
标题: superbat: PREP 202 关于各种比较 [打印本页]

作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-6 13:59
标题: superbat: PREP 202 关于各种比较

Providing initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed to be, environmentalists in Chicago report that the total amount of pollutant emitted annually by vehicles at O’Hare International Airport is twice as much as that which is being emitted annually by all motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area.
motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area.

A. as much as that which is being emitted annually by all
B. as much annually as is emitted by the
C. as much compared to what is annually emitted by all
D. that emitted annually by all
E. that emitted annually compared to the

1. 先试图还原下紫色部分,用D正确答案的形式,请大家批判:
The total amount of pollutant (that is) emitted annually by vehicles at OIA is twice the amount of pollutant(用that指代了)(that is) emitted annually by all motor vehicles in the CMA.

The total amount of pollutant (that is) emitted annually by vehicles at OIA is twice as much as(指代the amount of pollutant) is emitted anually by all motor vehicles in the CMA.       我的意思是这个is的出现,是不是导致二者不平行了?~

2. 而对于蓝色部分,请问除了比较省略的部分?对于将一个东西和其之前believe to be的情况相比较的用法,我仍不是很清楚。给出一个OG题:Q12 正确句子
A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought.
毛毛在一个帖子里说,全句补全后应如下:A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as (the economy that) some analysts previously thought (might be).

我对此表示基本同意。但是我想请问,如果把比较部分改为: The economy might not be as weak as (the economy that)  some analysts previously thought to be(might be).                     请问此句语法上是否有错?还是仅仅说to be是多余成分,但并无语法错误?

而结合到本题蓝色比较部分,我想请问各位NN,蓝色部分补全后应是怎样的?还是根本不需要再补全? 此外 believe to be的to be能否去掉?还是说用believe to be是为了表达出“当年被believe而后会成为什么样子” 这样的想法?


作者: Tobelogical    时间: 2011-8-6 14:25
The total amount of pollutant (that is) emitted annually by vehicles at OIA is twice as much as(指代the amount of pollutant) is emitted anually by all motor vehicles in the CMA.
这里的as ... as中as是连词不是代词,lz如果要把as作为代词来用,那么就不存在as ... as句型。如果要用,必须是as... as + 与比较对象平行的结构。

the economy might not be as weak as (the economy that)  some analysts previously thought to be(might be).
比较的两部分总要平行的,前半句是might be后面的部分最好是might be
Environmentalists provide initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed  to be

作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-6 15:01
The total amount of pollutant (that is) emitted annually by vehicles at OIA is twice as much as(指代the amount of pollutant) is emitted anually by all motor vehicles in the CMA.
这里的as ... as中as是连词不是代词,lz如果要把as作为代词来用,那么就不存在as ... as句型。如果要用,必须是as... as + 与比较对象平行的结构。

the economy might not be as weak as (the economy that)  some analysts previously thought to be(might be).
比较的两部分总要平行的,前半句是might be后面的部分最好是might be
Environmentalists provide initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed  to be

-- by 会员 Tobelogical (2011/8/6 14:25:42)

as,than可以做比较从句的主语,例:In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day.


第二个问题,我知道那个地方要用might be~我的疑问是,thought to be中to be的出现只是多余?还是说有语法错误?
此外,关于最后说两个比较主语不一样?我不确定我是否catch Ur idea了。我怎么觉得主语都是airport呢。。
作者: Tobelogical    时间: 2011-8-6 15:18
as much annually as is emitted by the
four times as many Americans were killed as
than sb expected/though当常规用法记吧,应该是冗余

the economy might not be as weak as (the economy that)  some analysts previously thought to be(might be).
Environmentalists provide initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed  to be
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-6 15:31
as much annually as is emitted by the
four times as many Americans were killed as
than sb expected/though当常规用法记吧,应该是冗余

the economy might not be as weak as (the economy that)  some analysts previously thought to be(might be).
Environmentalists provide initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed  to be
-- by 会员 Tobelogical (2011/8/6 15:18:50)

因为比较对象前面是一个名词加上它的后置定语The total amount of pollutant (that is) emitted annually by vehicles at OIA ,而后一个比较对象变为了一个主谓宾结构    the amount of pollutant(用as指代了) is emitted anually by all motor vehicles in the CMA.  


第二个问题,你的意思是to be只是冗余,没有语法错误咯?~

我就是想知道Environmentalists provide initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed  to be这个句子中有没有省略。。举个例子说:
That airports are a larger source of pollution than they were (a source of pollution) ten years ago.
我就想知道在这个believe to be结构中,是否有省略那个a source of pollution,如果省略了,怎么加进去。。。
作者: superbat28    时间: 2011-8-7 21:23
upp    TT
作者: xinruiAbby    时间: 2011-10-4 21:51
解释得超清楚 O(∩_∩)O谢谢
作者: rabbit1937    时间: 2012-8-4 14:20

Providing initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed to be, environmentalists in Chicago report that the total amount of pollutant emitted annually by vehicles at O’Hare International Airport is twice as much as that which is being emitted annually by all motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area.
motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area.

A. as much as that which is being emitted annually by all
B. as much annually as is emitted by the
C. as much compared to what is annually emitted by all
D. that emitted annually by all
E. that emitted annually compared to the

1. 先试图还原下紫色部分,用D正确答案的形式,请大家批判:
The total amount of pollutant (that is) emitted annually by vehicles at OIA is twice the amount of pollutant(用that指代了)(that is) emitted annually by all motor vehicles in the CMA.

The total amount of pollutant (that is) emitted annually by vehicles at OIA is twice as much as(指代the amount of pollutant) is emitted anually by all motor vehicles in the CMA.       我的意思是这个is的出现,是不是导致二者不平行了?~

2. 而对于蓝色部分,请问除了比较省略的部分?对于将一个东西和其之前believe to be的情况相比较的用法,我仍不是很清楚。给出一个OG题:Q12 正确句子
A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought.
毛毛在一个帖子里说,全句补全后应如下:A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as (the economy that) some analysts previously thought (might be).

我对此表示基本同意。但是我想请问,如果把比较部分改为: The economy might not be as weak as (the economy that)  some analysts previously thought to be(might be).                     请问此句语法上是否有错?还是仅仅说to be是多余成分,但并无语法错误?

而结合到本题蓝色比较部分,我想请问各位NN,蓝色部分补全后应是怎样的?还是根本不需要再补全? 此外 believe to be的to be能否去掉?还是说用believe to be是为了表达出“当年被believe而后会成为什么样子” 这样的想法?


-- by 会员 superbat28 (2011/8/6 13:59:02)

superbat28 版主好,

1,显然as做指代,指代前述的the total amount of pollutant;

2,所以补齐原文,the total amount of pollutant emitted annually by vehicles at O’Hare International Airport is twice as much as the amount of pollutent is emitted by the motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area。

3,问题就出现了,上述变成了一个名词,the total amount of X, 与 一clause之间进行比较,显然是不合适的。

4,可以类比其他题目中 as 或者 than 做关系代词题目的例子,我们可以发现,正式由于前后恰恰是需要两句完整的句子进行比较才采用了此种用法,避免了前面一句话去比较后面一个主语这样的错误的。

prep-218, Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies(插入语丢掉)fewer than have been killed by bee stings.
中我们可以看出,Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark这件事情与 XXpeople have been killed by bee stings这件事情进行对比。而若改为 fewer than those killed by bee stings,则成为了与 事件与人对比,显然不对。
the total amount of pollutant emitted annually by vehicles at O’Hare International Airport is twice as much as the amount of pollutent is emitted by the motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area 无非是倒过来。

environmentalists in Chicago report that the total amount of pollutant emitted annually by vehicles at O’Hare International Airport is twice as much as that which is being emitted annually by all motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area.
motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area.

Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies(插入语丢掉)fewer than have been killed by bee stings.
首先,fewer than 直接进行主语数量的比较,而不是在主语的某个修饰词上面做比较(主语也没有none modifier),而两个主语的区别体现在哪里?答:只能是体现在他们发出的动作之上,即谓语动词,从而需要连带谓语动词一起比较,变成了句子比较句子;第二,(不是上述例子)有时候感觉比较词常常出现在句子的最后,(有状语的感觉,修饰整个句子),这种时候往往需要整句话的比较,故而常采用as/than指代的用法。(求印证,大家帮帮忙)

作者: rabbit1937    时间: 2012-8-5 12:25

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