
标题: MIP 米兰理工大学管理学院诚邀您参加MBA科技创新管理公开课程并与MIP MBA项目代表见面! [打印本页]

作者: Yasi    时间: 2011-6-16 15:58
标题: MIP 米兰理工大学管理学院诚邀您参加MBA科技创新管理公开课程并与MIP MBA项目代表见面!
MIP 米兰理工大学管理学院诚邀您参加

MBA科技创新管理公开课程并与MIP MBA项目代表见面!


MIPInternational MBA在奢侈品设计管理,企业创新,国际商务管理,能源管理和金融方向的独特优势给MBA学生提供了难得的职业飞跃机遇。

20117MIP 米兰理工大学管理学院很荣幸将在中国举办第三次讲座,届时Federico Frattini教授将会与学生分享科技创新管理课题,探讨全球知名科技公司的案例和策略。

Why new technologies can cause great firms to fail?

By Prof Federico Frattini

日 期: 2011712(星期二)
时 间: 19:30-21:30
地 点:上海市四平路1239号同济大学综合楼1805  


Federico Frattini教授任教于米兰理工大学工业工程经济管理学院。他也是MBA和高级MBA项目中科技战略课程的负责教授。主要研究兴趣是科技创新管理,特别是可更新能源方向。在国际会议和学术刊物上发表了80余篇文献,和Vittorio Chiesa共同著作了《研究与发展的审查和表现评估》。他同时也是Journal of Product Innovation Management,Research Policy, Technovation, R&D Management, International Journal ofInnovation Management, European Journal of Innovation Management等学科杂志的评审。

Across industries and geographies there is a clear pattern whereby manylarge and successful incumbent firms fail unexpectedly because of theirinability to respond to a radical change in technology. This phenomenon isknown as "incumbent curse": being a large and successful firm at onepoint in time is no guarantee of continued survival. Starting from thesepremises, the open class will show how and why disruptive technological changesoften cause great firms to fail, whereas start-ups or newcomers are usuallymore successful in responding or even promoting this type of innovations. Bypresenting and discussing a number of case histories (e.g. RCA, Polaroid,Nintendo Wii, Southwest Airlines, Dell) the open class will provide suggestionsregarding how to improve a firm's ability to cope with the challenge ofdisruptive innovation.
作者: tucaizhu    时间: 2011-6-25 03:02

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