Sprite 112, to be honest I do not really know any full-time AGSM Chinese student. Well, maybe JUDAl would be the first one I will get to know soon.
But based on your big4 background, this AGSM MBA would definitely be something to broaden your career path. If I were you, I would consider CEIBS as well coz CEIBS would be able to give you more powerful network in China in the in the scenario of working in Chna in the future.
AGSM is the only choice for people like me currently staying in Aus but you do have a lot of choices in APAC or US.
But do let me know how I can help if you are still very interested in AGSM program.
-- by 会员 DFeng (2011/8/17 16:23:45)
谢谢LZ啊!今天收到AGSM full-time 2011 Jan的offer。打算申请点奖学金,但是他家最高就免三分之一学费。
我看了一下booklet也问了admission,我应该是不能申请的。它要求必须是citizen,或者有PR但是接受的是bridging study。太可惜啦~~不然这个LOAN很好的……
-- by 会员 JUDAL (2011/8/17 14:24:30)