标题: 請益長江在學的同學or校友們 [打印本页] 作者: odin0716 时间: 2011-5-17 08:40 标题: 請益長江在學的同學or校友們 I heard CK is going to build a campus near Peking airport. It that true? Could you provide more related information?作者: tttl111 时间: 2011-5-17 09:31
The campus is heard to be finished and put into use in 2013.
For more details, you can ask Foever or Grossman directly.作者: foever 时间: 2011-5-17 10:13
Here is the news, issued in 2010 Link: http://ckgsb.com/Article/Detail.aspx?ColumnId=378&ArticleId=8256 6月23日,长江商学院与北京市通州区政府正式签署《长江商学院北京主校区项目意向书》,根据意向书,长江商学院北京主校区正式落户通州区宋庄镇,占地面积约190亩,紧邻温榆河,距首都机场三号航站楼直线距离4.5公里,距市中心天安门广场24公里。