
标题: 请教大全935题 和OG 17题 [打印本页]

作者: chwayne    时间: 2004-6-15 20:22
标题: 请教大全935题 和OG 17题

请教大全935题 和OG 17题

935Wind resistance created by opening windows while driving results in a fuel penalty as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning.

(A) as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning

(B) that is as great or greater than is incurred using air conditioning

(C) as great as or greater than that of using air conditioning

(D) at least as great as air conditioning’s

(E) at least as great as that incurred by using air conditioning


1) E中的incurred by using air conditioning 与题中的created by opening windows是完全对称的,即E中的that 是指wind resistance,而根据对题目意思的理解,比较的应该是fuel penalty,而C中的that 才指fuel penalty.

同时答案C才能够理解成:行车中开窗产生的风阻而导致的油耗与使用空调而导致的油耗一样或更多。如果是E,题目的意思没法理解或就太awkward 了吧。

2)by using …是redundant

17.  Native American burial sites dating back 5,000 years indicate that the residents of Maine at that time were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking people.

(A) were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking people

(B) had been part of a widespread culture of people who were Algonquian-speaking

(C) were people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian-speaking

(D) had been people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian-speaking(A)

(E) were a people which had been part of a widespread, Algonquian-speaking culture

同意答案是A,但在理解上总是别扭,划线部分是理解成是A-S people的一部分还是A-S people 的 一个广泛传播文化的一部分,也就是A of B of C,该怎么理解。这题可能是我的理解老转不过弯来,请大家帮帮忙解释一下啊,谢谢啦。

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-15 21:27

1,by using没有问题,OG的解释自己用了无数个by using,你搜一下。而且这里的by是在被动句里用的,不能省。


b,而且从逻辑意思上说,using air conditioning只能incurs fuel penalty rather than wind resistance。

2,胡诌2句,请不要顶真:OG17,从逻辑意思上分析,应该只能是 part of (B of C), (part of B)of C的意思是荒谬的。同时虽然这个part of的of可以理解为所属关系,但这个part of更加类似于单位词,所以不会造成(part of B)of C的歧义。 反正ETS这样用就是有理,偶们没法子, ETS永远是最N的。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-16 12:29:23编辑过]

作者: chwayne    时间: 2004-6-15 22:02



17)如果理解成Part of (B of C),题目就成了:the residents 是culture 的一部分,而不是A-S people的一部分了呀,因为(B of C)中C是modify B的,B是中心词


作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-15 22:23

1,as great as or greater than that of using air conditioning

as great as or greater than 是ETS不认可的形势,太罗嗦。fuel penalty  of using air conditioning的of不如incurred by 贴切。介词of词组做名词修饰语可以表示如下关系:所有,同位,全体和部分,主谓,动宾,来源,原料,内容,素质,时间,距离方位面积等。好像没有这个“引起或造成”的含义。即使of不算完全错,而且由于of的多义性,incurred by更加明确。具体关于of的用法,你可以参阅语法书。

2,“the residents 是culture 的一部分,”,对就是这样理解的。正常的中国人都会认为这个关系有问题,但这是英语,不是中文。记住这个用法吧,没有为什么,以前已经有NN确认了这是对的。当初偶和你一样迷惑,呵呵。

作者: chwayne    时间: 2004-6-15 23:32


935)我之所以认为E是错的,是因为我手上的XDF的补充材料上的该题(第82题)选E的解释是1)as...as的用法正确;2)incured by using air conditioning 与前半部分完全对称,那只能是与created by opening windows 对称了,理解上产生歧义的可不止我一个人哦。总之C 和E歧义程度不相上下,最好是有个答案F)... that results from using air conditioning, 大家都选F)就都OK了,帅哥你以为呢?

17)啊????。。。 我试着这么理解一下吧。再看一下OG的解释,在解释B和D为什么错的时候,已经说明了the Native Americans 就应该是culture的一部分,看来看OG的解释还得仔细些,再仔细些。

作者: philikittist    时间: 2004-6-15 23:46

我觉得要用that of的话,前面应该有对应的所有格,但是C没有的。

还有一点,我原来也一直认为as great as and more greater than是不好的,但记得有一道题它出现在了正确答案里,不知道是不是记错了。

作者: chwayne    时间: 2004-6-16 00:08

谢谢P....MM, 你的名字好难写哦。

( 一)as great as or greater than  是正确的。和...一样大或比...大,有三种正确形式:

1)as great as or greater than

2) at least as great as...

3) as great as..., if not more so

(二)正是E中的incured by using air conditioning 与前面的created by opening windows完全对称才引起歧义的呀

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-16 12:31
作者: chwayne    时间: 2004-6-16 15:11


1.        Florida will gain another quarter-million jobs this year alone, many of them in high-paying fields like electronics and banking, making the state’s economy far more diversified than ten years ago.

(A) high-paying fields like electronics and banking, making the state’s economy far more diversified than

(B) high-paying fields like electronics and banking, and making the state’s economy far more diversified than its economy

(C) high-paying fields such as electronics and banking, to make the state’s economy far more diversified than

(D) such high-paying fields as electronics and banking, making the state’s economy far more diversified than it was

(E) such high-paying fields as electronics and banking, and make the state’s economy far more diversified than it was

该题正确答案是D,后面补出助动词was,但比较的是making 宾语,故不能认为比较宾语就不能补助动词,个人认为还有个代词指代的问题,即本题中的it是指economy, 而不是最前面的Florida, 因为代词指代有一个原则:优先指代与之最近的名词,同样935题,that已经优先指代了最近fuel penalty,就不会再指代wind resistance了。也请tianwan和gemj指正。


作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-16 16:36

making the state’s economy far more diversified than it was是一个tricky ETS style。

1,make sth adj实际上是一个make + 宾语+宾补,宾语和宾补就是 宾语 be 宾补。这个比较中的it是economy,相当于 the economy is far more diversified than it was, 比较的还是这个结构里的主语。


作者: LES    时间: 2004-6-16 19:58
以下是引用tianwan在2004-6-16 16:36:00的发言:

making the state’s economy far more diversified than it was是一个tricky ETS style。

1,make sth adj实际上是一个make + 宾语+宾补,宾语和宾补就是 宾语 be 宾补。这个比较中的it是economy,相当于 the economy is far more diversified than it was, 比较的还是这个结构里的主语。



即as great as sth. ,or greater than,中黑体的部分必须前后用逗号隔开,作为插入修饰成分。依据是OG149。

149. Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost so fast, and in some parts even faster than what they did outside the pinelands.

(A) so fast, and in some parts even faster than what they did
(B) so fast, and in some parts even faster than, those
(C) as fast, and in some parts even faster than, those
(D) as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, thoseD
(E) as fast as, and in some parts even faster than what they did

The properly completed sentence here must (1) use the proper form of the comparative conjunction, as fast as; (2) enclose the parenthetical statement and... even faster than in commas; and (3) preserve parallel structure, clarity of reference, and economy by using those to substitute for land values in the completed comparison. D, the best choice, does all these things correctly. A and B use so unidiomatically in place of as. A and E omit the comma needed after than and use the confusing and unparallel what they did instead of those. C omits the second as needed in the comparative conjunction as fast as.

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-16 22:03

More often than not LES puts forward something wonderful for us. Thank you very much!

作者: chwayne    时间: 2004-6-16 22:04

LES MM是个很细心的人。

先说as great as, or greater than, 我也发现它作为正确答案出现或在查阅辞典时总是带有一对commas的,只是个人感觉commas的有无没关系不大,不料恰恰相反,这一对commas决定了它的正确性,因为要表达的是parenthetical 的东东。

再说“making the state’s economy far more diversified than it was是一个tricky ETS style。  

1,make sth adj实际上是一个make + 宾语+宾补,宾语和宾补就是 宾语 be 宾补。这个比较中的it是economy,相当于 the economy is far more diversified than it was, 比较的还是这个结构里的主语。



266. In a recent poll, 86 percent of the public favored a Clean Air Act as strong or stronger than the present act.

(A) a Clean Air Act as strong or stronger than

(B) a Clean Air Act that is stronger, or at least so strong as,

(C) at least as strong a Clean Air Act as is

(D) a Clean Air Act as strong or stronger than is

(E) a Clean Air Act at least as strong as

该题的正确答案是E,相信大家都不会有疑问。如果按commas中的解释“相当于 the economy is far more diversified than it was”该题的比较也可以还原成a Clean Air Act is at least as strong as the present act is,其实任何的比较结构,比较对象都是比较结构的逻辑主语。我以前也一直认为:比较的对象是比较所在句中的主语时可以补出助动词,但碰到的题多了,发现并不尽然,我也希望通过讨论把这件事彻底搞清楚。


Tom is as rich as Jim is.   这是助动词的尽量补出,其实没有这个is也行,如我们碰到的大多数题。

I have a friend tom as rich as Jim.  这是不要补出助动词,否则反而redundant,同OG266

I have a friend tom as rich as he was 10 years ago. 这是必须补出,而不论比较对象是所在句(或所在结构的)主语还是宾语。同economy这题。


作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-17 01:46

Probably it is wrong to get the conclusion by analogy between the 2 divergent structure.

OG266,“favor”,which can only construct " v+o", is different from “make”,which can construct "v+o+c". v is predicate, o is object,  c is complement

“a Clean Air Act at least as strong as”: "at least as strong as" is an attribute, modifying Act, while  “the state’s economy far more diversified”:“far more diversified”is a complement.

作者: chwayne    时间: 2004-6-17 20:30


作者: tony6    时间: 2004-7-31 19:33


作者: alanz123    时间: 2004-10-4 19:48
LES真厉害. 牛.
作者: smileday    时间: 2006-6-22 19:34



還有, 放在句尾的greater 可不可以修飾句首的 resistance?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-22 19:34:10编辑过]

作者: smileday    时间: 2006-6-26 10:38
以下是引用chwayne在2004-6-15 20:22:00的发言:

请教大全935题 和OG 17题

935Wind resistance created by opening windows while driving results in a fuel penalty as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning.

(A) as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning

(B) that is as great or greater than is incurred using air conditioning

(C) as great as or greater than that of using air conditioning

(D) at least as great as air conditioning’s

(E) at least as great as that incurred by using air conditioning


ding, again....



還有, 放在句尾的greater 可不可以修飾句首的 resistance?

作者: smileday    时间: 2006-6-27 18:34


at least as great as修飾誰?

作者: smileday    时间: 2006-6-30 15:58


E的"incurred by using air conditioning"看起來是修飾resistance,



作者: 盈儿    时间: 2006-9-21 16:48
以下是引用smileday在2006-6-30 15:58:00的发言:


E的"incurred by using air conditioning"看起來是修飾resistance,



1,incurred by using air conditioning应该修饰that---Wind resistance

2,I think "as great as or greater than" is OK here!

check the sample question from OG-CR:

79To evaluate a plan to save money on office-space expenditures by having its employees work at homeXYZ Company asked volunteers from its staff to try the arrangement for six monthsDuring this periodthe productivity of these employees was as high as or higher than before

作者: elric9    时间: 2009-7-31 11:03

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