
标题: as many as 与 more than 结构总汇 [打印本页]

作者: 我笨,我努力    时间: 2004-6-17 06:12
标题: as many as 与 more than 结构总汇


og-89.   A recent national study of the public schools shows that there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were four years ago.

(A) there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were

(B) there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were

(C) there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many as there were

(D) every thirty-two pupils now have one microcomputer, four times as many than there wereC

(E) every thirty-two pupils now has one microcomputer, four times as many as

这里as后面跟的是句子,从句的宾语就是as many (computers)as中的computer

132. According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, about equivalent to the enrollment of the nation’s four-year colleges and universities.

(A) equivalent to the enrollment of

(B) the equivalent of those enrolled in

(C) equal to those who are enrolled in

(D) as many as the enrollment ofE

(E) as many as are enrolled in

这里as后面跟的是句子,从句的主语就是as many (people)as中的people

156. Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much as maintaining paved roads.

(A) dirt roads cost twice as much as maintaining paved roads

(B) dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do

(C) maintaining dirt roads costs twice as much as paved roads do

(D) maintaining dirt roads costs twice as much as it does for paved roadsB

(E) to maintain dirt roads costs twice as much as for paved roads

这里as后面跟的是句子,从句的宾语就是as much (money)as中的money

187. In one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, fought at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862, four times as many Americans were killed as would later be killed on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day.

(A) Americans were killed as

(B) Americans were killed than

(C) Americans were killed than those who

(D) more Americans were killed as thereA

(E) more Americans were killed as those who


我是这么理解的:句子主谓宾在的在as-as 结构中,强调four times,第一个as引导的句子的主语与第二个as引导的主语比较,第二个省略


198. Although Napoleon’s army entered Russia with far more supplies than they had in their previous campaigns, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.

(A) they had in their previous campaigns

(B) their previous campaigns had had

(C) they had for any previous campaign

(D) in their previous campaignsE

(E) for any previous campaign

?A is more -----than b

   a,b 应该是相同的成分

这个句子,不理解,than的后面应该也是出现相同的比较成分,如果补全是supllies for any previous campaign,这样不是有点不平行的问题吗

253. Analysts blamed May’s sluggish retail sales on unexciting merchandise as well as the weather, colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed sales of barbecue grills and lawn furniture.

(A) colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed

(B) which was colder and wetter than usual in some regions, slowing

(C) since it was colder and wetter than usually in some regions, which slowed

(D) being colder and wetter than usually in some regions, slowingB

(E) having been colder and wetter than was usual in some regions and slowed

the weather 和 usual 是两个不对称的,可以进行比较吗?

作者: mariezhu    时间: 2004-6-17 09:45


作者: gmat700+    时间: 2004-6-17 11:11
不错的帖子!我在涉及到两者比较的题目上总是犯错,因为我总是搞不清楚在as many/much as 、more than的后面省略的到底是什么,或者说搞不清出句子作者到底想把哪两者作比较。比如说你帖子里的第132题,我一开始选的是C。我觉得是比较people。
作者: bunnier    时间: 2004-6-18 02:46
以下是引用我笨,我努力在2004-6-17 6:12:00的发言:

53. Analysts blamed May’s sluggish retail sales on unexciting merchandise as well as the weather, colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed sales of barbecue grills and lawn furniture.

(A) colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed

(B) which was colder and wetter than usual in some regions, slowing

(C) since it was colder and wetter than usually in some regions, which slowed

(D) being colder and wetter than usually in some regions, slowingB

(E) having been colder and wetter than was usual in some regions and slowed

the weather 和 usual 是两个不对称的,可以进行比较吗?

No, the two can't be compared... and ETS isn't doing that. the comparison is between the weather and the usual weather.


作者: 我笨,我努力    时间: 2004-6-18 06:22



作者: 我笨,我努力    时间: 2004-6-22 11:43


作者: 小I爱漂漂    时间: 2005-1-8 14:18

我也觉得这种AS MANY AS,MUCH THAN, MORE THAN很多而且很难区别,而且好像没什么规律。比如:


149. Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost so fast. and in some parts even faster than what they did outside the pinelands.
(A) so fast, and in some parts even faster than what they did
(B) so fast, and in some parts even faster than, those
(C) as fast, and in some parts even faster than, those
(D) as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, those
(E) as fast as, and in some parts even faster than what they did


199. Because the Earth's crust is more solid there and thus better able to transmit shock waves, an earthquake of a given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times greater in the eastern United States than it does in the West.

(A)  of a given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times greater in the eastern United States than it does in the West

(B)   of a given magnitude will typically devastate 100 times the area if it occurs in the eastern United States instead of the West

(C)  will typically devastate 100 times the area in the eastern United States than one of comparable magnitude occurring in the West

(D)  in the eastern United States will typically devastate an area 100 times greater than will a quake of comparable magnitude occurring in the West

(E)   that occurs in the eastern United States will typically devastate 100 times more area than if it occurred with comparable magnitude in the West


Certain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place: one reason is suggested by the finding that there are much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in soils that are free of such chemicals.

(A) Certain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place; one reason is suggested by the finding that there are much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in soils that are free of such chemicals.

(B) If used repeatedly in the same place, one reason that certain pesticides can become ineffective is suggested by the finding that there are much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in soils that are free of such chemicals.

(C) If used repeatedly in the same place, one reason certain pesticides can become ineffective is suggested by the finding that much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes are found in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than those that are free of such chemicals.

(D) The finding that there are much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in soils that are free of such chemicals is suggestive of one reason, if used repeatedly in the same place, certain pesticides can become ineffective.

(E) The finding of much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in those that are free of such chemicals suggests one reason certain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place.

这些题都是涉及到比较级的,但是好像每个保留的都不一样,好像OG149,比较的是地点状语,THAN后面保留的是主语(THOSE)和状语。(OUTSIDE THE PINELANDS)



不明白为什么每个都不同,请问NN,这种T有没有什么语法规则呀?AS MANY AS的也是呀,好像很多都不同。

作者: 小I爱漂漂    时间: 2005-1-9 04:42


作者: aokceo    时间: 2005-1-9 14:19

我以前比较结构的题做的不好,后看了LZM 与OG后提高了许多。我认为有两点要注意:




作者: 小I爱漂漂    时间: 2005-1-11 06:54
谢谢9楼GG的提议. 大家继续讨论, 最后总结,找出规律是我们的最终目的! 比较级的题目很容易考到,错了很不划算.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-11 6:54:30编辑过]

作者: brace    时间: 2005-2-22 09:18


作者: jean1280    时间: 2009-3-24 00:51


作者: alicezyk    时间: 2012-9-27 20:29

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