标题: CR 問題求救啊 [打印本页] 作者: yw65 时间: 2011-8-6 06:12 标题: CR 問題求救啊 1.An eyeglasses manufacturer tried to boost sales for summer quarter by offering its distributors a special discount if their orders for that quarter exceeded those for last year's summer quarter by at least 20 percent. Many distributors qualified for this discount. Even with much merchandise discounted, sales increased enough to produce a healthy gain in net profits. The manufacturer plans to repeat this success by offering the same sort of discount for the fall quarter.
Which of the following, if true, most clearly points to a flaw in the manufacturer's plan to repeat the successful performance of the summer quarter? (a)The distributors most likely to qualify for the manufacturer's special discount are those whose orders were unusually low a year earlier. (b)The distributors' ordering more goods in the summer quarter left them overstocked for the fall quarter. 正確答案是(b) 但是我選了(a) 敢問(a)到底哪裡出了錯呢? 如果證明了qualify last year 的manufacturer很少的話不就間接證明了net profit 不是從他們身上來的嗎? 這樣不就point a flaw證明重複使用這策略無效? 作者: bitieming 时间: 2011-8-6 17:46
a选项不足以削弱该制造商的计划。 因为A只是说那些符合条件的分销商们是因为去年的订单较正常值低(从而导致他们能够较容易的实现20%的销售增长),然而并没有对这些分销商的销售能力做任何评价,有可能去年的订单较低的原因在今年不复存在,有可能今年的eyeglasses就是热销,总之对于制造商策略成功的可能性,a选项没有进行攻击。 而B正中要害,库存过多了,库存过多说明该制造商的策略实际上并没有增加销售额,只是分销商们趁着discount超量进货来减少了自己的成本而已,直接说明了该销售商的策略无效,进一步采取该策略只不过会进一步降低分销商成本,当分销商库存达到饱和,即使他们还有discount分销商也不会再买了,事实上是通过降价预售了未来的销售额,是非常危险的企业行为。