
标题: 求教这一类题的解法,NN们,都来吧!!!!! [打印本页]

作者: kissgod23    时间: 2011-7-14 19:56
标题: 求教这一类题的解法,NN们,都来吧!!!!!
本人在狒狒逻辑宝典中见到大量这类题,主要是题目中带有"XXX is flawed becaus......"这类题。在XDF蓝皮书和OG当中好像几乎没见过,想知道这类题是属于哪个类别的逻辑题(或者说是否属于GMAT逻辑题),并且希望NN能提供一套解题步骤和方法,谢谢啦!!!!

如: Which one of the following most accurately describes a reasoning error in XXX’s argument?

This reasoning in the commissioner’s argument is flawed because this argument..........

This reasoning in the commissioner’s argument is flawed because this argument..........

作者: wodexia52    时间: 2011-7-14 21:55
就是削弱的题目 当weaken题目坐就好

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