3, 『前人机经,补充』海底的(ecology)生态结构,SALT WATER 分两种,以200米为界。说第一种时有图,画了一个岸边,分4个区域,然后讲解各个区域的特点。问题大多也是照图答的,就是选哪个区域对应什么名字和用途 , 有一个题的选项是这个图中那类的平均高度(到时候听要记)很难记,由于光合作用Photosunthesis(这倒是听得很清楚),由于阳光只能到达60 米左右,所以上面的营养多,鱼也就多。还有陆地流下的水有养分。200米以下的很少有生物,如同沙漠
4, 现代舞的来源,是有个人从芭蕾舞出来,改进两点,1是“Control the breathing”(练气功,2是从其它国家Kxxx和中国的Opera(京剧吧),这是一个双选题。后来发展被认可,是有其他的效仿者,还有专为她写的Composer。
语法,真没什么好讲,把历年的真题作了就行,12 或13分。
阅读:插入题特多,当然还有词汇。感觉比PP简单,个人的感觉吧,时间大把。 1,『前人机经,补充』有关造纸一篇(WORDEEP,)1,Spread plastic covering over a table, place a layer of felt(毛毡), and then a kitchen cloth the middle. 2Give the pulp(纸浆)a good stir and place the mold(模具)so that the mesh(网眼)is face up, and put the deckle on the top. Grip the two firmly, holding them by the shorter edge. 3 Slip(滑)the mold and deckle at an angle into the pulp mixture, then straighten them up so that they lid flat beneath the surface of the liquid. 4 Keeping the mold and deckle level, pull them straight up out of the liquid. Hold the mold and deckle level--the water will drain back through the mesh. 5 Gently shake the mold and deckle backward and forward, and side to side. This will help the fibers settle and mesh together. 6 Take the deckle off the mold. Put one edge of the sheet of paper on the kitchen cloth and gently press the sheet of paper onto the felt. This is called "couching". Sponge off excess water. Put another piece on kitchen cloth or interfacing over the finished sheet and continue. You can layer several sheets. To keep paper flat when dried, press between 2 laminated boards (shelves from a home supply store works very well). Layer with felt to absorb moisture. 1). A large vat is filled with water and paper pulp. The mold and deckle is used to scoop up the pulp to form a sheet. 2. When the water has run off, the deckle is lifted carefully from the mold. 3. The sheet is couched onto felt, sponging to remove excess water. 4. The mold is lifted to reveal a sheet of paper, ready to be pressed and dried. 2),成固体的, movement动作,repeat,
考题: 纸刚刚发明出来的时候,欧洲人不用的原因是他们不信任纸,全篇说人工造纸,虽然开头说很快接受。
词汇: Still=Nevertheless, Eventually=Ultimately, Partial=uncompletely seep=pass through slowly,untrusted=have no confidence, mesh网筛,vat大桶,大缸,tray平底浅盘,uneven不平的,不齐的,edge边缘,unsolidified不牢固的,未 Fix=attach
4,Colony时代的法律,在美国的律师少,但后来需要,有些是从英国学的,有的没有多少知识。有个Bar的注释就是律师行业(有题)。美国青年(特别是南方,因为南方没有College,推出北方有,有题)都去英国一个学校学法律,这地方不是法律学校,但是 a part of the law culture (有题)。然后当Established lawyer学徒。 有一词不肯定 Established = Qualified ?