标题: Chicago Booth MBA Class of 2013 校友答疑专贴 [打印本页]
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 13:22
标题: Chicago Booth MBA Class of 2013 校友答疑专贴
大家好,我们是ChicagoBoothMBA Class of 2013 的学生。开一个帖子来回答申请人的一些问题,希望能给对Chicago Booth 感兴趣的朋友们提供有用的信息和力所能及的帮助。
我们也会提供一些自己对学校生活各个方面的信息 - 这些会在开学后慢慢补充。
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 13:22
以下是有关芝加哥商学院的介绍,包括Booth Approach, Admission Criteria & Employment statistics,
Chicago Booth School of Business
Chicago Booth boasts unmatched faculty and programs on three continents, including London and Singapore, creating a more global focus and attracting a more globally diverse applicant pool. Chicago Booth has a strong reputation for setting trends and is the site of the first Business Ph.D program and the birthplace of the first comprehensive business curriculum. It was also the first business school to have a Nobel Laureate on its faculty and the first business school to have six Nobel Prize-winning faculty members.
The Chicago Booth Approach
The Chicago Booth Approach to an MBA education consists of rigorous analysis, a focus on demanding facts, questioning of assumptions, and the examination of problems from all angles with the intent to examine every idea, evaluate problems and opportunities, and to handle uncertainty. Dissent is not frowned upon at Chicago Booth; in fact, it is expected. Focusing on ever-changing theories and principles, Chicago Booth encourages students to question all assumptions. This approach combines the very best in conceptual knowledge and academic theory with practical real world application. At Chicago Booth, students are encouraged to continually question and test ideas, and seek proof that leads to new ideas and innovative solutions.
Research Focus. Chicago Booth is known globally for ideas that shape business practice and influence public policy. Research at Chicago Booth grows from its intellectual culture and encourages its faculty members to pursue any issues that interest them across various disciplines. Such research regularly spans the pages of over 200 economic and business journals.
Quantitative Reputation. Chicago Booth possesses a strong reputation for its rigor, focus on analysis, and expertise in finance and economics. The finance and economics faculty members at Chicago Booth are outstanding, led by professors such as Eugene F. Fama, whom many call the “father of modern finance”. Chicago Booth is both deserving and proud of its “quant” reputation, but that tends to overshadow strengths in other areas Chicago Booth has been actively improving over the last decade. Not surprisingly, when a Booth admissions representative is asked, “What’s the one thing that applicants should know about Booth?” the answer will often mention Booth’s strengths in academic areas outside of pure finance.
Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the second largest concentration at Chicago Booth, and the school offers courses taught by renowned faculty such as Steven Kaplan, James Schrager, and Ellen Rudnick. The entrepreneurship faculty at Chicago Booth ranks among the top educators in the world. These professors conduct groundbreaking research, collaborate with the entrepreneurial and private equity communities, and bring their own entrepreneurial experiences into the classroom. In 2002, Chicago Booth alumnus Michael P. Polsky endowed The Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship. The Polsky Center provides current students, as well as alumni, with industry specific resources to start companies or support interest in private equity. Melding leading faculty research with hands-on learning, the center drives newto-the world knowledge and entrepreneurial development.
Marketing. Chicago Booth probably does not get the recognition it deserves in the field of marketing. The quality of the marketing faculty at Chicago Booth is exceptional; the school’s marketing professors are among the most widely published in the nation. The Kilts Center for Marketing brings researchers from top business schools and universities around the country for the annual Quantitative Marketing and Economics Conference. According to Booth’s website, the conference provides “a forum where leading thinkers examine empirical and theoretical issues in marketing and economics.” The Center provides financial incentives to students serious about careers in marketing through subsidies and a tuition scholarship award.
Admissions Criteria
Despite the fact that the school’s 22% acceptance rate is a tad bit higher than most peer schools, candidates should not assume that the admissions committee is easy to impress. Much care is given to figuring out whether applicants have the chops to survive in what is one of the most rigorous and analytical MBA programs. Furthermore, the school wants to make sure that incoming students are on board with the various elements of the Booth Approach and have the kind of robust work experience and professional development that will suggest strong performance in group projects. These are just a few of the reasons that Booth decided to include the PowerPoint question explained above as part of the section on essays.
Other factor that are of importance at Booth should be familiar to applicants interested in elite business schools. Booth is looking for academic ability, proper motivation, preparedness, intellectual curiosity, communication skills, and professional success. They find these traits among the usual application suspects: GPA, GMAT, essays, recommendation letters, and the resume.
Interviews. Booth interviews candidates by invitation only and conducts them in every imaginable way: on campus, off campus, with admissions officers, with second year students, and with alumni members. The school does not share the percentage of students who receive an invitation to interview, but a few pieces of evidence suggest that the number is fairly high. For starters, the use of alumni interviewers often indicates a higher percentage. Additionally, Booth’s director of admission mentioned on her blog last year that they were getting ready to have 250 students on campus for interviews … that week alone.
Professional Recruitment at Chicago Booth -- Employment Statistics
Chicago Booth is one of a handful of “finance” schools that send over 50% of each graduating class into the financial sector, with many staying in the Midwest (namely Chicago), but an almost equal number heading to the Northeast. Booth also features a fairly robust group of consulting graduates, but has yet to see the rapid improvement of its marketing programs translate into more graduates working in that area.
Real Estate 0.8%
Auto Services 1.0%
Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Healthcare Services 1.4%
Retail 1.4%
Other Services 1.7%
Manufacturing 2.3%
Energy 2.9%
Consumer Packaged Goods 4.1%
Technology 6.4%
Consulting 23.1%
Government/Nonprofit 1.0%
Media/Entertainment 1.0%
Food Services 0.6%
Financial Services 52.1%
General Management 5.4%
Finance 53.9%
Stragic Planning 3.9%
Risk Management 0.4%
Other 2.7%
Consulting 22.7%
Marketing 7.6%
Business Development 3.3%
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 13:22
关于Chicago Booth的新闻跟踪:
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has accepted an appointment at the University of Chicago。 Read more:
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 13:23
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 13:23
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 13:23
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 13:24
作者: lakerfan123 时间: 2011-6-28 13:40
作者: 德沃夏克 时间: 2011-6-28 13:44
今年录取的童鞋 有VC背景的录取人吗
作者: gloomydog 时间: 2011-6-28 13:53
作者: oscarsuccess 时间: 2011-6-28 13:54
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 15:31
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/6/28 13:40:52)
作者: rechardql 时间: 2011-6-28 15:51
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/6/28 13:40:52)
-- by 会员 Booth2013 (2011/6/28 15:31:18)
作者: ilovecathy 时间: 2011-6-28 20:08
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/6/28 13:40:52)
-- by 会员 Booth2013 (2011/6/28 15:31:18)
作者: bigjoe 时间: 2011-6-28 20:44
作者: 德沃夏克 时间: 2011-6-28 20:46
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/6/28 13:40:52)
-- by 会员 Booth2013 (2011/6/28 15:31:18)
冒昧问一句 是过往几届 录取的男女比例都是这么悬殊 还是今年尤为特别呢
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 21:58
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/6/28 13:40:52)
-- by 会员 Booth2013 (2011/6/28 15:31:18)
冒昧问一句 是过往几届 录取的男女比例都是这么悬殊 还是今年尤为特别呢
-- by 会员 德沃夏克 (2011/6/28 20:46:41)
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-28 22:01
-- by 会员 lakerfan123 (2011/6/28 13:40:52)
-- by 会员 Booth2013 (2011/6/28 15:31:18)
-- by 会员 ilovecathy (2011/6/28 20:08:56)
我们没有做过具体的统计,不过我们的背景还是挺diversified. 四大,投行,咨询,hightech,corporate,创业都有。
作者: lakerfan123 时间: 2011-6-28 22:31
关于Booth Essay里面的经典第3题PPT,请问这一届录取的前辈们能否给一些tips?
作者: yamiko 时间: 2011-6-29 00:08
看booth's full time MBA class profile. 35% female with 65% male for class of 2011 (global):
作者: yamiko 时间: 2011-6-29 00:11
btw welcome to Chicago!
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-6-29 17:38
不知道今年的申请是不是还会用PPT的形式。但不论如何,重在内容,PPT只是一个呈现的手段。重点还是要把你的内容和你整个package想要塑造的形象结合起来,相辅相成。个人觉得很难给出tip说PPT要怎么写,因为这都depend on你的package是怎样的. 但有一点大家可以take care, 既然是PPT,不是essay,那么就要尽量言简意赅, 中心突出。 (多谢谢围脖可能有帮助?)
作者: james324 时间: 2011-7-5 11:05
booth 对工作经验少于3年的申请者有什么特别要求,recommendation letter 是不是就会更加重要?
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-7-6 06:30
booth 对工作经验少于3年的申请者有什么特别要求,recommendation letter 是不是就会更加重要?
-- by 会员 james324 (2011/7/5 11:05:50)
在Booth的网站上稍微找了一下,没有看到他关于学生pre-MBA工作经验和年龄的统计。不过Booth传统上对年龄的限制比较少,不像HBS或者Stanford这样学生平均年龄明显低于其他同类学校。但是3年工作经验在现在来看不算很短了,应该不会成为短板。关键是做为年轻申请者,要在申请材料中证明自己的几点:(1)成熟的思考: 如何对待失败的,如何能领导比你年长的队友,如何判断情况来做出特定的一个选择,等等能反应出你思考成熟性的。(2)可塑性: 作为年轻申请者,强处就在于可塑性强。比如说30岁的申请者比其他同年龄层的人相比,如果职业发展欠缺的话,很难解释的让人信服。但是24/5的人,就算没有多少出彩的经历,至少还有个希望(也间接解释了why mba)。如何能从自己有限的经验中找出某些事例来反应出自己是可塑之材就很关键了。
作者: yiyiamy 时间: 2011-7-8 22:36
To James, 从今年录取情况看,3年不是劣势,估计1/5的同学是工作3年的。
Remember what matters is not the quantity, but the quality! Both to your working experience and your recommendators.
在Booth的网站上稍微找了一下,没有看到他关于学生pre-MBA工作经验和年龄的统计。不过Booth传统上对年龄的限制比较少,不像HBS或者Stanford这样学生平均年龄明显低于其他同类学校。但是3年工作经验在现在来看不算很短了,应该不会成为短板。关键是做为年轻申请者,要在申请材料中证明自己的几点:(1)成熟的思考: 如何对待失败的,如何能领导比你年长的队友,如何判断情况来做出特定的一个选择,等等能反应出你思考成熟性的。(2)可塑性: 作为年轻申请者,强处就在于可塑性强。比如说30岁的申请者比其他同年龄层的人相比,如果职业发展欠缺的话,很难解释的让人信服。但是24/5的人,就算没有多少出彩的经历,至少还有个希望(也间接解释了why mba)。如何能从自己有限的经验中找出某些事例来反应出自己是可塑之材就很关键了。
推荐信要2封就够了。除非是很大牛的推荐人,不然就只要保证推荐信质量别太差,别成为短板就可以了。我不确定学校的申请系统中是不是让你写三个推荐人。所以做好只要两封推荐信的准备。-- by 会员 Booth2013 (2011/7/6 6:30:24)
作者: james324 时间: 2011-7-15 15:43
标题: 非常感谢,Chicago是我dream school 不知道有没有在线咨询各位Booth在读MBA机会呢
For all applicants' information, 2011-2012 Essays were just posted yesterday.
Below are the essay questions for the 2011 - 12 application.
1. What are your short- and long-term goals, and how will a Chicago Booth MBA help you reach them? (600 words)
1 a) Re-applicants only: Upon reflection, how has your thinking regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words)
2. At Chicago Booth, we believe each individual has his or her own leadership style. How has your family, culture, and/or environment influenced you as a leader? (750 words)
3. Considering what you've already included in the application, what else should we know about you? In a maximum of four slides, tell us about yourself.
Question 3 Guidelines
We have set forth the following guidelines:
- The content is completely up to you. There is no right, or even preferred, approach to this presentation.
- There is a strict maximum of four pages, though you can provide fewer if you choose.
- Acceptable formats for upload in the online application system are PowerPoint or PDF.
- The document will be viewed electronically, but we cannot support embedded videos, music, or motion images. Additionally, all content MUST be included in the four pages; hyperlinks will not be viewed.
- The file will be evaluated on the quality of content and ability to convey your ideas, not on technical expertise or presentation.
作者: james324 时间: 2011-7-15 15:55
标题: 同样感谢!
今年新加坡的booth reception在8月比较晚,又正好是consulting banking招人的时间
作者: shumo 时间: 2011-7-16 16:30
Your future classmates profile (Chinese mainland), as far as you konw currently?
industry/ function ratio? GT, WE?
作者: dreamwst 时间: 2011-7-16 16:49
Hi, LZ 个人非常向往BOOTH。
有美籍朋友曾多年在Chicago就读(多个PhD),但不是在BOOTHl, 如果讨要推荐信从他个人角度解释申请者和芝大之间的契合度,是否会有帮助。
作者: celia_fu 时间: 2011-7-16 20:29
Hi, LZ 个人非常向往BOOTH。
有美籍朋友曾多年在Chicago就读(多个PhD),但不是在BOOTHl, 如果讨要推荐信从他个人角度解释申请者和芝大之间的契合度,是否会有帮助。
-- by 会员 dreamwst (2011/7/16 16:49:47)
关于推荐人的选择有很多不同的说法,但是我个人认为,关键还是看这个人跟你的关系是不是很紧密,对你的了解,不仅仅是个性的了解,更重要的是工作能力的了解是不是全面,一般推荐信需要从communication skill, leadership, teamwork, areas to improve等多个角度考虑。一般直属老板,客户等比较能体现这些内容,这些内容你那个朋友能cover嘛?
作者: celia_fu 时间: 2011-7-16 20:31
Your future classmates profile (Chinese mainland), as far as you konw currently?
industry/ function ratio? GT, WE?
-- by 会员 shumo (2011/7/16 16:30:40)
作者: dreamwst 时间: 2011-7-16 21:40
Hi, LZ 个人非常向往BOOTH。
有美籍朋友曾多年在Chicago就读(多个PhD),但不是在BOOTHl, 如果讨要推荐信从他个人角度解释申请者和芝大之间的契合度,是否会有帮助。
-- by 会员 dreamwst (2011/7/16 16:49:47)
关于推荐人的选择有很多不同的说法,但是我个人认为,关键还是看这个人跟你的关系是不是很紧密,对你的了解,不仅仅是个性的了解,更重要的是工作能力的了解是不是全面,一般推荐信需要从communication skill, leadership, teamwork, areas to improve等多个角度考虑。一般直属老板,客户等比较能体现这些内容,这些内容你那个朋友能cover嘛?
-- by 会员 celia_fu (2011/7/16 20:29:25)
Hi, Celia,
作者: Booth2013 时间: 2011-7-17 02:38
Hi, LZ 个人非常向往BOOTH。
有美籍朋友曾多年在Chicago就读(多个PhD),但不是在BOOTHl, 如果讨要推荐信从他个人角度解释申请者和芝大之间的契合度,是否会有帮助。
-- by 会员 dreamwst (2011/7/16 16:49:47)
1。推荐人最好是工作上的上级,或者其他很能反映你工作能力的人。“朋友”通常不是理想的推荐人 - 不管这个朋友的背景和地位是什么。
作者: yiyiamy 时间: 2011-7-17 23:32
Booth Class of 2013 is quite diverse. You can find background from all major MBA applicants...banking/consulting/corporate finance/audit/IT/PE/reporter etc. So don't worry about that.
As to the GT, quite high in general, 730+ 104+.
WE from 3-5 years.
Your future classmates profile (Chinese mainland), as far as you konw currently?
industry/ function ratio? GT, WE?
-- by 会员 shumo (2011/7/16 16:30:40)
作者: 1fineday 时间: 2011-7-21 09:04
楼主好,我是engineering背景,想申请明年的MBA。但是我到明年工作才有3年。在F500工作。不知道这样的背景会不会影响申请呢?(P.S.: GMAT 750, GPA不到3.3,托福还没有考试)
作者: yiyiamy 时间: 2011-9-10 13:48
楼主好,我是engineering背景,想申请明年的MBA。但是我到明年工作才有3年。在F500工作。不知道这样的背景会不会影响申请呢?(P.S.: GMAT 750, GPA不到3.3,托福还没有考试)
-- by 会员 1fineday (2011/7/21 9:04:55)
作者: davidliuscu 时间: 2011-10-11 23:12
楼主好,T102,低于Booth 104分要求,是否可以申请?谢谢
作者: 周游ing 时间: 2011-10-12 22:17
作者: hbsmeng 时间: 2011-11-15 18:52
楼主 金融学术背景会不会被特别看重
作者: 周游ing 时间: 2011-11-17 10:08
楼主好,T102,低于Booth 104分要求,是否可以申请?谢谢
-- by 会员 davidliuscu (2011/10/11 23:12:40)
作者: Cherliuiking 时间: 2011-11-19 10:45
2,先交了package然后再focus on考试,考出新的分数后(如果比这次更好),在学校没有最终决定前,可以和学校说明,更换新的分数
作者: 周游ing 时间: 2011-11-20 20:22
2,先交了package然后再focus on考试,考出新的分数后(如果比这次更好),在学校没有最终决定前,可以和学校说明,更换新的分数
-- by 会员 Cherliuiking (2011/11/19 10:45:54)
作者: nightingale 时间: 2011-12-13 14:46
楼主好,T102,低于Booth 104分要求,是否可以申请?谢谢
-- by 会员 davidliuscu (2011/10/11 23:12:40)
-- by 会员 周游ing (2011/11/17 10:08:07)
有面试?已经submit R1拿到面试了么?那代表102可以申吧。。。。
作者: Aline07 时间: 2011-12-16 11:02
Hello to the Booth students, would you please give some advice for the waiting list?
作者: rabrab 时间: 2011-12-16 13:09
想请问下这周末香港booth校友的coffee chat会如期举行么?
作者: nanastaythere 时间: 2011-12-20 00:15
hello, ,online talk中, 说道candidate 要对booth 有contribution, 请具体解释一下什么样的contribution to booth?能给个例子吗?不是很理解contribution ?谢谢
作者: nanastaythere 时间: 2011-12-20 00:16
如果job break,不是为了工作,而是为了很好休息, 还有准备GT,申请, 陪家人,booth 能接受吗?
作者: nanastaythere 时间: 2011-12-20 00:18
作者: rollae 时间: 2011-12-20 10:51
请问Booth WL如何做才能增加入取机会呢?
作者: luckypf99 时间: 2012-2-19 02:17
我申请的是第二轮的,还没消息。不知道mid-decision date是指什么?
作者: shengjiepan 时间: 2013-4-25 20:30
hey this is a super useful tread. Have you guys already graduated?
I am a recent applicant coming here for interviews
作者: 飞翔的荷兰号 时间: 2013-4-25 22:41
作者: RitzCarlton 时间: 2013-5-3 00:59
How's your interview? I havnt heard from anyone since registering interview info online.
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