quan and kevinsky, its good to have you two here. 作者: Jasonleebj 时间: 2011-7-29 17:12
To study EMBA does not mean that you can be qualified for real estate development indutry. You might find a job in real estate firm to be responsible for engineering sector or technical sector. Real estate just means two words, marketing and capital. If you plan to grow up to be a senior final decision-maker in real estate firm, you must strengthen you comprehensive qualifications. I think EMBA will help you improve your knowledge and insights for business in general. Of course, you need fully work in real estate firm or industry for many years. Then, you will realize that youe engineering knowledge will partially help you make decisions on business or on issues, but will not play important role. Your studing EMBA will shape you think about the business more comprehensively from all aspects of business. This is what I experienced ever.作者: diorcoffee 时间: 2011-7-31 07:36
Thank you Jasonleebj