4、海产品养殖----------Aquaculture 版本一 這篇超長。在某一場合(有題,但應該不是上課),與會者談到現代人嘗試將水產養殖由戶外”自然式”放養改為”集約式”人工養殖。但有些水產品適合,有些不適合。日本不曉得啥黃色魚就不適合,因為他們在密集的空間裡無法繁殖(有題);mussel就很適合,因為他們幾乎終生不動,不須太多空間(有題);有些人發現將啥植物插在catfish魚池裡生的特別好,因為池底都是catfish的排泄物,於是水產養殖業者轉而發展肥料業(有題)。 Q1: where does the talk take place? Q2: Why 黃色魚他們在密集的空間裡無法繁殖? Q3: Why can mussel reproduce at…? Q4: why 於是水產養殖業者轉而發展肥料業?
长对话: 1 有关daydream的 ***1、关于睡眠----1月常考JJ 版本一: 讲DAYDREAM的好处的(主题)。讲DAYDREAM虽然有不好,但也有很多好处。第一是在很BORING的时候可以让人休息,第二是当人得不到东西时,可以做替代品,心理满足一下(双选)。 版本二: 主要讲daydreaming的好处, 是creative 的,尤其人在沮丧和被别人拒时,daydreaming对人的心理恢复很有好处(一题, 双选). 提到daydreaming的negative effect, professor 本人有一次 traffic accident,是由他daydreaming造成的(一题). 版本三: 一个讲睡眠的段子, 其中有一观点说睡眠不太好的不一定是病而是一种睡眠方式。 版本四: Mainly talking about the advantages of daydreaming which has been illustrated in three aspect. The last aspect is that daydreaming help control emotion properly. Also there is one question regarding to the disadvantage of daydreaming. (sorry, can’t remember the details exactly) 版本五: 大意是说睡觉睡到半夜会爬起来的人不见得不正常..根据某个教授作的实验与中古欧洲人睡眠时间的纪录发现其实中古欧洲人睡眠分四个阶段(其中一个就是半夜会起床,有题问他们醒来做什么)跟那些现在半夜会起床的人差不多..最后又说可是有关睡眠的调查还不完整,应该要做一个各种人种的调查. 有四题只想起三题 Q:大意 A:有关睡眠的研究 Q:中古欧洲人半夜醒来干嘛? A:我选想明天要做什么 Q:关于睡眠调查还有什么应该加强的 A: 做一个各种人种的调查 版本六: 需要注意的是这篇不是DAYDREAM那篇。我本来以为是同一篇,但其实不是。内容不难,需要注意有个什么WATCH PERIOD(有题,注意听),还有这个教授认为RESEARCHERS在未来应该着重研究什么(有题,我不确定自己的答案,就不误导了,大家到时注意听)。 版本七: 老师向同学讲daydream?问了daydream在 哪 两 种 情 况 下 会 发 生? 教授先说很多人都会daydream, 可能坐在下边听课的你们。讲Daydream的好处的(主题)。
Q1:mainly about Q2:people should not fear rattle snake so much, because 8000 persons got bitten but only 18 died,
2、About the causes and the differences between various thunder flash.
3、In school, listen carefully about the detailed diffrences between the traditional curriculum and the structured curriculum(double choices question). And what the teacher would do under both curriculums!(Q)
6、外太空 老师讲课讨论外天空有没有生物存在的可能性,说到了地球排列的状况,和其他太阳系的星球,如木星,土星有没有生物存在的可能,但是派卫星去查看,它们都没有一种特殊的atmosphere,但是地球确被某种气体包围。问题1,老师讲课的主要论题是 什么:将外太空生物存在的可能性。2。地球和其他星球的区别是什么?3ACCORDING TO THE PROFESSOR‘S TALKING,WHAT WILL MOST BE POSSIBLE?我选了如果JUPITOR不存在,地球上就没有生物。
长对话: 1、A student(M) came to ask professor(F) whether she would teach Shakespeare in next semester(Q1), because he liked the way she teaching.;And prof said she would teach other lectures than Shakespeare, and will show him books about those lectures.(Q2)
7、and it is the bird eat the clay to make the mineal in the clay connect with the toxic in the food.-----Toronto 附5月JJ 根据鸟的羽毛当中的化学成分,推断该鸟的栖息地。 版本一 羽毛当中的化学成分和栖息地的雨水当中的重金属成分以及作为鸟食的毛毛虫有关。 版本二: 过去追踪鸟类是在鸟的腿上帮上带子,可是对于小的鸟类就不行了。新的方法是??给了个命词,忘了。使用什么东西探测重氢。重氢好像在地球上的分布不同,这个地方我不敢肯定。好像是最后鸟吃了含有重氢的什么东西,好像是贝壳,然后羽毛里就有了重氢。分析羽毛里的这种东西含量,就可以知道鸟到过那儿。仅供参考。
8、 ice age -----Toronto 弹簧注:可参考6月9日阅读
9、 the entainment program with media-------Toronto
对话 1、 boy: you studied for long time over here, do you want go out for pizza. girl: It couldnt be better.
2: boy: all his book got wet because the problem of his roof, he complaints. the person who charge the accommendation: the boy is the 10th person who complaints the same problem. he can just put the books somewhere and wait for it dry itself. and go to libary to get copys of the books that he need. boy: ask whether the man can show him the best way to make the books dry.
3、 two student are talking about tension ( there is aicture), pay attention for (a point) that they talking about whether refer to a strength or something else.
段子: prof: he is talking the type of the sleep, sevral example of the type of people's sleep in different period. what kind of sleep type is normal, he think that we should make new standard of normal type.
3、某女在图书馆要借书-----Canada 版本一: 查到某书,但属于Reference,不能外借,问男管理员啥办;男管理员查了一下,发现别的图书馆该书不是Reference,可以外借,问要不要调过来。当天是周五,调过来要下周一。但该女说周末要看,所以选择亲自马上驾车到另外的该图书馆借,问男的行不行;男的认为可以。 Q1: What does the man offer to do? A: 为该女调该书到本图书馆。 Q2:忘了(但根据我上面描述的大意,能回答出来
M:A boy invites a girl to take part in a party on Saturday, W: but the girl says she has to take an exam on Economics and is very sorry she can not accept his invitation. M:What! The boy is very surprised, you have an exam on Saturday, it is unbelievable! W:Yes, it is true. Because this college does not accept the credit I transferred from another university, but two other subjects, sounds like literature and history. And this college promise to offer an exam on Economics for me on Saturday. The another reason I have to take the test is for the scholarship, because her credits are not enough if this college does not accept the credit of economics she pursued in another university.
5、-------- Frankfurt M : the weather is finally warm , we our friend or classmates decide to go to some place to have a dinner W : in that short dressing. (Ascend intonation) Choose (1) the woman wish to have more formal clothing to the party (2) the woman think the man wear too short clothing in this weather to party. (3) What what what (4) What what what
6、-------- Frankfurt M: ask the woman to give a ride , his car is broken W: I need a ride too, my roommate had driven my car to town………… Question:
7、-------- Frankfurt W: you had off the morning class again M : I overslept, because ……and the bus is not convenient and walk to school need a while Time. W: why don’t buy a bicycle? M: It is easy to be stolen. W: you can register in security office near this community. When your bike is lost, they will help to find it. M: I will drop by and have a look.
8、-------- Frankfurt M: now I need to register and I need my advisor’s signature, but he is on business trip. Do you know any other professors can sign it up for me instead of my advisor. W: you can go to the department to find the secretary (I am sure, whether asking the secretary to sign instead of advisor or asking her for other professors’ informations)
9、-------- Frankfurt W: I really expect to take part in some activities in what what . M: you can go to the school library, there have regular activities in what what.
10 、-------- Frankfurt M: It is terrible I lost my calculus book, could you lend me yours for the afternoon class. W: I need it too, I heard there are cheaper calculus books in the department, you could find what you need.
A female professor gives the student a lecture about the insect’s activity, later mainly on fungi ant activity. These ants live with fungi. Just like fungi is their habitat The queen lays eggs, the adult ants collect plant leaves and chew them, the queen fertilizes fungi using the plants and waste. Ants cut down the leaves which shape likes an umbrella, the queen occupies other colony with the fungi but leaving the eggs and other ants. Then she begins planting fungi there. Question : 1. please arrange the sequence of 5 sentences, the first one is picked out. Mainly queen lays eggs, ants collect plants leaves, ants chew on the leaves And the queen fertilizes fungi with waste.
7、 clothing of colonist in USA--------------Frankfurt one place a colony in colonial time, there the people carried on the habit of clothing as in Scotland. There were related laws about how and who to wear this typical clothing. Wearing this clothing represented some …………… The clothing had two main characteristics, one is color, the other is fabric(I guess)(here has a two choice question) and then about the children, they seemed also that they had to obey the law.
8、 Weathering------------Frankfurt Weathering includes mainly two types: one is physical, the other is chemical. And then the professor mainly talks about the latter, how and what is chemical. It brought what damage to the building, especially the old wall in Rome. He said once he revisited there several years ago , he found its chemical weathering was very serious, when he touch the wall, he felt what what. The outside layer of old building was so vital that the building was vulnerable to weathering once this layer was moved away or artificially damaged, because the outside layer had been formed through so many years and it had a very good resistance to weathering, in which there were some thing composing of what what (have question).
9、  edestrian-------- Frankfurt this passage is mainly talk about the developing history of resident and business zone. At the beginning, people thought that the cars were not allowed to park in the resident zone where there were full of stores and business offices. They felt that the cars would bring inconveniences and dangeres to walkers. Later they set up the “pedestrian alone zone” , in which no cars, no parking, only people. And then there happened so many things (unfortunately forgot). In the end, people started openning the resident and business zone to parking and cars but limiting their speeds.
6月17日 段子 1、钢琴和风琴(我猜的)区别。 一题是选他们共有的3样东西:String/keyboard/a fram, 还有选文章的主题:我选了介绍两种keybroad乐器的构造。 2、讲到缺水地区, 一题是在集水系统没有引入的时候,缺水国家靠什么水源,我选diliver by truck; 另一题问这样做的主要问题是什么,我选cost expensively; 还有一个流程排序:先是在树下放收集的罐子,然后利用从海洋蒸发上来的水分停留在树叶上,滴入罐子,再进行提炼,然后pipe to every home。 3、中耳炎----台湾JJ 附6月3日JJ 讲好象是中耳炎(会有单词提示), 怎样通过一个手术治疗(有题),然后有人提出在怎么怎么的情况下不应该做手术, 但强调了在哪两种情况下需要做手术(这里有双选)
段子: 1、一个教授在讲美国土著人的历史。 2、物理题。 两个学生在做物理实验。他们讨论的是皮筋能承受的压力,有个词“elastic limited”是考题,我选的是皮筋break up的那个点,不知道对错。不过我想有基本物理知识的都没什么问题。下个考题那个男的说,“now we are on the right track”问那个男的什么意思?我答的是他们认为自己理解的没有问题,可以接下来做实验了,很肯定这个答案。
6月20日 段子 1、月亮上的水----多伦多 附11月JJ 刚结束了关于moon的一章,要move on to the next chapter, (我没记住下一章该讲什么,但是没有题问到这个)。但是在下一章之前,要讲一下an article with a view that completely contradict our textbook(有题).课本说月亮上没有水,但是这文章里提出月亮有水,说是以froze and the soil on the moon混合的状态存在的(有题,问月球的水是什么状态存在).。然后说了几伙人,记不清了,反正提到neutron 和 the moon''s south and north poles. 这几伙人提出两种证明月球有水的证据(是后面的一道双选题)。 {反驳书上的观点。说月球上有水,说neutrons 遇到水就会失去大量的energy......,可以测断水的存在。}
3、 biology: 一个同学落了课,去老师的办公室补课,题道了一种在北美非常普遍的一种花(紫色),它们通常长在wetland。。。有提到这种花会破坏什么来着(记不起来了),所以以前科学家用flood和化学毒药一类的东西来消灭它们(有题),可是cost too expensive. 后来欧洲的科学家发现了一种insect可以用来消灭这种花,所以,北美将会考虑用这insect来对法那些花(有题) 4、 art: use of iron in art 说以前在欧洲有很多的画家喜欢在他们的作品用candle,因为他们认为它能表现出一种快乐和温暖(有题),可是后来现实生活没那么快乐了?candle就不会使他们画中出现了;后来又出现了一张面值?的美钞,上面有一个金字塔和一个美国总统的眼睛。。。然后提到了下堂课将要讨论的内容a.考关于这张美钞上运用iron的意义b。。。(不记得了)(有题,问下堂课将要讨论什么) 5、the effects of positive and negative message for peoples performance---北美 Experiments: 1. memorize something with negative message flash from computer screen, negative one did worse. 2. some test with positive one, none is better
6、 comets: -----北美 earth cross it's path every year, so got md shower. 7、一个讲小行星的, 因为地球经常受到流星的攻击,所以科学家开始注意,流星本来是围绕木星的小行星,但因为outter space的引力使他们脱离本身轨道(注意听小行星主要位置,在九大行星图上双选,这道我估计错了) 8、还有一个讲后现代艺术的, 分两类型(有文字提示),他们主要特点等。
9、the relationship between the bird's beak and it diet 10、 How does the snowflake change into iceberge 附12月JJ 雪花 版本一: diamond dust 的形成,跟一般的snowflake不一样,只有单个crystal。形成的过程好好听,有排序,最后是一张图片看它的结构,有问题问这张图的purpose(to explain why diamond dust is glittering)。 版本二: 有图片,要仔细看,有个选择图片的题,都是雪花,好象要选个CRYSTAL的应该是哪个2)diamond dust 的形成,跟一般的snowflake不一样,只有单个crystal。形成的过程好好听,有排序,最后是一张图片看它的结构,有问题问这张图的purpose(to explain why diamond dust is glittering) 我补充如下: 提到冷,暖空气相与。注意听是在云层的哪里形成,有题。提到diamond snowflake 为什么会闪光,有题, 为什么叫这个名字? 有题,因为闪光。提到diamond snowflake 有两种形状,NEEDLE AND CULUMN(有图)有为主题。
11、 theater 12、 psychology
长对话: 女生去community center当tutor教数学。(有题)男生也想去当历史tutor,然后女生就告诉他,时间不是很flexible,因为必须固定每个礼拜的时间去,因为那些高中学生的缘故(有题) 短对话: 1、女生问男生去吃午饭, -----多伦多 男生原本不想去 但女生又说 有spaghetti (意大利面的一种) , 男生回答:IT SOUNDS APPEALS TO ME INFER 当然是去吃了啊
1、 mm: could you give me a drive to home? my car is in shop w: I face the same problem. this morning, my roommates send me to school
a man borrows book from a women and finds the girl is not happy. the girl gives the man the book and tells him that she is unhappy because her car is in shop but she need to be a volunteer tutor in a high school. Then the man offers the girl a ride
2、a student complains the leak roof to the manager of dormitory
3、 卖旧书-------from Toronto 参考6月5日
4、GG is using typewriter behind MM.---Japan GG said that he must finish the paper ASAP. GG said he wrote paper by hand last year. This time, he prefer to use typewriter for speed and clean paper. MM told GG that the computer is available for students in ?? room. Question is "what's the MM mean"
5、 MM want to borrow books in library. ----Japan GG told her that these books are reference that can not be take to outside the library in here. (See the old JJ) But it is possible for her in other library. ....
6、 MM had a trouble in her mail box. -----Japan She want to confirm whether her mail address regestered in administration office was wrong. GG told her that the infiramtion are all OK, but the mail system was changed.....
Long conversation: 1、学生选课 教授说已不教SARS比亚那一课 2、学生和历史老师 要给历史老师什么材料
段子- 1、a talk about the development of atomosphore(co2 and o2). -----from Singapore
In this problem, there is a problem to select sequence: the answer c in dead animal->rocks and earth->go to sea->see animal (shell) ->sea sediment
2、musical and broadway------from Singapore
注: <- to this, I think the old jj misses the point. actually this passage is not very hard.
the teacher gives a talk about this course, literture of broadway. she said the broadway does not just refer to broadway in newyork, instead it is a musical style, which presents the musical coming from novel. Then she said she plan to organize student to appreciate broadway in community theater every week after they read a novel. of course the broadway is related to that weekly novel. However the order of novels should be based on the arrangement of local theater, which means what shows this week decides what students read. Besides this, this semester, they will also arrange a trip to newyork for the broadway appreciation.
3、a lecture talks something about native plant and nonative plant.----- from Singapore
at beginning, he said both native plant and nonative plant having their own disadvantages and advantages. For example, the native plant is used to local climate, while nonative plant may need special care. But the main point of this talk is the harms of nonative plant. he gave an example, ***, which is coming outside us. But because of the sunlight of calif, it grows very well. sometimes it can grow several inches per day. So it does harm to the other native plants, and even blocks the river.
4、tympanum (middle ear illness)-------Japan
5、The clouds and tunder/flash (types and formation)----Japan
6、Infants (4 months - 7 years) can observe/express environment that they saw. (multi-selection) Pictures and ages (link)----Japan
7、农业与墨西哥湾 农业行为如何影响墨西哥湾的生态环境,密西西比河流域的农民用化肥,流到墨西哥湾里,使海藻生长迅速,死后细菌增多。鱼因为跑的快,所以还没事,但是crab and snail就不那么幸运了(Question)。并导致那里成为捕鱼的贫瘠之地,这里有排序题,我认为顺序是:农业施肥产生的氮流入水中(1), 水中的algae蓬勃生长(2), 等algae死亡沉入海底,它们腐烂的尸体产生了许多细菌(3), 这些细菌deplete水中的氧气(4), 然后导致鱼类迁徙或者死亡。 。另外还有政府采取的措施,一是把靠海的农田迁至Wetland,二是减少氮肥的使用。这里是双选题。 文章还提到农民不愿意采纳这些措施,因为农业的竞争也很激烈(有Q,问为什么选一个例子,answer就是这个)
5、the structure difference between piano and h***.----北美 6、 water supply system.-----北美 附6月17日JJ 讲到缺水地区, 一题是在集水系统没有引入的时候,缺水国家靠什么水源,我选diliver by truck; 另一题问这样做的主要问题是什么,我选cost expensively; 还有一个流程排序:先是在树下放收集的罐子,然后利用从海洋蒸发上来的水分停留在树叶上,滴入罐子,再进行提炼,然后pipe to every home。
7、the finch long and short memory.-----北美
★长对话篇★ 1,和心理学有关。--------Tokyo,Japan 为了证明×××(可能是心理疗法?)和药物的各自效果,用两组病人分别作实验。一组给吃真药,另一组给的其实是sugar,结果两组人都觉得痛苦减轻了。。。。 有一问是这个×××最初时是用来干什么的? 2、男的邀请女的周六干什么--------Tokyo,Japan 女的说要考试。 怎们周六考试?,,,前人机经已经很详细了。这里强调一点:有一问What can be implied about the man? 答案中有一个是the man is a member of 什么什么team; the man is ecnomic系的学生;the man did not know女的是外校转来的;。。。天啊,光美着看过机经,错过了男的第一句话中的细节!If only我注意到那个男的到底邀请女的参加什么活动at the right beginning of the conversation!
3、the female student can not get her reference letter from her math professor on time and reason.
特别感谢以下机经作者 网站 clivia CD yuntop CD aileenyi CD creek CD elvis CD alecy CD jiunshen CD seraphye CD garnett82 CD sadiechang CD nini CD Cinderella GTER lushannon CD xiaomei CD 新东方时空 CD shiina CD toefl616 CD June17th GTER jasonzheng GTER rhein1 GTER sleepy CD lucyyyh CD Maguire CD onetime CD hddhss CD wjsheng1975 CD wandawx CD yiyiying CD toefl_2003 CD weizhou225 GTER mickeyapple CD jefferyan GTER ghosthappymm CD force GTER melody8818 CD cereal GTER bigbird CD boussole CD tangsuiyi CD light CD xiang1jp GTER 东方大虾 GTER wqhe2000 CD
作者: 困难是弹簧 时间: 2003-6-6 16:43
toefl_2003 MM,谢谢你提醒!作者: honeytt 时间: 2003-6-10 06:31
I will take the TOEFL on June 16th, would you please give me some advise about how to prepare with JJ, Also, do you know whether they will change the Test or not? Plus, I will take it in U.S. Thank you so much, I need your help so bad. By the way, good luck to you all. Ting作者: 困难是弹簧 时间: 2003-6-10 11:39
JJ最主要起心态稳定器作用。JJ的背景知识比JJ本身重要。JJ可从12月看起,但重点看写得详细的,和本月的。另,每月都会换部分题,但阅读JJ每月变化不大。作者: 乐乐maverick 时间: 2003-6-14 00:51
这个女的回答是同意还是不同意 boy: you studied for long time over here, do you want go out for pizza. girl: It couldnt be better作者: 小兵张嘎 时间: 2003-6-14 09:20
同意boy的建议。作者: Maguire 时间: 2003-6-20 04:36
明天考, 但愿佛祖保佑!作者: xinyuan 时间: 2003-7-1 03:55
请问哪里可以查到1月和去年12月的机井?作者: 困难是弹簧 时间: 2003-7-1 10:19