
标题: SDCAR2010【逻辑入门】(十二)Principles [打印本页]

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-7-9 10:39
标题: SDCAR2010【逻辑入门】(十二)Principles
The passage will often give you a set of facts or state a principle. A principle is a rule or generalization. The trick here is figuring out which “rule” best applies to the set of acts or vice versa.

Principle questions overlap with other question types, especially strengthen questions. Depending on the specific question, it usually helps to ask yourself:

Principle strengthen

Prompts for principle strengthen

1) Professor Chan: The literature department’s undergraduate courses should cover only true literary works, and not such frivolous material as advertisements.
Professor Wigmore: Advertisements might or might not be true literary works but they do have a powerfully detrimental effect on society—largely because people cannot discern their real messages. The literature department’s courses give students the critical skills to analyze and understand texts. Therefore, it is the literature department’s responsibility to include the study of advertisements in its undergraduate courses.

Which one of the following principles most strongly supports Professor Wigmore’s argument?
(A) Advertisements ought to be framed in such a way that their real messages are immediately clear.
(B) Any text that is subtly constructed and capable of affecting people’s thought and action ought to be considered a form of literature.
(C) All undergraduate students ought to take at least one course that focuses on the development of critical skills.
(D) The literature department’s courses ought to enable students to analyze and understand any text that could have a harmful effect on society.
(E) Any professor teaching an undergraduate course in the literature department ought to be free to choose the material to be covered in that course.

2) Ethicist: In a recent judicial decision, a contractor was ordered to make restitution to a company because of a bungled construction job, even though the company had signed a written agreement prior to entering into the contract that the contractor would not be financially liable should the task not be adequately performed. Thus, it was morally wrong for the company to change its mind and seek restitution.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify the ethicist’s reasoning?
(A) It is morally wrong for one party not to abide by its part of an agreement only if the other party abides by its part of the agreement.
(B) It is morally wrong to seek a penalty for an action for which the agent is unable to make restitution.
(C) It is morally wrong for one person to seek to penalize another person for an action that the first person induced the other person to perform.
(D) It is morally wrong to ignore the terms of an agreement that was freely undertaken only if there is clear evidence that the agreement was legally permissible.
(E) It is morally wrong to seek compensation for an action performed in the context of a promise to forgo such compensation.

3) The government-owned gas company has begun selling stoves and other gas appliances to create a larger market for its gas. Merchants who sell such products complain that the competition will hurt their businesses. That may well be; however, the government-owned gas company is within its rights. After all, the owner of a private gas company might will decide to sell such appliances and surely there would be nothing wrong with that.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps justify the reasoning above?
(A) Government-owned companies have the right to do whatever private businesses have the right to do.
(B) A government should always take seriously the complaints of merchants.
(C) Private businesses have not right to compete with government monopolies.
(D) There is nothing wrong with a government-owned company selling products so long as owners of private companies do not complain.
(E) There is nothing wrong with private companies competing against each other.

Principle application

Prompts for principle application

4) Walter: Although cigarette smoking is legal, it should be banned on all airline flights. Cigarette smoking in the confines of an aircraft exposes nonsmokers to harmful secondhand smoke that they cannot avoid.

Which one the following principles, if established, would justify the proposal put forth by Walter?
(A) People should be prohibited from engaging in an otherwise legal activity would unavoidable expose others to harm.
(B) An activity should be banned only if most situations in which a person engaged in that activity would inevitably expose others to harm.
(C) A legal activity that has the potential for causing harm to others in certain situations should be modified in those situations to render it harmless.
(D) People who regularly engage in an activity that has the potential for harming others when that activity takes place in certain situations should be excluded from those situations.
(E) If an activity is legal in some situations in which a person’s engaging in that activity could harm others, then that activity should be legal in all situations.

5) New legislation would require a seven-day waiting period in the sale of handguns to private individuals, in order that records of prisons could be checked and the sale of handguns to people likely to hurt other people thereby prevented. People opposed to this legislation claim that prison records are so full of errors that the proposed law would prevent as many law-abiding citizens as criminals from having access to handguns.

If the claim made by people opposed to the new legislation is true, which one of the following is a principle that, if established, would do the most to justify opposition to the new legislation on the basis of that claim?
(A) The rights of law-abiding citizens are more worthy of protection than are the rights of criminals.
(B) Nothing should be done to restrict potential criminals at the cost of placing restrictions on law-abiding citizens.
(C) Legislation should not be enacted if no benefit could accrue to society as a
(D) No restrictions should be placed on the sale of merchandise unless sale of that merchandise could endanger innocent people.
(E) Even citizens who are neither fugitives nor felons should not be permitted to own a handgun unless they have received adequate training.

SDCAR2010【逻辑入门】(十一)Parallel reasoning

SDCAR2010【逻辑入门】(十三)Formal Logic (1)
作者: jameshzd    时间: 2011-7-9 10:44
作者: sunking37    时间: 2011-7-9 15:00
作者: 米样    时间: 2011-7-9 16:20
作者: 米样    时间: 2011-7-9 16:21
作者: perain    时间: 2011-7-12 11:36

另外有个长句没看懂。 People who regularly engage in an activity that has the potential for harming others when that activity takes place in certain situations should be excluded from those situations.  should是倒装么?求指点~
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-7-12 12:39
People (who regularly engage in an activity that has the potential for harming others when that activity takes place in certain situations) should be excluded from those situations.

作者: perain    时间: 2011-7-12 15:08
悲催掉了。These questions are not difficult as long as you really understand what they mean.
作者: 灭绝湿太    时间: 2011-7-12 15:10

作者: holyxie    时间: 2011-7-12 22:07
特别是第4题的D选项中when that activity takes place in certain situations should be excluded from those situations 不是特指了是飞机内这中情况吗?
作者: MarsTOF    时间: 2011-7-15 17:13
作者: sandychen168    时间: 2011-9-1 15:37
作者: bubu_rachel    时间: 2011-9-4 01:33
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-9-4 03:34
1) Professor Chan: The literature department’s undergraduate courses should cover only true literary works, and not such frivolous material as advertisements.
Professor Wigmore: Advertisements might or might not be true literary works but they do have a powerfully detrimental effect on society—largely because people cannot discern their real messages. The literature department’s courses give students the critical skills to analyze and understand texts. Therefore, it is the literature department’s responsibility to include the study of advertisements in its undergraduate courses.

Which one of the following principles most strongly supports Professor Wigmore’s argument?
(A) Advertisements ought to be framed in such a way that their real messages are immediately clear.
(B) Any text that is subtly constructed and capable of affecting people’s thought and action ought to be considered a form of literature.
(C) All undergraduate students ought to take at least one course that focuses on the development of critical skills.
(D) The literature department’s courses ought to enable students to analyze and understand any text that could have a harmful effect on society.
(E) Any professor teaching an undergraduate course in the literature department ought to be free to choose the material to be covered in that course.

D) says whatever text which could have a detrimental effect on society should be part of the literature department's course. This principle supports the conclusion of Prof. W., who maintains that it is the literature department’s responsibility to include the study of advertisements, which is not a true form of literature.

2) Ethicist: In a recent judicial decision, a contractor was ordered to make restitution to a company because of a bungled construction job, even though the company had signed a written agreement prior to entering into the contract that the contractor would not be financially liable should the task not be adequately performed. Thus, it was morally wrong for the company to change its mind and seek restitution.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify the ethicist’s reasoning?
(A) It is morally wrong for one party not to abide by its part of an agreement only if the other party abides by its part of the agreement.
(B) It is morally wrong to seek a penalty for an action for which the agent is unable to make restitution.
(C) It is morally wrong for one person to seek to penalize another person for an action that the first person induced the other person to perform.
(D) It is morally wrong to ignore the terms of an agreement that was freely undertaken only if there is clear evidence that the agreement was legally permissible.
(E) It is morally wrong to seek compensation for an action performed in the context of a promise to forgo such compensation.

E) says it is wrong to charge a fee which is originial said not to be charged in a promise or agreement. This is in line with the point of view of the auther, who maintains that  it was morally wrong for the company to change its mind and seek restitution.

3) The government-owned gas company has begun selling stoves and other gas appliances to create a larger market for its gas. Merchants who sell such products complain that the competition will hurt their businesses. That may well be; however, the government-owned gas company is within its rights. After all, the owner of a private gas company might will decide to sell such appliances and surely there would be nothing wrong with that.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps justify the reasoning above?
(A) Government-owned companies have the right to do whatever private businesses have the right to do.
(B) A government should always take seriously the complaints of merchants.
(C) Private businesses have not right to compete with government monopolies.
(D) There is nothing wrong with a government-owned company selling products so long as owners of private companies do not complain.
(E) There is nothing wrong with private companies competing against each other.

Here we have the standard structure: "however, main conclusion." So the conclusion is that the government-owned gas company is within its rights to sell stoves and other gas appliances. If choice A) is true, then the conclusion of the passage is true as well.

4) Walter: Although cigarette smoking is legal, it should be banned on all airline flights. Cigarette smoking in the confines of an aircraft exposes nonsmokers to harmful secondhand smoke that they cannot avoid.

Which one the following principles, if established, would justify the proposal put forth by Walter?
(A) People should be prohibited from engaging in an otherwise legal activity would unavoidable expose others to harm.
(B) An activity should be banned only if most situations in which a person engaged in that activity would inevitably expose others to harm.
(C) A legal activity that has the potential for causing harm to others in certain situations should be modified in those situations to render it harmless.
(D) People who regularly engage in an activity that has the potential for harming others when that activity takes place in certain situations should be excluded from those situations.
(E) If an activity is legal in some situations in which a person’s engaging in that activity could harm others, then that activity should be legal in all situations.

Here again, we the standard structure of "Although, main conclusion." So the main conclusion is: Smoking should be banned on all airline flights. The reason for that is that smoking within an airplane cabin would hurt passengers who do not want to smoke. A) provides a foundation to support the author's opinion.

5) New legislation would require a seven-day waiting period in the sale of handguns to private individuals, in order that records of prisons could be checked and the sale of handguns to people likely to hurt other people thereby prevented. People opposed to this legislation claim that prison records are so full of errors that the proposed law would prevent as many law-abiding citizens as criminals from having access to handguns.

If the claim made by people opposed to the new legislation is true, which one of the following is a principle that, if established, would do the most to justify opposition to the new legislation on the basis of that claim?
(A) The rights of law-abiding citizens are more worthy of protection than are the rights of criminals.
(B) Nothing should be done to restrict potential criminals at the cost of placing restrictions on law-abiding citizens.
(C) Legislation should not be enacted if no benefit could accrue to society as a
(D) No restrictions should be placed on the sale of merchandise unless sale of that merchandise could endanger innocent people.
(E) Even citizens who are neither fugitives nor felons should not be permitted to own a handgun unless they have received adequate training.

B), obviously would help those who oppose the 7-day waiting period regulation to reach their conclusion. So B) is the answer.
作者: happybeibei    时间: 2011-9-4 11:30
第4题 why not C?
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-9-4 11:39
Reading comprehension.

The conclusion of the passage is to BAN an otherwise legal activity, not to MODIFY the same activity and MAKE it harmless. Asking people to smoke "healthy and harmless" cigarettes would be what answer choice C) asks for.

第4题 why not C?
-- by 会员 happybeibei (2011/9/4 11:30:31)

作者: lq0    时间: 2011-10-7 15:28
终于有一次全对了。上几次很打击,却也很妙。lz nb,帖子温故而知新~
作者: lq0    时间: 2011-10-7 15:35
although i have read this section and finished all the questions, i cannot figure out the unique way for this kind of questions. nonetheless, i tackle them by using similar thought as "strengthen" questions. does it ok?
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-10-19 22:05
although i have read this section and finished all the questions, i cannot figure out the unique way for this kind of questions. nonetheless, i tackle them by using similar thought as "strengthen" questions. does it ok?
-- by 会员 lq0 (2011/10/7 15:35:21)

Yes. Some principle questions are like strengthen questions.
作者: gmatdc    时间: 2011-10-26 13:46
can you elaborate on Q1 please?

Why B is incorrect?
Also, I eliminated D because of " a harmful effect" which I think comes out of nowhere...
作者: chaseshi    时间: 2011-10-26 23:27
我个人认为是,因为argument中已经说了,AD是不是文学已经不要紧了,关键在于它能够affect people,故值得一教。所以我们需要证实或加强的是,为什么AD值得教,而不是到底什么是文学。

can you elaborate on Q1 please?

Why B is incorrect?
Also, I eliminated D because of " a harmful effect" which I think comes out of nowhere...
-- by 会员 gmatdc (2011/10/26 13:46:58)

作者: bonfin    时间: 2011-10-31 12:20
作者: 月照琳琅    时间: 2011-11-4 14:42
The first time I did it, I got the second question wrong for false comprehension.

Thx much for illustrating the logic patterns.
作者: 翠儿卡    时间: 2011-11-22 23:54
NN, I have the same baffle as #14, though you have replied.

Look closely to the option B and C, do we need pay extra attention on the nuances "only if" and "modified"? In fact, it is these two points that distort the original meaning, therefore we rule out B and c.

By the way, when we tackle Principle questions, as we do with others, single out the premises and main conclusion, then take a close look at options. Eliminate some obviously irrelevant options and other tricky ones such as B & C in #4. The correct one should be a exact or general restatement of the combination of premises and main conclusion.

Is my understanding correct?

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2011-11-23 02:19
Your analysis is correct.

Most principle questions can be viewed as either mainpoint or strengthen type questions. Therefore your understanding of the Principle-type questions is pretty close.

NN, I have the same baffle as #14, though you have replied.

Look closely to the option B and C, do we need pay extra attention on the nuances "only if" and "modified"? In fact, it is these two points that distort the original meaning, therefore we rule out B and c.

By the way, when we tackle Principle questions, as we do with others, single out the premises and main conclusion, then take a close look at options. Eliminate some obviously irrelevant options and other tricky ones such as B & C in #4. The correct one should be a exact or general restatement of the combination of premises and main conclusion.

Is my understanding correct?
-- by 会员 翠儿卡 (2011/11/22 23:54:45)

作者: 翠儿卡    时间: 2011-11-23 09:31
Your analysis is correct.

Most principle questions can be viewed as either mainpoint or strengthen type questions. Therefore your understanding of the Principle-type questions is pretty close.

NN, I have the same baffle as #14, though you have replied.

Look closely to the option B and C, do we need pay extra attention on the nuances "only if" and "modified"? In fact, it is these two points that distort the original meaning, therefore we rule out B and c.

By the way, when we tackle Principle questions, as we do with others, single out the premises and main conclusion, then take a close look at options. Eliminate some obviously irrelevant options and other tricky ones such as B & C in #4. The correct one should be a exact or general restatement of the combination of premises and main conclusion.

Is my understanding correct?
-- by 会员 翠儿卡 (2011/11/22 23:54:45)

-- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/11/23 2:19:22)

Thx a lot. I have already read  this series of posts and prepare to review them.
作者: 812966141    时间: 2012-4-17 14:46
作者: casinlau    时间: 2012-11-4 08:44
作者: 晓野的野    时间: 2013-3-26 00:09
BEAAB 错了一个
detrimental 这个单词不认识导致了理解上的偏差
生单词有时来一两只 有时来一大坨
作者: RobinCamel    时间: 2013-3-26 00:39
I have a question for 1). Here is my analyzing process:
Professor Chan: The literature department’s undergraduate courses should cover only true literary works, and not such frivolous material as advertisements.
Professor Wigmore: Advertisements might or might not be true literary works but they do have a powerfully detrimental effect on society(intermediate conclusion)—largely because people cannot discern their real messages. The literature department’s courses give students the critical skills to analyze and understand texts. Therefore, it is the literature department’s responsibility to include the study of advertisements in its undergraduate courses

There is a gap between these 2 premises. Choice C correctly bridge it. "Advertisement" is a good case for students to develop thire critical skills to analyze and understand texts
作者: bradyiris    时间: 2013-7-22 01:41
作者: Stacydream    时间: 2013-8-24 15:14
作者: sulegend    时间: 2013-12-28 22:19
i thought whether these questions were typical or extremely difficult ?
作者: 刚劲小职员    时间: 2014-5-23 09:30
The 4th day that I learn from this post. It's clear and accurate. Thx a lot.
作者: echogmj    时间: 2015-1-16 23:25
thanks for sharing ~
作者: is456    时间: 2016-3-4 06:10
作者: sa0314    时间: 2018-6-9 13:27
作者: 梦季    时间: 2018-6-12 11:45
作者: 梦季    时间: 2018-6-12 11:47
作者: Jessica_ydy    时间: 2019-6-22 07:48
作者: 我爱吃香菜    时间: 2020-7-24 19:41

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