112.The average hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland has long been sign if i cantly lower than that in neigh boring Borodia. Since Borodia dropped all tariffson Vernland iantelevisions three years ago, the number of televisionssoldannuallyinBorodiahasnotchanged.However,recentstatisticsshowadropinthenumberof televisionassemblersinBorodia.Therefore,updatedtradestatisticswillprobablyindicatethatthenumberof televisionsBorodiaimportsannuallyfromVernlandhasincreased.
求NN指点作者: prodliu 时间: 2011-11-23 20:51
一道一道来吧 首先是112背景:V国的电视装配工人的每小时工资比B国的低。自从3年前B国减小了对V国电视的关税,每年B国的电视销售量没变。然而,最近数据表明B国电视装配工的数量减少。因此,未来统计数据可能会显示B国每年从V国进口的电视数量增多。 问题:假设。 选项:A:V国装配工数量的增长率,至少和B国装配工数量的减少率相等 B:V国产电视有B国产电视所不具备的特征 C:近3年,B国电视装配工生产电视所需的平均时间没有减少 D:近3年,V国产电视增多 E:B国和V国的电视装配工的每小时工资差额越来越小 解析:前提:B国电视组装工的人数下降 结论:B从V进口的电视数量增多了 要找一个假设条件,原文成立的条件是没有别的原因导致B从V国进口的电视数量增多,就是B国组装电视人数下降这个原因导致的。而这个别的原因就是B国组装工组装一台电视的平均时间;要保证这个原因不变,才能推出是人数下降的原因导致的。作者: prodliu 时间: 2011-11-23 20:55
110.背景:目前,要想计算服务工人的生产力很复杂。比如说邮递员,普遍认为,他们所投递的信件越多其生产力就越高。但是,真的是这样吗?要是信件投递得多的同时,丢失和延误的信件也增多呢? 问题:上述反驳是基于对哪一项的质疑? 选项:A:邮递员是服务工人的典型代表 B:投递信件是邮递员的主要服务 C:生产力应属于一类工人,而不是一个 D:在计算生产力时,服务质量可以被忽略 E:投递的信件数量跟计算生产力有关 这题可以理解为原文是削弱的选项,那它削弱了那个结论呢?丢失和延误信件都是与投递质量相关的,所以选D作者: prodliu 时间: 2011-11-23 21:02
109.S地区火灾委员说:大量虚报火警都是来自街角匿名的火警亭。因为人人都有手机,这些火警亭已经没什么用了。因此,我们打算取消火警亭。取消火警亭可以减少虚报数量,又不会影响人们报警的能力。 问题:加强。 选项:A:火警部门能够查出所有手机报警的地方 B:维护火警亭将会花费S500万元/每年 C:比起火警亭,手机报警能告诉火警部门更多的火势情况 D:虚报火警减小了火警部门对报警的反应能力 E:一个给定的日期,很多公共电话不能用 手段目的题:手段:取消火警庭 目的:减少虚报数量和不影响人们报警的能力 加强:即手段可行,或者能达到目的 挨个分析选项:A。能查出所有手机的位置---不影响人们报警能力 B 与花费无关 C 能告诉跟多信息与报警能力无关,这里只关心能不能迅速确定火情位置,与能提供多少信息无关 D 目的是减少虚报数量,至于虚报火警能导致什么不需要知道 E 一个日期,不能用电话,影响人们报警能力,削弱作者: prodliu 时间: 2011-11-23 21:03
104. Although the discount stores in Goreville's central shopping district are expected to close within five years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount department store that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long. In the five years since the opening of Colson's, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson's. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? (A) Many customers of Colson's are expected to do less shopping there than they did before the SpendLess store opened. (B) Increasingly, the stores that have opened in the central shopping district since Colson's opened have been discount stores. (C) At present, the central shopping district has as many stores operating in it as it ever had. (D) Over the course of the next five years, it is expected that Goreville's population will grow at a faster rate than it has for the past several decades. (E) Many stores in the central shopping district sell types of merchandise that are not available at either SpendLess or Colson's.