
标题: OG SC255请教 [打印本页]

作者: perfume    时间: 2004-7-1 22:18
标题: OG SC255请教

255. The bank holds $3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that they do not expect payments when due.

(A) they do not expect payments when

(B) it does not expect payments when it is

(C) it does not expect payments to be made when they are

(D) payments are not to be expected to be paid when

(E) payments are not expected to be paid when they will be


作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-7-1 23:04

when后不用将来时,payment paid重复。

作者: perfume    时间: 2004-7-2 15:12
作者: irenelj78    时间: 2004-8-15 13:43

a答案:The bank holds $3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that they do not expect payments when due.我还有个疑问就是OG对a答案得解释里面还说:they do not expect payments when due makes the modification of due unclear.但是我就是觉得due单从语法上讲修饰的很明确阿,就是主句里面的they啊,只有这样才可以省略从句的主语的,虽然逻辑意思不对,比如:when entering the house,they found the dog lying on the ground.这种句子不都是修饰主句主语的吗?og为什莫说不明确呢?难道那个规则不对?请指教,谢谢!

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