Many researchers regard Thailand’s
recent economic growth, as reflected by its
gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates,
Line as an example of the success of a modern
(5) technological development strategy based
on the market economics of industrialized
countries. Yet by focusing solely on aggre-
gate economic growth data as the measure
of Thailand’s development, these research-
(10) ers have overlooked the economic impact of
rural development projects that improve
people’s daily lives at the village level—
such as the cooperative raising of water
buffalo, improved sanitation, and the devel-
(15) opment of food crops both for consumption
and for sale at local markets; such projects
are not adequately reflected in the country’s
GDP. These researchers, influenced by
Robert Heilbroner’s now outdated develop-
(20) ment theory, tend to view nontechnological
development as an obstacle to progress.
Heilbroner’s theory has become doctrine in
some economics textbooks: for example,
Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological
(25) rural development projects as inhibiting
constructive change. Yet as Ann Kelleher’s
two recent case studies of the Thai villages
Non Muang and Dong Keng illustrate, the
(30) dichotomy can lead researchers not only to
overlook real advances achieved by rural
development projects but also mistakenly to
conclude that because such advances are
initiated by rural leaders and are based on
(35) traditional values and practices, they retard
“real” economic development.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Answer: B
我觉得是D,这篇文章并没有提到什莫rural development projects啊?
我觉得选A,作者的意思是说那些研究者只看到了technological development strategy based
on the market economics,但是overlooked the economic impact of rural development projects that improve people’s daily lives at the village level。这两者都是GDP增长的原因
I agree with D.
A错在explain上面。作者没有explain Thai的经济增长的原因。
Many researchers regard Thailand’s
recent economic growth, as reflected by its
gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates,
Line as an example of the success of a modern
(5) technological development strategy based
on the market economics of industrialized
countries. Yet by focusing solely on aggre-
gate economic growth data as the measure
of Thailand’s development, these research-
(10) ers have overlooked the economic impact of
rural development projects that improve
people’s daily lives at the village level—
such as the cooperative raising of water
buffalo, improved sanitation, and the devel-
(15) opment of food crops both for consumption
and for sale at local markets; such projects
are not adequately reflected in the country’s
The primary purpose of the passage is to
Answer: B
我觉得是D,这篇文章并没有提到什莫rural development projects啊?
文中偶画红线的地方不正是提到了project么? 而且也是主题句啊.
作者反对用technological development 作解释,强调rural development projects的作用。但B中,argue for the adoption 是没有根据的。而D中,assumption也很含糊,Many researchers regard,不是assume. 大家看看C有没有可能?
而D中,assumption也很含糊,Many researchers regard,不是assume.
同意liu-9000。本来选的是D,但是仔细看了一下,觉得D是有问题,文中没有提到任何assumption. 还是觉得B好一些。反对那些经济学家的偏见,实际上就是在argue for the projects.
我觉得C里面的question,好像文中主要是说 不能忽视 rural project 对经济发展的作用,后面也驳斥了有些researchers认为这个是阻碍发展的观点,但是没有认为 tecnologial stratedy就没用吧,所以我觉得A好一点
该文章是学术讨论,上来就是 many researchers 如何如何, 就选 D 吧.
My two cents ...
A错误, 原文很明确的说such projects are not adequately reflected in the country’s GDP.
B错误, 很明显certain rural development projects已经被adopt了, 作者没必要argue for the adoption.
C错误, 作者是在批评有些经济学家overlook了nontechnological development, 而不是the value of technological development. Focus不对.
E错误, 原文没有历史和现在的对比.
偶原来选D,可是仔细看看还是B更好一些。文章二、三句是重点,说在评价泰国发展的时候,rural development project被忽视了, overlook, not adequately reflected啊, 所以文章主题是呼吁人们/学者 在评价时‘采用这个标准, argue for the adoption of rural projects’, D中assumption怪怪的, 而且用了复数形势, 如果说有assumption, 也只能是说 学者门只用 GDP来评价, 也不应该是criticize certain assumptions啊 。
Yet by focusing solely on aggre-
gate economic growth data as the measure
(10) ers have overlooked the economic impact of
rural development projects that improve
people’s daily lives at the village level—
such as the cooperative raising of water
buffalo, improved sanitation, and the devel-
(15) opment of food crops both for consumption
and for sale at local markets; such projects
are not adequately reflected in the country’s GDP.
B.argue for the adoption of certain rural development projects 文章没讲到发展计划的采取
C.question the value of technological development in Thailand 文章并没有评价科技发展的价值
D.criticize certain assumptions about economic development in Thailand 其中assumption就是指文章第一句话
泰国经济发展已经是事实了,在讨论是什么使得它发展了,有人用GDP来评价其 technological development,而他们却忽略了nontechnological development.后来出来一个大牛Heilbroner view nontechnological development as an obstacle to progress. 然后作者又说H其实也不对,这种二分法也可能造成另一种误解。
It can be inferred from the passage that the term “real” in line 36 most likely refers to economic development that is
Many researchers regard Thailand’s
recent economic growth, as reflected by its gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates,
as an example of the success of a modern
technological development strategy based
on the market economics of industrialized
countries. Yet by focusing solely on aggre-
gate economic growth data as the measure
of Thailand’s development, these research-
(10) ers have overlooked the economic impact of
rural development projects that improve
people’s daily lives at the village level—
such as the cooperative raising of water
buffalo, improved sanitation, and the devel-
(15) opment of food crops both for consumption
and for sale at local markets; such projects
are not adequately reflected in the country’s
GDP. These researchers, influenced by
Robert Heilbroner’s now outdated develop-
(20) ment theory, tend to view nontechnological
development as an obstacle to progress.
Heilbroner’s theory has become doctrine in
some economics textbooks: for example,
Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological
(25) rural development projects as inhibiting
constructive change. Yet as Ann Kelleher’s
two recent case studies of the Thai villages
Non Muang and Dong Keng illustrate, the
(30) dichotomy can lead researchers not only to
overlook real advances achieved by rural
development projects but also mistakenly to
conclude that because such advances are
initiated by rural leaders and are based on
(35) traditional values and practices, they retard
“real” economic development.
It can be inferred from the passage that the term “real” in line 36 most likely refers to economic development that is
Yet by focusing solely on aggre-
gate economic growth data as the measure
of Thailand’s development, these research-
(10) ers have overlooked the economic impact of
rural development projects
that improve
people’s daily lives at the village level—
such as the cooperative raising of water
buffalo, improved sanitation, and the devel-
(15) opment of food crops both for consumption
and for sale at local markets; such projects
are not adequately reflected in the country’s
argue for 赞成
全文的主题句: L7-16 Yet by focusing solely on aggregate economic growth data as the measure of Thailand's development, these researchers have overlooked the economic impact of rural development projects that improve ....后面都是论据.
所以主题是:criticize that these researchers did not adopt nontechnological rural development projects. == argue for the adoption of rural development profects.
C 和 D 的动词是对的, 但宾语不对.
vote for D, 同意JerryGuan的意见。
把握文章主题之后,就发现argue for adoption确实不好。因为文中并没有说采用还是不采用,而是哪些家伙忽视了农村开发项目在经济发展中的impact。
35,我选C).作者提到:reseachers拿GDP只是作为TECH.development 的一个反映.而作者想表达的是NONTECH也
Many researchers regard reflected by (GDP) ,
Line as an example of the success of a modern
(5) technological development strategy
Yet by focusing solely on ...
these researchers have overlooked
These researchers, ..., tend to view nontechnological
development as an obstacle ....
Heilbroner’s theory has become doctrine in
some economics textbooks: for example,
Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological
(25) rural development projects as inhibiting
constructive change.
Yet as Ann Kelleher’s
two recent case studies of the Thai villages
Non Muang and Dong Keng illustrate, the
(30) dichotomy can lead researchers not only to
overlook real advances achieved by rural
development projects but also mistakenly to
conclude that because such advances are
initiated by rural leaders and are based on
(35) traditional values and practices, they retard
“real” economic development.
老师提示我: 时间到,下机!!
1. Many researchers regard ... as reflected by its(GDP),as an example of the success of a modern technological development strategy .
2.Yet by focusing solely on ... these researchers have overlooked ...
These researchers, (influenced by Robert Heilbroner’s now outdated development theory), tend to view nontechnological development as an obstacle to progress.
Heilbroner’s theory has become doctrine in: for example,
Yet as Ann Kelleher’s two recent case studies of ... illustrate, the
nontechnological-versus-technological dichotomy can lead researchers not only to
overlook real advances achieved by rural development projects but also mistakenly to
conclude **...
The primary purpose of the passage is to
答案C 作者是在Question tech development 在Thailand中的Value,不是么?
B--文章说到rural development是nontech development 的代表,而非在说rural development 本身 是该adopt or not.
D--assumptions,几个假设,科学家拿GDP作为tech development 的代表来衡量经济,
作者认为科学家过高的用technological development 作解释,而忽视了nontech development作用。但B中,argue for the adoption 是没有根据的。而D中,assumption也没有根据.
Agree. 其实任何未经证实的言论都可以称之为assumption.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
It can be inferred from the passage that the term “real” in line 36 most likely refers to economic development that is
The author of the passage cites the work of Palmer in order to give an example of
我的答案:D A A
D is the best answer.
Two assumptions are mentioned in the article: First technology is the driven cause and second nontechnology retards development.
2 argue for/against (doing) something
to state, giving clear reasons, that something is true, should be done
Baker argued against cutting the military budget.
She argued the case for changing the law.
argue with/argue about/argue over
2 支持,認為某事必須要去做.....T
argure that/argue against/argue for
2 argue for/against (doing) something
to state, giving clear reasons, that something is true, should be done
Baker argued against cutting the military budget.
She argued the case for changing the law.
argue with/argue about/argue over
2 支持,認為某事必須要去做.....T
argure that/argue against/argue for
大家都在讨论argue的用法,但没有考虑adoption的用法。我认为B的意思不是说“支持采用rural development projects",而是建议researchers在研究中“采纳rural development projects的影响也作为经济增长的数据”。这样解释,不知大家是否同意?
Yet by focusing solely on aggregate economic growth data as the measure of
看了大家的讨论,觉得很多朋友在对这篇文章的理解上有问题,所以才会出现那么多misunderstanding 的地方. 首先说明本题ETS结合了经济学中的很多关联理论,如果没有一点经济学基础的朋友看到本文,很容易就会犯错.
我们先来看35题. 很多朋友选A,其实A是最不可能选的.因为经济学中GDP的计算是不包括人民生活水平提高的.所以泰国的人民生活水平提高根本不管GDP增加的事,所以不可能是成为REAL REASON FOR GDP GROWTH.
有了这点基本知识以后大家再来理解本文,就能发现其实它只是在说不能只看一个国家的GDP增长来定义该国经济增长.而应该同时考虑WELFARE的增长等其它因素. 然后它讨论了一下正反例子.
Yet by focusing solely on aggre-
gate economic growth data as the measure
of Thailand’s development, these research-
(10) ers have overlooked the economic impact of
rural development projects that improve
people’s daily lives at the village level—
such as the cooperative raising of water
buffalo, improved sanitation, and the devel-
(15) opment of food crops both for consumption
and for sale at local markets; such projects
are not adequately reflected in the country’s GDP.
文章的基调就是反驳,所以A错。且GDP只是提了一下,肯定不能作为一个primary purpose的。
所以大家也不要太极端,还是选D的好。不然说不定哪天ETS出个阅读题目,说是不是完全是GMAT的魅力呢?为了一道题目,有一群中国人居然讨论了上百句,还是为了别的目的……。然后问main purpose,哈哈。
Many researchers regard
recent economic growth,
as reflected by its
gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates,
Line as an example of the success of a modern
(5) technological development strategy based
on the market economics of industrialized
countries. Yet by focusing solely on aggre-
gate economic growth data as the measure
(10) ers have overlooked the economic impact of
rural development projects that improve
people’s daily lives at the village level—
such as the cooperative raising of water
buffalo, improved sanitation, and the devel-
(15) opment of food crops both for consumption
and for sale at local markets; such projects
are not adequately reflected in the country’s
GDP. These researchers, influenced by
Robert Heilbroner’s now outdated develop-
(20) ment theory, tend to view nontechnological
development as an obstacle to progress.
Heilbroner’s theory has become doctrine in
some economics textbooks: for example,
Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological
(25) rural development projects as inhibiting
constructive change. Yet as Ann Kelleher’s
two recent case studies of the Thai villages
Non Muang and Dong Keng illustrate, the
(30) dichotomy can lead researchers not only to
overlook real advances achieved by rural
development projects but also mistakenly to
conclude that because such advances are
initiated by rural leaders and are based on
(35) traditional values and practices, they retard
“real” economic development.
The primary purpose of the passage is to
C错误, 作者是在批评有些经济学家overlook了nontechnological development, 而不是the value of technological development. Focus不对.另外从文中语气来说作者已经肯定了原有观点的错误所以是批评而不是仅仅置疑
I agree with D.
A错在explain上面。作者没有explain Thai的经济增长的原因。
我感觉整篇文章说,一些研究说原先只基于GDP和科技进步的情况来判断经济增长的原因overlook了一些其他的因素:比如rural development等等,并且文章最后用引号列出了“real”,反义引用,可见“GDP和科技进步”并非是真正的原因,而是一些nontechnique原因是真正的原因。
文章在解释为什么那些technique 原因不是真正的“real”reason而是其他的原因,比如 economic impact of rural development projects that improve people’s daily lives at the village level—such as the cooperative raising of water buffalo, improved sanitation, and the development of food crops both for consumption and for sale at local markets
35是B啊,整篇文章的focus在rural development,二句转折开始就一直在讨论rural的project,
作者认为忽略了这些project的作用,并且对于研究者们认为这些project不好进行了反驳,这就是argue for啊。支持,不就是为某件事情说话么?
i also choose choice C. cuz' the author did question the value of technological development in Thailand.
i think all the key words in choice C are correct.
A:文中只是开头说到了GDP,后来的论述,并不是在针对GDP的成因。再说,A说true reasons for ...。文中只是说学者们忽视了non-technological development,也没有全盘否定,所以不能说别的才是true reasons for ...。
B:翻译过来就是“支持采纳一些农村发展工程”。文章没有支持这点,只是说学者们忽视了non-technological development,没向政府或是谁提议要支持什么工程。
C:文章只是说学者们忽视了non-technological development,也没有全盘否定。况且,the value of technological development in
我感觉整篇文章说,一些研究说原先只基于GDP和科技进步的情况来判断经济增长的原因overlook了一些其他的因素:比如rural development等等,并且文章最后用引号列出了“real”,反义引用,可见“GDP和科技进步”并非是真正的原因,而是一些nontechnique原因是真正的原因。
文章在解释为什么那些technique 原因不是真正的“real”reason而是其他的原因,比如 economic impact of rural development projects that improve people’s daily lives at the village level—such as the cooperative raising of water buffalo, improved sanitation, and the development of food crops both for consumption and for sale at local markets
A项是解释的是the increacse in Thiland‘s GDP,而实际上是解释the real economic growth。这是A项错误的原因之一,另外一个原因就是explian不是本文作者想要focus的话题。
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