Q34 to Q36:
Firms traditionally claim that they
downsize (i.e., make permanent
personnel cuts) for economic reasons,
Line laying off supposedly unnecessary staff
(5) in an attempt to become more efficient
and competitive. Organization theory
would explain this reasoning as an
example of the “economic rationality”
that it assumes underlies all organi-
(10) zational activities. There is evidence
that firms believe they are behaving
rationally whenever they downsize; yet
recent research has shown that the
actual economic effects of downsizing
(15) are often negative for firms. Thus,
organization theory cannot adequately
explain downsizing; non-economic
factors must also be considered.
One such factor is the evolution of
(20) downsizing into a powerful business
myth: managers simply believe that
downsizing is efficacious. Moreover,
downsizing nowadays is greeted
favorably by the business press; the
(25) press often refers to soaring stock
prices of downsizing firms (even though
research shows that stocks usually
rise only briefly after downsizing and
then suffer a prolonged decline).
(30) Once viewed as a sign of desperation,
downsizing is now viewed as a signal
that firms are serious about competing
in the global marketplace; such signals
are received positively by key actors—
(35) financial analysts, consultants,
shareholders—who supply firms with
vital organizing resources. Thus, even
if downsizers do not become economi-
cally more efficient, downsizing’s mythic
(40) properties give them added prestige
in the business community, enhancing
their survival prospects.
The passage suggests that downsizing’s mythic properties can be beneficial to a downsizing firm because these properties
Answer: B我选A
The passage suggests which of the following about the claim that a firm will become more efficient and competitive by downsizing?
Answer: E我选D
35, A is better in that the text"such signals are received positively by key actors— financial analysts, consultants, shareholders—who supply firms with vital organizing resources. " suggests it. Remember, such verbs as suggest, infer, imply means we should deduct or reason something out from text, not find the word explicitly from inside text.
36, I stand with for this question. D should be the key of this subject.
Here are my picks: B, D.
Taiwan, do you mean B for Q35?
Q35: downsizing’s mythic properties can be beneficial to a downsizing firm because "downsizing is now viewed as a signal ...; such signals are received positively by key actors ...who supply firms with vital organizing resources."
Q36: D is right. "yet recent research has shown that the actual economic effects of downsizing are often negative for firms"
B, D
The primary purpose of the passage is to
请问Q34. 文章没有criticize实行downsizing的公司吗?
这题我选A.... 请告诉我思路哪错了 谢谢
criticize firms for engaging in the practice of downsizing ,
B, D
recent research has shown that the
actual economic effects of downsizing
(15) are often negative for firms.
But there is no content about the negative aspects in the following text. So what is the logical line about the passage. Thank you.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
请问Q34. 文章没有criticize实行downsizing的公司吗?
这题我选A.... 请告诉我思路哪错了 谢谢
The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that the “caution” (line 29) urged
by de Ricqlès regarding claims about dinosaur physiology was
A. unjustified by the evidence available to de Ricqlès
B. unnecessary, given the work done by Bakker and his followers
C. indicative of the prevailing scientific opinion at the time
D. warranted, given certain subsequent findings of other scientists
E. influential in the recent work of Chinsamy
This question remains
(60) unanswered; indeed, taking all the evidence
into account, one cannot make
a definitive statement about dinosaur
physiology on the basis of dinosaur
bone. It may be that dinosaurs had an
(65) intermediate pattern of bone structure
because their physiology was neither
typically reptilian, mammalian, nor avian.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
The passage suggests that downsizing’s mythic properties can be beneficial to a downsizing firm because these properties
The passage suggests which of the following about the claim that a firm will become more efficient and competitive by downsizing?
According to the passage, the “key actors” (line 34) view a firm’s downsizing activities as an indication of the firm’s
desire to become more competitive
downsizing is now viewed as a signal
that firms are serious about competing
in the global marketplace;
The passage suggests that downsizing's mythic properties can be beneficial to a downsizing firm because these properties
such signals
are received positively by key actors—
(35) financial analysts, consultants,
shareholders—who supply firms with
vital organizing resources. Thus, even
if downsizers do not become economi-
cally more efficient, downsizing’s mythic
(40) properties give them added prestige
in the business community, enhancing
their survival prospects.
B. provide the firm with access to important organizing resources
C 说 为现在downsizing发生的解释提供另外一种解释,但是文章中说 Other factors 必须考虑,然后说
One such factor is the evolution of downsizing into a powerful business myth
大家有没有注意35A中:operating efficiencies 文章没提过的,我想operating efficiencies 和efficiencies 是不同的吧,A应该不对。
另外mythic properties告诉我们:要到L40定位,紧记定位解体。
Q34-的C 说 occurrence of downsizing,全文说的是downsizing的出现吗?我怎么觉得是Downsizing的效果呀。
actual economic effects of downsizing
(15) are often negative for firms. Thus,
organization theory cannot adequately
explain downsizing;
factors must also be considered.
One such factor is the evolution of
(20) downsizing into a powerful business
myth: managers simply believe that
downsizing is efficacious. Moreover,
downsizing nowadays is greeted
favorably by the business press; the
(25) press often refers to soaring stock
prices of downsizing firms (even though
research shows that stocks usually
rise only briefly after downsizing and
then suffer a prolonged decline).
(30) Once viewed as a sign of desperation,
downsizing is now viewed as a signal
that firms are serious about competing
in the global marketplace; such signals
are received positively by key actors—
(35) financial analysts, consultants,
shareholders—who supply firms with
vital organizing resources. Thus, even
if downsizers do not become economi-
cally more efficient, downsizing’s mythic
(40) properties give them added prestige
in the business community, enhancing
their survival prospects.
downsizing is now viewed as a signal
that firms are serious about competing
in the global marketplace; such signals
are received positively by key actors—
(35) financial analysts, consultants,
shareholders—who supply firms with
vital organizing resources. Thus, even
if downsizers do not become economi-
cally more efficient, downsizing’s mythic
(40) properties give them added prestige
in the business community, enhancing
their survival prospects.
那位xdjm可以帮我翻译一下这句话,牛牛们说Q35的B选项出自此处, 为什么我看不出来 ?谢谢....
the claim that a firm will become more efficient and competitive by downsizing,
这句claim没错,错的是理论根据,traditional organizational theory 不能解释之,但是新的理论可以,
C说该claim和organizational theory的前提相悖,是正确答案!
the claim that a firm will become more efficient and competitive by downsizing,
这句claim没错,错的是理论根据,traditional organizational theory 不能解释之,但是新的理论可以,
C说该claim和organizational theory的前提相悖,是正确答案!
文章并没什么有说明OT的前提 underlies all organization activities 是怎么不对的啊?并没有 过多的讨论这个前提有什么问题
顺便问,Q35. 我同意说,dowsizing as a signal received by the key actors. 可是我觉得这个和选项 provide the firm with access to 这些actors 意思也不一样啊。 前者是说这些引起actors注意,可能会调节公司,可是后者的意思不是 let the firm access to actors? 还是我对access的理解错误?这句话应该怎么理解啊?
浅见:回复楼上,access to resources,不是to actors,这些resources是important organizing resources,对应vital organizing resources.这些io resources由actors supply, 对应provide,这些actors是fas,cs,ss.
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