
标题: 和我一起提高逻辑题的做题速度(一)-小词和核心词的好处 [打印本页]

作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-9 07:08
标题: 和我一起提高逻辑题的做题速度(一)-小词和核心词的好处
A mail order company recently had a big jump in clothing sales after hiring a copywriter and a graphic artist to give its clothing catalog a magazine-like format designed to appeal to a more upscale clientle. The company is now planing to launch a housewares catalog using the same concept.
The company's plan assumes that
a)other housewares catalogs with magazinelike formats do not already exist
b)an upscale clientelte would be interested in a housewares catalog
c)the same copywriter and graphic artist could be employed for both the clothing and housewares catalogs
d)a magazinelike format requires a copywriter and a graphic artist
e)customers to whom the old clothing catalog appealed would continue to make purchases from catalogs with the new format
A mail order company recently had a big jump in clothing sales
afterhiring a copywriter and a graphic artist to give its clothing catalog a magazine-like format designed to appeal to a more upscale clientle.
d)a magazinelike format
requiresa copywriter and a graphic artist
a magazinelike format
requiresa copywriter and a graphic artist=====if there is a magazinelike format then there must be a copywriter and a graphic artist
if A then B
------if not B then not A
If don't require a copywriter and a graphic artist then that format must not be magazinelike format

看到这段话,我感觉印象很深,因为逻辑题每道题目的花费时间只有1分40秒,如果在那么短的时间来阅读完逻辑题,找出里面的逻辑关系和看选项、找出正确的选项,我练了杨鹏难句,但是觉得还是不行,有时候句子一长、一多就搞得云里雾里的,后来我感觉LSAT的出题者让我们适应这种题型,其实是适应他们的套路。在看reasoning logical Bible中,前面有一个部分专门是讲一些大原则,比如选项预测原则、排除范围原则或者不相干原则等,除了这个,还罗列了一些表示因果关系的小词、一些表示程度副词的小词、和一些表示范围的小词。我当时感觉不是很重要,可以做了那么多题目,发现这些表示句子结构的、表示范围的小词或者表示语气、表示句子时态的小词非常重要,而且也是提高逻辑题速度的一个法宝。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-9 07:27
逻辑题目总的来说有2大类,一类是因果关系;一类是条件关系,就是if/when的,这两大类是核心中的核心,基本的题目都是按照这两个大类进行出题的,所以做逻辑题第一事情先是搞得问题问的什么,就是先读问题,再读题目,当我们读题目的时候,就要搞懂,这道题是因果关系还是条件关系(必要/充分关系),有的人以前总结逻辑题都是条件关系的题目,什么A-B-C, 然后A-C,个人觉得这只是一个题型,很多题目都是因果关系,所以因果关系和条件关系是逻辑题目的两大原则。
  Logical Reasoning Bible上表示因果关系的词有:Because 、since、
for 、for example、for the reason that、in that、 given that 、as indicated by、due to 、owing to、this can be seen from 、we know this by。
  表示结论的词组有:thus、 therefore、hence 、consequently、 as a result、so、
accordingly、clearly、must be that 、shows that、conclude that、follows that、for this reason,还有一个是should not。
  除了must be true、cannot be true和solve the paradox、reasoning paralell四类题型外,别的题型就是直接找这些词,就可以省略一些背景介绍等长句,找到直接因果关系,可以马上构建逻辑关系,这样阅读题目的时候可以省很多时间。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-9 07:31
补充一下其中must be true 题型中,如果就算有共同连接点,但是有因果关系,还是找因果关系为首选。
  Until about 400 million years ago, fishes-the first true swimmers-were jawless. Their feeding methods were limited to either sucking in surface plankton or sucking in food particles from bottom mud. With the development of biting jaws, however, the life of fishes changed dramatically, since jaws allowed them actively to pursue prey, to seize it in their jaws, and to manipulate it between their teeth. The jawed fishes then developed along two main lines one retained cartilage for its skeletons, for example, sharks and rays: the other adopted bone as its principal skeletal material. From the latter group evolved the most abundant and diverse of all of today's vertebrate groups. the "teleosts" some 21,000 species, which vary from barracudas to sea horsesl

If all of the statements in the passage are true which one of the following must also the true?

(A) Fish are the primary prey of all jawed fishes
(B) The jawless fishes did not prey upon other fish
(C) Teleosts do not feed upon particles found in bottom mud
(D) Jawless fishes did not have cartilage as their skeletal material
(E) Jawless fishes became extinct approximately 400 million years ago

作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-9 07:34
In a recession, a decrease in consumer spending causes many businesses to lay off workers or even to close, Workers who lose their jobs in a recession usually cannot find new jobs. The result is an increase in the number of people who are jobless. Recovery from a recession is defined by an increase in consumer spending and an expansion of business activity that creates a need for additional workers. But businesspeople generally have little confidence in the econnomy after a recession and therefore delay hiring additional workers as long as possible.

  The statements above, if true, provide most support for which one of the following conclusions?

  (A) Recessions are usually caused by a decrease in businesspeople's confidence in the economy.
  (B) Governmental intervention is required in order for an economy to recover from a recession.
  (C) Employees of businesses that close during a recession make up the majority of the workers who lose their jobs during that recession.
  (D) Sometimes recovery from a recession does not promptly result in a decrease in the number of people who are jobless.
  (E) Workers who lose their jobs during a recession are likely to get equally good jobs when the economy recovers.
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-9 12:16
if, when, whenever, every, all, any, people who, in order to

2. 表示必要条件的是,所谓必要就是如果没有事物情况A,则必然没有事物情况B;如果有事物情况A而未必有事物情况B,A就是B的必要而不充分的条件,简称必要条件。
then, only/only if, must, required, unless, except, until, without

其中,在充分条件中比较容易忽略的是whenever, all, every, people who,或者something which代表的从句,在必要条件中比较容易忽略的是must,required,比较容易搞混的是unless和only if的用法。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-9 12:19
Scientists analyzing air bubbles that had been trapped in Antarctic ice during the Earth’s last ice age found that the ice-age atmosphere had contained unusually large amounts of ferrous material and surprisingly small amounts of carbon dioxide. One scientist noted that algae absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The scientist hypothesized that the ferrous material, which was contained in atmospheric dust, had promoted a great increase in the population of Antarctica algae such as diatoms.

Which one of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the scientist’s hypothesis?

A) Diatoms are a microscopic form of algae that has remained largely unchanged since the last ice age.

(B) Computer models suggest that a large increase in ferrous material today could greatly promote the growth of oceanic algae.

(C) The dust found in the air bubbles trapped in Antarctica ice contained other minerals in addition to the ferrous material.
This option says - not ferrous but some other mineral may have promoted a great increase in the population of algae.
(D) Sediment from the ocean floor near Antarctica reflects no increase, during the last ice age, in the rate at which the shells that diatoms leave when they die accumulated.

(E) Algae that currently grow in the oceans near Antarctica do not appear to be harmed by even a large increase in exposure to ferrous material.

你们读题的时候如何读的?这道题目我做错了,但是后来分析发现, The scientist hypothesized that the ferrous material, which was contained in atmospheric dust, had promoted a great increase in the population of Antarctica algae such as diatoms.
这句话里有个从句,which was contained in atmospheric dust,其实这个是条件关系,表示如果ferrous material 里含有空气中的灰尘,那就如何如何,这个which was和people who的表达效果是异曲同工的意思。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-10 02:16
On the other hand
In contrast
Even though
In spite of
After all
must, will, always, not always, probably, likely, should, would, not necessarily, could, rarely, never
其中表示强烈语气的是must, always, not always, rarely, never
表示可能的是 probably, likely, should, would, not necessarily, could
最后还有一个no, LSAT出题者非常喜欢把no放在句子的第一个地方,一般看到以No 开头的句子,就要提高警惕了,这种表达方式不常见,但是在LSAT非常常见。
Even the earliest known species of land animals, known from fossils dating from the late Silurian period, 400 million years ago, show highly evolved adaptations to life on land. Since neither aquatic nor amphibious animals exhibit these adaptations, early species of land animals must have evolved very rapidly after leaving an aquatic environment.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) Known fossils of early land animals include fossils of animals that lived relatively soon after the first emergence of land animals.
(B) Fossils from the late Silurian period represent only a small number of the animal species that were alive at that time.
(C) No plants were established on land before the late Silurian period.
(D) No present-day species of aquatic animal is descended from a species of animal that once lived on land.
(E) All animals alive in the late Silurian period lived either exclusively on land or exclusively in the water.
这道题目因为是因果关系,所以我直接看直接的因果关系,Since neither aquatic nor amphibious animals exhibit these adaptations, early species of land animals must have evolved very rapidly after leaving an aquatic ,原因是neither aquatic nor amphibious animals exhibit these adaptations,其中关键词是neither nor和动词exhibit,我根据这三个词去选项里找,忽然看到C和D选项都是no开头,那和原文的推理过程相符,都是否定表达意思,然后看C有个plants,原文没有提到过plants,那C毫无关联,所以排除C,而D表达的就是neither nor exhibit的意思,我直接选D了。这样可以节约很多时间。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-10 02:31
all, every, most, many, some, several, few sole, only, not all, none, general等。这些表示数量的词汇或者表示程度的词汇,不仅题目中需要注意,还要在选项中注意,题目中的表达要和选项中的表达相一致。
Recent unexpectedly heavy rainfalls in the metropolitan area have filled the reservoirs and streams; water rationing, therefore, will not be necessary this summer.
Which one of the following, if true, most undermines the author’s prediction?
(A) Water rationing was imposed in the city in three of the last five years.
(B) A small part of the city’s water supply is obtained from deep underground water systems that are not reached by rainwater.
(C) The water company’s capacity to pump water to customers has not kept up with the increased demand created by population growth in the metropolitan area.
(D) The long-range weather forecast predicts lower-than-average temperatures for this summer.
(E) In most years the city receives less total precipitation in the summer than it receives in any other season.
注意选项B中的意思是说water supply not by rainwater,初看这个选项可能是正确的,可以作为defender,但是细看前面有个修饰a small part意思就是,除了小部分Water supply not by rainwater,大部分的可能来自rainwater,所以这个选项并没有削弱原文。我们就可以马上排除这个选项了。
作者: simpleo    时间: 2011-7-10 10:31
作者: mutah    时间: 2011-7-12 04:01
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-12 04:19
标题: 我上传上来了
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-12 04:22
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-12 05:14
比如Every political philosopher of the early twentieth century who was either a socialist or a communist was influenced by Rosa Luxembury. No one who was influenced by Rosa Luxemburg advocated a totalitarian state.
这倒是must be true题目,你看这道题目,你首先prephrase的是什么?如何处理No放在句子前面的问题。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-12 07:06
还有以no开头的句子,No tax reducation package that would greatly inconvenience parents will be adopted this year.
我发现LSAT的出题者很喜欢把正确答案写成这种形式,前提是原文中的逻辑关系有否定的意思,比如原文中有not, neither nor等,或者是原文中No开头的句子,然后选项中或者以No开头的句子或者是以not等否定词组成的正确答案。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-12 07:41
写一些今天做题和总结的想法,我看过bible logical reasoning,也看过新东方的逻辑总结,还大概看过别的人对于逻辑题目的总结。可是,我总是觉得我们中国人做逻辑题目,重点不是推理过程,其实推理过程很简单,难的是对于整篇逻辑题和答案的阅读理解能力,这个太重要的。
1、先读问题,分清是哪类题目,除了must be true/cannot be true和resovle the paradox三大类题型外,其余的一些题型可以只读部分题目,当然除了assumption中的“补洞”题,这个最大限度可以看原文的结论。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-14 01:32
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-14 07:25
A. 如果逻辑题句子小于等于6行,那句子需要全部阅读;如果遇到的是must be true/ cannot be true的题目,句子也需要全部阅读。
B. 如果逻辑题句子的长度超过6行,那前面很多都是背景介绍,不需要阅读背景介绍,只需要找到因果关系或者条件关系的词语,然后从那部分开始阅读。
C. 如果是resolve the paradox的话,重点是不同之处。第一类的是,通常情况下的,发生了不同的情况,那重点需要阅读后面发生的不同情况;第二类是两类事物进行比较,那不同之处一般在于两类事物的一些不同方式。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-15 06:51
这是我今天总结的东西,Bible logical reasoning中有一个叫做read closely,刚开始我不知道是什么意思?我问了很多人,但是他们也知道。下面是我总结什么叫做read closely,逻辑题和答案必须做到read closely。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-7-15 06:59
Electrical engineers have repeatedly demonstrated that the best solid-state amplifiers are indistinguishable from the best vacuum-tube amplifiers with respect to the characteristics commonly measured in evaluating the quality of an amplifierâ?s musical reproduction. Therefore, those music lovers who insist that recorded music sounds better when played with the best vacuum tube amplifier must be imagining the difference in quality that they claim to hear.

Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A) Many people cannot tell from listening to it whether a recording is being played with a very good solid-state amplifier or a very good vacuum-tube amplifier.

(B) The range of variation with respect to the quality of musical reproduction is greater for vacuum tube amplifiers than for solid-state amplifiers.

(C) Some of the characteristics that are important in determining how music sounds to a listener cannot be measured.

(D) Solid-state amplifiers are more compact, use less power, and generate less heat than vacuum-tube amplifiers that produce a comparable volume of sound.

(E) Some vacuum-tube amplifiers are clearly superior to some solid-state amplifiers with respect to characteristics commonly measured in the laboratory to evaluate the quality of an amplifierâ?s musical reproduction.
(A) Many people cannot tell from listening to it whether a recording is being played with a very good solid-state amplifier or a very good vacuum-tube amplifier.
光从内容来说,是非常强的weaken,但是A不是标准答案。因为一个单词many,原文中没有数量的限定,但是many是很广泛的一个概念,有可能指music lovers,也有可能不指music lovers,那就会引起歧义了。
作者: mutah    时间: 2011-8-4 08:06
作者: 屡败屡战    时间: 2011-8-5 12:59
Cathy, just out of curiosity,第一道那个关于magazine和sale的题,答案是什么啊。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-8-8 01:09
作者: shevit    时间: 2011-10-14 20:27
A mail order company recently had a big jump in clothing sales after hiring a copywriter and a graphic artist to give its clothing catalog a magazine-like format designed to appeal to a more upscale clientle. The company is now planing to launch a housewares catalog using the same concept.
The company's plan assumes that
a)other housewares catalogs with magazinelike formats do not already exist
b)an upscale clientelte would be interested in a housewares catalog
c)the same copywriter and graphic artist could be employed for both the clothing and housewares catalogs
d)a magazinelike format requires a copywriter and a graphic artist
e)customers to whom the old clothing catalog appealed would continue to make purchases from catalogs with the new format
A mail order company recently had a big jump in clothing sales
afterhiring a copywriter and a graphic artist to give its clothing catalog a magazine-like format designed to appeal to a more upscale clientle.
d)a magazinelike format
requiresa copywriter and a graphic artist
a magazinelike format
requiresa copywriter and a graphic artist=====if there is a magazinelike format then there must be a copywriter and a graphic artist
if A then B
------if not B then not A
If don't require a copywriter and a graphic artist then that format must not be magazinelike format

看到这段话,我感觉印象很深,因为逻辑题每道题目的花费时间只有1分40秒,如果在那么短的时间来阅读完逻辑题,找出里面的逻辑关系和看选项、找出正确的选项,我练了杨鹏难句,但是觉得还是不行,有时候句子一长、一多就搞得云里雾里的,后来我感觉LSAT的出题者让我们适应这种题型,其实是适应他们的套路。在看reasoning logical Bible中,前面有一个部分专门是讲一些大原则,比如选项预测原则、排除范围原则或者不相干原则等,除了这个,还罗列了一些表示因果关系的小词、一些表示程度副词的小词、和一些表示范围的小词。我当时感觉不是很重要,可以做了那么多题目,发现这些表示句子结构的、表示范围的小词或者表示语气、表示句子时态的小词非常重要,而且也是提高逻辑题速度的一个法宝。
-- by 会员 cathycathyhan (2011/7/9 7:08:41)

the right answer is B!
作者: lovejuris    时间: 2011-12-5 23:01
取非更是不对,因为but/however等转折词后面很有可能有new information
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QQ: 1256291742
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MARK 小词和核心词CR逻辑
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