在美国,其实真的不怎么看重这些证书,而且中国对于CFA有误解,以后是什么“金融分析”的一个General的可以大小通吃的证书,其实在美国,除了Asset Management, Investments Management和一部分的Private Equity人士去考以外,没有人会傻到花几千块钱几百个小时去考这么个对于找工作毫无用处的玩意儿。在美国找工作,永远是“美国国籍-大于-经验-大于-学校名声-大于-专业-大于-成绩-大于-证书”。况且一个哈佛的白人同学也说过,现在的形式,在美国要找一个买方的工作就是笑话。中国人里面,CFA二级没找到实习的也是有的,IBD更是和CFA没有一点儿关系。
-- by 会员 delawarerej (2011/7/21 13:20:09)
lz 极端了,看一看康奈尔,卡内基等学校金融工程学生的简历,哪个没有考过cfa? 进不去买方是因为很多学校课程设置不重视trading,但是康奈尔就重视,所以每届都有很多人做trader
-- by 会员 busidemao (2011/7/21 19:50:33)
P咧 Merrill Lynch推荐的那些mutual funds 所有partners的profile我全都看过
4/5都是不知名懒校毕业 唯一的相同处就是CFA title
-- by 会员 magickame (2011/7/21 22:53:50)
If you already have financial background, CFA is a plus which will help you get augmentation and promotion. But if you have no related experience and want to change to this area, I think top mba having a good finance reputation is better than CFA. In fact, in several area, such as asset management, almost every one has CFA certification. But Among them many people pass CFA after they enter this industry. So if you have no experience and you are not a freshman, CFA means nothing to you. If you are a freshman with finance degree, CFA will prove your motivation.
-- by 会员 lhf80 (2012/1/17 22:41:17)