标题: 有没有考PMP 考试的筒子? [打印本页] 作者: cg8890 时间: 2011-7-12 02:13 标题: 有没有考PMP 考试的筒子? 最近工作需要,要考PMP,上来找朋友和资料,希望能够找到并交流一下经验。作者: 李懂Darcy 时间: 2011-7-13 13:54
UP~作者: hakusan 时间: 2011-7-16 06:47
随便报一个PMP培训班 参加考试就行了 PMP其实是个很好的理念 但是会不会融会贯通 就得看你本人的理解和实践运用了作者: uoftdd 时间: 2011-9-8 10:37
PMP 值得吗?国内有市场吗?作者: panbangzhu 时间: 2011-9-10 15:56
PMP 现在需要4500小时的管理经验作者: yaowu 时间: 2012-8-11 12:49
Yes.  MP candidates must verify a high school diplom or an associates degree with 60 months (7,500 hours) of project management experience, or a bachelor's degree with 36 months (4,500 hours) of project management experience. In both cases candidates must also have 35 contact hours of project management education.作者: happysunny56 时间: 2012-10-31 19:26
楼主已经攒够那3600小时了么? 我还没有,不过明年底就够了,也打算考,现在开始着手弄一点了 楼主可以发站短给我啊,一起备考,交流经验~~作者: lpo 时间: 2012-11-14 10:04
有,准备中作者: 正努力呢 时间: 2013-2-28 19:13
4,500 hours of project management experience 要如何去证明呢? 不上培训班行么?作者: arrowlive 时间: 2013-3-13 19:23
I have just got the PMP certificate last Dec, 2012. the test was conducted in Singapore, web-based. I promise, if you follow my experience, it would be extremely easy, and money saving. tatal cost is around USD 650+.
i guess the most challenging part for the test is not the test itself, rather the preparation for the test qualification to PMI (Project Management Institute, the PMP cert provider). you have submit all your past experience profile online and possibly get audited - that is the scary part. once I have passed the profiling, everything seems so easy. As our upbringing being a Chinese, we are pretty much well trained in exam-taking.
oh, before i forget. for the 35 hr training, you don't have to go the ABC training center for "certified professional" training. that is bullsh*t. read from the PMI requirements, it says you can do distant training as well. So what i did was to sign up for this (http://www.simplilearn.com/online-courses). choose the basic 74.99 USD would be good enough, just to fulfill the 35hr requirement. the online distant training does not offer anything at all for you to pass the test. other, it is the next tip i am about to share with you.
THE TIP: get this book, http://www.rmcproject.com/product/pmp-prep.aspx (just the book would be enough) even before you profiling your qualification to the PMI. the 1st few chapters will give you an idea of how to profile. once you have obtained the test qualification, read the book inside out twice. then, take the test, and you WILL pass.
I prepared for and cleared the qualification last Sep, which gives me one year to sit for the test. I read the book for 2 twice (1st time very carefully, 2nd time just the difficult part) in the Dec for 3 weeks. Then I sat for the test on 19th Dec, and passed the web-based test instantly.
hope my experience helps. Again, Get the book!作者: arrowlive 时间: 2013-3-13 19:28
one more thing, there would be a dramatic change to the test from jun or jul 2013. so take the test early. otherwise, all the profiling and preparation materials might have to change accordingly.作者: alexmao 时间: 2013-3-15 22:53
我考了,去年6月份。作者: ivyzy131 时间: 2015-7-9 06:09
你好想问一下,积攒时间一定是要自己单独负责的项目呢,不是全程跟踪项目可以么。作者: 四月樱花 时间: 2015-12-15 12:43
arrowlive 发表于 2013-3-13 19:23
I have just got the PMP certificate last Dec, 2012. the test was conducted in Singapore, web-based. ...