
标题: GWD21-Q1: [打印本页]

作者: 1r1r1r    时间: 2011-7-11 13:28
标题: GWD21-Q1:
According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than is currently possible.

A.with speeds much higher than is

B.with speeds that are much higher than are much higher speeds as are much higher speeds than that speeds much higher than are

作者: nemiah    时间: 2011-7-11 14:42
at speeds (which are) much higher than (which)are currently possible.
我理解E选项可以理解后置定语从句作为 SVO than SVO的比较。 省略了主语which,保留动词 are。
而如果是C、D的选项: 应该是宾语Speeds的比较 at much higher speeds than those currently possible.


作者: 意韵甜心    时间: 2011-7-11 15:00
An alliance would enable (customers to receive internet data at speeds much higher than are currently) possible.

speeds 是复数,动词用are,排除A
D的句意有点问题,speed没有一个限定,没法比啊,可以说at much higher speeds next year than are currently(如果不对请批评指正),或者at speeds higher than (they) are currently。

作者: nemiah    时间: 2011-7-11 15:46
LS的简化好像不太合理吧?应该是 enable customer to receive... 吧?
作者: 意韵甜心    时间: 2011-7-11 15:53
对~我括号里不是省略的意思,是突出enable sth possible
作者: nemiah    时间: 2011-7-11 16:23
我不觉得是enable sth possible的意思哦。。
作者: 意韵甜心    时间: 2011-7-12 09:28
我不觉得是enable sth possible的意思哦。。
-- by 会员 nemiah (2011/7/11 16:23:13)

作者: jaze    时间: 2011-7-12 10:20
我不觉得是enable sth possible的意思哦。。
-- by 会员 nemiah (2011/7/11 16:23:13)

-- by 会员 意韵甜心 (2011/7/12 9:28:39)

我感觉也不是enable sth possible 不对啊
都enable 了, 就不用possible了吧
另外, 我觉着这里 currently 是在修饰possible
作者: jaze    时间: 2011-7-12 10:58
the quote is excerpted from  

                       at speeds (that are) much higher than are currently possible
.( at much higher speeds than are currently possible)

大全919 No less remarkable than the development of the compact disc has been the use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever before possible(in sound (thatt is) better than was ever before possible), some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LP era.

-- by 会员 yulinling (2007/4/16 10:23:00)

这道题, 做了n遍, 错了n遍, what a fucking question.
借这个帖子, 好好总结一下这道题

According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive Internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than is currently possible.
    with speeds much higher than is
    with speeds that are much higher than are
    at much higher speeds as are
    at much higher speeds than that
    at speeds much higher than are
speeds much higher than is currently possible   这个。。。我个比较
长的比较随心所欲, 奈何人家就是这么品味出众, 我等考生也只能忍着e心,迎头淡定,低头,溜过
可能我轻功不好, 屡溜,屡不过,结果弄到今天这个份上, 只能好好总结一下。

前面是一个名词后面显然是一句话, 因为有谓语
speeds that are much higher than speeds are currently possible
关键这个比较太球特殊了, 估计是中国古代建筑群中一个哥特式城堡吧

首先没有宾语, 这就是传说中的主语在比较吧
再次, 这个句子中出现了两个speeds, 怎么看都别扭
最后, 居然前后时态一样。你说,一颗树, 小时候, 和长大比较吧, 我能理解, 但是,我说这颗树现在长的比目前可能长的都高,

说了这么多,就是一个  简洁有效
speeds much higher      用形容词替代  be + adj 从句是为了简洁
than 后面去掉  speeds 也是简洁,
个人感觉   speeds much higher than current possible  并不错, 可惜不在答案里

economy might
not be as weak as some analysts previously thought.

个人观点, open discuss哈
作者: nemiah    时间: 2011-7-12 12:16
作者: 1r1r1r    时间: 2011-7-13 11:04
at speeds (which are) much higher than (which)are currently possible.
我理解E选项可以理解后置定语从句作为 SVO than SVO的比较。 省略了主语which,保留动词 are。
而如果是C、D的选项: 应该是宾语Speeds的比较 at much higher speeds than those currently possible.


-- by 会员 nemiah (2011/7/11 14:42:44)

作者: nemiah    时间: 2011-7-13 11:24
at speeds (which are) much higher than (which)are currently possible.
我理解E选项可以理解后置定语从句作为 SVO than SVO的比较。 省略了主语which,保留动词 are。
而如果是C、D的选项: 应该是宾语Speeds的比较 at much higher speeds than those currently possible.


-- by 会员 nemiah (2011/7/11 14:42:44)

-- by 会员 1r1r1r (2011/7/13 11:04:53)

哦,这个题我后来有琢磨了一下,先前的补全是否应该改成at speeds that are more higher than that currently possible are. 然后are倒装提前,再省略了that,这样解释应该更合适些吧?

作者: 逆水潜龙    时间: 2012-1-2 07:52
感觉这题真的是奇葩。一般时间不同主谓都不会省。如那道florida is XXX than it was in 18XX。 主谓都补出了。我一直认为在GMAT中than前面没时间点,后面有的话主谓补出。有时间点如florida is XXX in 2000 than in 18XX那就直接省略主谓,用作状语比较。但这题光省主语,留个are在后我真的无法理解。加上主语肯定是对的,但省略剩下个be动词连代词都没给出确实没见过。只能讲GMAT千变万化,我总结不来·
作者: 荞麦苏苏    时间: 2012-1-6 23:02
我认为的是: ...enable customers to receive internet data over regular telephone lines at speeds much higher than  (customers) are currently possible (to receieve data).


作者: chachacha007    时间: 2013-9-7 19:32
这个是什么意思哦? E里面能凭空出来一个be动词么?
作者: ssn_wonder    时间: 2014-1-25 19:29
逆水潜龙 发表于 2012-1-2 07:52
感觉这题真的是奇葩。一般时间不同主谓都不会省。如那道florida is XXX than it was in 18XX。 主谓都补出 ...

re have no idea where this are comes from
作者: forestlong    时间: 2017-11-19 11:55
1.        Use of “with” is not correct here. This gives the sense of “in addition with”. The correct idiom to use here is “at speeds”.
2.        Singular verb “is” does not agree in number with plural subject “speeds”.


Choice A: with speeds much higher than is: Incorrect for the reasons stated above.

Choice B: with speeds that are much higher than are: Incorrect. 1. This choice repeats the idiom error of Choice A. 2. “that are” is not needed in the sentence.

Choice C: at much higher speeds as are: Incorrect. The correct idiom is X much higher “than” Y, and not much higher “as” Y.

Choice D: at much higher speeds than that: Incorrect. Singular “that” does not agree in number with plural “speeds”.

Choice E: at speeds much higher than are: Correct.

eybrj2 wrote:
So if "that" in D were "those", could D be an answer?
(at much higher speeds than those currently possible.)
If it could, which one is better between the modified D and E as an answer?

Also, I have a question regarding E.

Is it ok to say that "speeds" are omitted before "are" in E?
( at speeds much higher than (speeds) are currently possible.)


Even if Choice D had “those” instead of “that”, Choice E still would have been a better choice because “are” after than clarifies the comparison in the sentence.
The sentence says that the alliance would make the internet speed much higher than the speeds currently are. The presence of “are” makes the comparison clear between the current speeds and the speeds that will be in the future.

And yes, you are correct in saying that "speeds" is understood after "are".
作者: ScarlettDeng    时间: 2018-8-17 17:11
nemiah 发表于 2011-7-13 11:24
at speeds (which are) much higher than (which)are currently possible. 我理解E选项可以理解后 ...

复数应该不用that 用those吧

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