At the turn of the twentieth century, forest covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them domesticated and performing various essential tasks.
A.covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand
and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them
B.covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand
accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, and a third of them were
C.covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand
and accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, with a third
D.covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand
and accommodated as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them
E.covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand
and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, with a third of them 看过一些贴子,大家认为with可能会引起歧义,因为with可能修饰forest但我认为并不存在这样的歧义,因为尽管语法上存在这样的歧义,但是逻辑上就能消除这样的歧义,因为forest不可能domesticated and performing various essential tasks,所以逻辑上立马能消除语法带来的歧义,因此我认为并不存在这样的歧义。 本人看法: with短语作为定语修饰前面的300,000 elephants,但问题是不知道是a third= 300,000 elephants? 还是300,000里的三分之一?引起语义上的歧义,本人看法,望牛牛们拍砖作者: 塔罗牌 时间: 2011-7-17 23:36
究竟选什么作者: aeoluseros 时间: 2011-7-18 02:08
should be D. sasha问的应该是E的错误. 1. E里面accomodating错误 2. 关于with:首先同位语修饰不应该加with,其次with的本质性含义是“和……一起”,衍生出“拥有、所有”的含义,那么如果with a third修饰大象,意思就成了所有的大象拥有的三分之一大象,不符合逻辑,所以300,000 elephants逻辑上不可被with非限定性修饰,最后with修饰主语forest同样逻辑不成立,综合起来推翻E选项的with使用。 3. 类比one of us,one of表达的是us中的一位,of表达了"部分"的含义. 同理one third of them表达的也是300,000 elephants的1/3。作者: nemiah 时间: 2011-7-18 02:20
同意。 我觉得with作为介词短语往往是修饰动词的,而accommodating从语意上讲显然不能和with搭配,而one third of them 就直接用独立主格形式了。作者: sasha_wen 时间: 2011-7-25 23:57
此题选D: 两动词的并列:covered... and accommodated...
我比较难判断CD之间的取舍:我给出了排除C的理由,即with短语作为定语修饰前面的300,000 elephants,但问题是不知道是a third= 300,000 elephants? 还是300,000里的三分之一?引起语义上的歧义,本人看法,望牛牛们拍砖作者: kevinsuper 时间: 2011-7-26 01:58
C.covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, with a third
D.covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodated as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them
我觉得选d是由于用了as many as *** elephants...后面那俩意思上都有歧义,都不太好。题目想说的是三分之一的大象***怎么着怎么着。也可以理解成森林怎么着怎么着。好句子不会这么别扭。选d跟with无关作者: dynamiccow 时间: 2011-7-27 21:07
个人认为可以这么看 a third of them domesticated and performing various essential tasks. 这个部分是修饰elephants, 是elephants 一个大群中的一个子群修饰 manhattan曾经说过这种修饰只有3个类型 some of which +一个句子 ,some of them +分词修饰,some +分词修饰 其中some 还可以用all any none many most 替换 这道题里只有A D两个选项符合这个结构 其中 A 的没有主句谓语排除 所以D正确 不知道有没有说明白 欢迎各位牛牛拍砖作者: dynamiccow 时间: 2011-7-27 21:09
上面少了一点 some还可以用表示fraction 和部分的词来代替如本句里的 a third of作者: IsabellaatUNNC 时间: 2014-3-15 23:10
其实C的问题只有最明显的一个,AS MUCH AS