other fact, such as age, can affect personality.

Premise: 1.the third party won a lot of support
2.the two major parties spent more money than ever before.
Conclusion: the election will not be predicted.

Premise: 1.many children imitate the violent behavior in the film as the actor does.
2.fewer children imitate the violent behavior in the film as the actress does.
Conclusion: children are more willing to imitate the violent behavior of male.
Weaken: the act in the second film is gentler.
作者: Cybill    时间: 2013-4-3 23:39
BG: people travel to Mars need much fuel, it will make spacecraft much heavy.
Premise: A invent. make spacecraft refill fuel from Martain stmosphere.
Conclusion: people will have opportunity to go and back from Mars.

2. 34'
Premise: Fill cavity will inevitably harm the healthy part of teeth.
Conclusion: Dental should not fill cavity for patients when their cavity will not touch the nervers.
Support: Many patients who fill cavity occor nerves desease.

3. 37'
BG: the theory of horoscopes will determine is wrong.
Premise: People who born in the same time have different personality
Premise: twins who born in the same time have same personality
Conclusion: The theory is wrong.

4. 51' 还是没看懂
BG: mess media claimed about declining important of the two major parties.
Premise: No other parties's candidates won. The two major parties spend much money.
Conclusion: It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.

5. 48'
BG: violent behavior in film will inflence veiwer.
Premise: Two group research. 40% against 14%
Conclusion: people more likely to imitate male violent behavior than female.

作者: flonacui    时间: 2013-7-15 11:56
1. 52s
P The only difficulty that prevents a human journey to Mars is the weight.
P now, scientists have created a device to refill the tanks using the atomosphere of the Mars
C people could be able to go on Mars with the help of the device
assumption: 现在还不能refill返程所需要的全部的fuel 这个device还是不太完善; 通过atmosphere of mars refill的fuel会变得更重 返程的过程中没办法安全的把人带回来

2 44s
P filling a cavity of the tooth could be harmful because it could harm the other healthy teeth.
p some cavity are not that serious enough to harm the teeth.
C dentists should not fill a cavity unless the cavity reach that point that is harmful to humans.
加强可以来说fill a cavity的不好举例子说;

3 39s
p: twins that were born at the same time have the same personality, however, people born at the same time 40 years ago in the different place have totally different personality.
C some people claim that H completely determines the personality, and this claim is definetely false.
assumption:40年前的H 跟twins出生的H 是一样的

4 46s没太看懂。。。。
C:reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.
5 58s
p when the model in the film is male, 42% of the students tend to imitate the action in the film; when the model in the film is female, only 14% of the students tend to imitate the action afterwards.
C children are more inclined to imitate the violence in the film when the model is male than female.
weaken: 百分数问题 没有说明两个experiments里面的同学人数是一样的 说不定另外一个基数更大; 两个experiments里面孩子的特征不一样 说不定第一个实验里的同学本来就比第二个aggressive; 播放时间不一样 比如说早上或者晚上 孩子们倾向于aggressive
作者: Yvette19    时间: 2013-8-2 00:38
赶着出门健身先发一个first sight版交作业,晚上回来研究question和大神答案!
1. 45s
BG: The physical factor which prevent human being from getting access to Mars is weight. The lightest spacecraft is still too heavy to get on Mars.
Premise: A recent invention of a new fuel enable the spacecraft to savely travel of its return trip.
conclusion: Someday human might get access to Mars thanks to this new fuel.

2. 50s
BG, Dental claims that filling a cravity is not harmless. Sometimes it is inevitably harmful if it is related to nerve.

Conclusion: Therefore... 为属马总是记不住推倒结论。。。差距太大了呜呜呜

3. 1min
BG: while SC believes that personalities are determined by GENE..?
psychologist thinks that it should be determined by the time??
Premise: A twin born at the same time from the same gene but two people born at the same time 40 years ago one in Toronto another in NYC, their personalities cannot be the similar.
Conclusion: Personalities are not determined by the time they bornd.

被打断了又接着读了 more than 1 min
BG: popular belief that two party political system compete with each other is through mass media. Media plays an important role.
Premise: But there's actually no third party or independent party elected. in the latest election nationwide both parties made the greatest propaganda. and the reports believe that this way is the best way.

BG; Psychologist conducted experiment on 2 groups of children violence in relation to film.
Premise: First group of school children were shown a violent film featuring a male. As a result, there was 42 percent of immitation of violence. The second group were shown a violent film featuring a female teenager. Less of them was found commiting violence.

作者: m1nt    时间: 2013-8-9 11:58
1. 25’
Background: Weight prevents spacecraft to go to Mars. Even the lightest craft can afford the
weight of fuel for the whole journey.
Premise: A new device can help to produce fuel for the return, so the weight of the fuel carried can decline.
Conclusion: The spacecraft with new equipment can go to Mars.
Assumption: New equipment wont add more weight

2. 25’
Background: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure:
Premise: Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point.
Conclusion: Dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity
Support: Cavity without imminent danger wont have other problems

3. 25’
Background:  Claim: Horoscopes determine people's personalities.
Premise: Twins have similar personalities. But two persons born on the same day, one in NY,one in
Tokyo, have great differences in personalities.
Conclusion: This claim is false
Assumption: Gap: Born in NY and Toronto have the same horoscopes

4. 35s
Background: Media has played a significant role on the election outcome.
Both of the two main parties have devoted much more money to the propaganda to win support every year.
No independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years
Conclusion: The reports of the ends of the two parties are premature at best.
Support: Third party has no money to support that

5. 23’
Background: Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films
2组孩子,一组看male model暴力的电影一组看female model暴力电影,第一组比第二组更容易产生暴力
Conclusion: Children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.
Weaken: 1.开始参加的孩子不同
2. male model容易模仿

作者: jenniferlyy125    时间: 2014-2-10 11:41
1. P:去火星最大的障碍就是太重,一般载燃料的话会很重。现在新发明一种东西,可以在火星上加油回城。
C: 所以,不应该补洞除非神经迫在眉睫地威胁。
Media说政党要下位了,作者反驳,因为1花钱更多 2没有第三党赢
5.51’ 虽然很长,但是语言简单。

add oil!
作者: liyao604    时间: 2014-4-12 18:15
Day three
NO1  FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q12
The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth. A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip. Therefore, it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

Pne factor prevent human traveling火星is the weight,即使最轻的aircraft(要携带到火星再回来的油)也太重了,使得aircraft不能从地球发射出来
P:最近有一个device被发明→在火星上refill the油箱(油从火星的大气产生的)
C:可以successful travel火星

NO2 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q15
Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.

P:对于most the cavities如果untreated不会有什么事。因为会有事当有东西通过洞(decay)reach the nerve

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the researcher’s reasoning?

NO3 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q17
Psychologist: Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?


NO4 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q2
We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the parties. But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms. It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

PAQ遗漏了一个重要的premise是mass media而不是政党的power来决定election。
C:report关于政党重要性的comment premature=不准确的

NO5 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q3
Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films. In the first experiment, grammar school children were shown a film that included scenes of a male teenager engaging in violent acts against others, such as punching, pushing, and kicking. During a free-play session following the film viewing, 42 percent of the children were observed to engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film. In a second experiment, a different group of children was shown a similar film featuring a female teenager. Only 14 percent of the children were observed behaving violently afterward. The psychologists concluded that children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the psychologists’ conclusion?

作者: 问啊问啊    时间: 2015-6-4 05:36
6/3/2015 1-3
NO1  FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q12
The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back would make even the lightest craft too heavy to be launched from Earth. A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to refill the craft’s fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip. Therefore, it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

G:1)这个设备不重 2)真的可以完成获取 火星的大气3)带足够去火星大气飞行的燃料

NO2 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q15
Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, if left untreated, never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should not fill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that cavity.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the researcher’s reasoning?
G:神经有害+不补牙,不到神经 =》不用补牙,除非到神经
所以gap是不用补牙和伤害之间,少了一环,默认假设了 ,看答案说: ,即对于潜在的伤害不应用必然带来其他伤害的方法来治疗。

NO3 FEIFEI Logic Test1 Q17
Psychologist: Some astrologers claim that our horoscopes completely determine our personalities, but this claim is false, I concede that identical twins---who are, of course, born at practically the same time---often do have similar personalities. However, birth records were examined to find two individuals who were born 40 years ago on the same day and at exactly the same time---one in a hospital in Toronto and one in a hospital in New York. Personalities of these two individuals are in fact different.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the psychologist’s argument depends?

NO4 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q2
We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the parties. But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms. It seems clear that reports of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

NO5 CR大全 不含OG版  TESTC Q3
Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films. In the first experiment, grammar school children were shown a film that included scenes of a male teenager engaging in violent acts against others, such as punching, pushing, and kicking. During a free-play session following the film viewing, 42 percent of the children were observed to engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film. In a second experiment, a different group of children was shown a similar film featuring a female teenager. Only 14 percent of the children were observed behaving violently afterward. The psychologists concluded that children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the psychologists’ conclusion?


作者: 进击的智人阿飞    时间: 2018-10-12 18:06
1.   43s:
Premise: 飞到火星上的阻碍是weight+ 因为要带燃料所以很重+新型工具能使飞船在火星环境下产生燃料
Assumption:fill the gap。 产生的燃料足以让飞船返回;反条件不存在。这种工具不需要飞船带额外很重的材料
2.   32s
Premise:牙医补牙会对牙本身产生伤害+ 虫牙只有到达牙神经时才会产生危害+不补的虫牙很少伤及牙神经
Strengthen:前提不导致结论的情况不存在。 牙医补牙不是为了防止加重; fill the gap, 牙医补牙是为了让病人不痛
3.   35s
Conclusion:A 说的不对
4.   46s
Counter: 两党派的影响不像之前那么大了+Premise:大众传媒只影响选举结果不传达党派影响
Counterpremise: 没有第三党派的人被选上总统+两主要党派花更多钱宣传了
Conclusion: 最早的观点不成熟    assumption: 前提不导致结论不存在, 当选的票数比例与以前相比没有更少
5.   40s
Conclusion: 男性犯罪行为对小学生影响更大
Weaken :compare, 两者不能相比,女性青少年犯罪电影很少暴力镜头,少于男性的;
Data problem:样本男女不均匀,小学生爱模仿同性别的人

作者: tinatang1116    时间: 2018-12-21 20:10
1.        29.5s
Premise: the reason that people cannot go to Mars is the weight. Now the change of tank containing fuel has been designed to carry enough fuel to and back.
Conclusion: now people can go to Mars
Assumption: weight problem is the only one and people’s weight will not increase.
2.        32.72s
Premise: cavity is not harmful unless it reach the nerve of teeth
Conclusion: dentist should not deal with cavity until it has become harmful
Strengthen: if dentist do unnecessary treatment may cause harm to patient.
3.        32.15s
Premise: two people who were born in the same time were not own the same personality.
Conclusion: horoscopes not completely determine our personalities.
Assumption: horoscopes were determined by time that people born(if born time is the same, horoscopes are the same)
4.        33.6s
Premise: while mass determine elections, no the third party has showed up
Conclusion: the two party have become premature enough.
Strengthen: maybe about the number of these two party are becoming larger.
5.        39.5s
Premise: during two experience, more students imitate violate behavior made by male instead of female.
Conclusion: students are more likely to imitate male behavior rather than female’s
Weaken: in other behavior rather than violate, students show no obvious trend vary from gender.
premise: influence of mass media has incresed
premise: more money has been spent on election
conclusion: the two parties are not mature enough
strenghten: mature party will not spend so much money on election or they can control finance better.
作者: FredaCi    时间: 2020-12-20 18:05
1. One obstacle that prohibt people from getting to mars is that no aircraft can carry as much as fuels needed to support the trip to mars can back.
However, since scientists can use another aircraft to add the needed fuel to the aircraft, the exploration to mars is possible in the future.
assumption: it is possible for another aircraft to add fuel to the first one

2.Filling a cavity can do harm to some healthy part of the tooth, and if the cavities do not reach the nerve, they will do no harm to the tooth.
So only if the cavities are in imminent danger should dentist fill a cavity.
support: there is no potential dangers with most of the cavities which are left untreated

3.It is wrong to say that horoscopes determine our personalities. Identical twins often has similar personlaties and people born in different places at the same time will have different personalities.
assumption: there is no other factors that can conter the effect of horoscopes on one's personality

4. The assumption that the power of two-side party is wrong. Although it is said that the media determine the outcome of the selection, people are spending more money to support the two main parties.

5.Researchers suppose that watching violent movies will affect teenager's behavior. Two experiments show that a higher pecentage of teenagers did similar violence after seeing a male teenager who did violent actions than a female teenager.
So the gender of the teenager in the movie will affect the teenagers' behavior.
Weaken: in two experiement, the participants are diffenet. The former group were more violent before the experiment.
作者: ssssshhhh123    时间: 2021-1-5 08:44
作者: gouguoqu    时间: 2021-1-17 16:33

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