标题: Ceibs R3 intake 召集贴 [打印本页]
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-13 19:53
标题: Ceibs R3 intake 召集贴
作者: CompuComedy 时间: 2011-5-13 21:24
Sofa. Add me in.
Bye-bye U.S. Haha...
作者: mikydai 时间: 2011-5-13 21:33
Floor~~~~~~~~~ count me in ~! So look farward to seeing you all~!!!!
作者: hannahsophia 时间: 2011-5-13 21:50
作者: wangzm0356 时间: 2011-5-13 22:04
作者: edwardsollos 时间: 2011-5-13 22:11
作者: patricia_sdb 时间: 2011-5-13 23:51
-- by 会员 zhiling (2011/5/13 19:53:24)
作者: sylvie1812 时间: 2011-5-14 00:17
周二有安排了~~ 周四没问题~
作者: tank_strong 时间: 2011-5-14 11:22
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-14 12:53
代码 复制 - 运行
大家聚下可以相互了解下各自的background,有几个offer在手的也可以交流下信息,帮助decision making
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-15 16:02
没有人提议,那就我来提议下地点吧,选择一:田子坊 的泰国餐厅 太泰 (就是交通不是最方便)
选择二:人民公园内的 barbarossa
选择三:静安寺的巴厘岛 ,就是有点贵
作者: hannahsophia 时间: 2011-5-15 16:50
没有人提议,那就我来提议下地点吧,选择一:田子坊 的泰国餐厅 太泰 (就是交通不是最方便)
选择二:人民公园内的 barbarossa
选择三:静安寺的巴厘岛 ,就是有点贵
-- by 会员 zhiling (2011/5/15 16:02:14)
作者: mikydai 时间: 2011-5-15 22:18
作者: sylvie1812 时间: 2011-5-15 22:24
barbarossa不错~~ 交通也方便~~
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-16 08:14
作者: wangzm0356 时间: 2011-5-16 10:17
报一个名,7:30比较好,时间上冗余大一些。 另外大家如何联系啊?
作者: ilmj 时间: 2011-5-16 10:40
作者: sylvie1812 时间: 2011-5-16 11:17
作者: tank_strong 时间: 2011-5-16 13:28
我这里已经给R3建了个群,大家加我吧,MSN: tank_strong(A)
作者: ilmj 时间: 2011-5-16 16:05
tank_strong, 我加你啦,但是老是加不到你的群里呢。。。你的群地址是多少?
作者: mikydai 时间: 2011-5-16 16:51
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-16 17:56
ok,各位参加的童鞋,本周四5月19日晚7:30 Barbarossa,Lynn订的位子,我稍后会把我的联系方式发给各位同学。欢迎参加!
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-16 18:04
作者: CompuComedy 时间: 2011-5-16 18:59
收到, 多谢! 准时参加!
作者: luosmwrath 时间: 2011-5-16 21:01
我们R1 R2的都在这里
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-17 16:32
作者: tank_strong 时间: 2011-5-18 11:42
参加周四晚上聚会的到了找不到地方可以联系我Strong, MSN:, 停车不太好停,乘地铁1号线10号口出来,沿着南京西路向西走大约100~200m, 经过星巴克,左转,从人民公园的7号门进就到了。
作者: Ris 时间: 2011-5-19 17:54
Hi guys, do you mind if an international student also join in? My Chinese language skill is not that great yet but I could understand most of what was discussed here.
作者: zftlys 时间: 2011-5-19 18:22
We can chat in English, and u r always welcome
作者: Ris 时间: 2011-5-19 18:28
Great see you soon then
I'm also a r3 intake.
作者: zftlys 时间: 2011-5-20 00:25
Great see you soon then

I'm also a r3 intake.
-- by 会员 Ris (2011/5/19 18:28:07)
Guy, u didn't show up....
By the way, tonite was a lot fun
作者: patricia_sdb 时间: 2011-5-20 09:43
Great see you soon then

I'm also a r3 intake.
-- by 会员 Ris (2011/5/19 18:28:07)
Guy, u didn't show up....
By the way, tonite was a lot fun
-- by 会员 zftlys (2011/5/20 0:25:49)
What a pity that I left early...
作者: dxy121 时间: 2011-5-20 10:42

作者: zftlys 时间: 2011-5-20 11:48
Great see you soon then

I'm also a r3 intake.
-- by 会员 Ris (2011/5/19 18:28:07)
Guy, u didn't show up....
By the way, tonite was a lot fun
-- by 会员 zftlys (2011/5/20 0:25:49)
What a pity that I left early...
-- by 会员 patricia_sdb (2011/5/20 9:43:26)
Look at the bright side.....u didn't have to pay....and to all, there's no difference between envelops in different colours, i made it up...
作者: zftlys 时间: 2011-5-20 11:51

-- by 会员 dxy121 (2011/5/20 10:42:24)
作者: patricia_sdb 时间: 2011-5-20 14:27
Great see you soon then

I'm also a r3 intake.
-- by 会员 Ris (2011/5/19 18:28:07)
Guy, u didn't show up....
By the way, tonite was a lot fun
-- by 会员 zftlys (2011/5/20 0:25:49)
What a pity that I left early...
-- by 会员 patricia_sdb (2011/5/20 9:43:26)
Look at the bright side.....u didn't have to pay....and to all, there's no difference between envelops in different colours, i made it up...
-- by 会员 zftlys (2011/5/20 11:48:59)
作者: zftlys 时间: 2011-5-20 14:49
我最近老犯错误么。。 apology again...
作者: patricia_sdb 时间: 2011-5-20 15:51
我最近老犯错误么。。 apology again...
-- by 会员 zftlys (2011/5/20 14:49:25)
作者: hannahsophia 时间: 2011-5-20 21:27
He did show up.Think harder...
Great see you soon then

I'm also a r3 intake.
-- by 会员 Ris (2011/5/19 18:28:07)
Guy, u didn't show up....
By the way, tonite was a lot fun
-- by 会员 zftlys (2011/5/20 0:25:49)
作者: dxy121 时间: 2011-5-22 19:23
Hi guys, do you mind if an international student also join in? My Chinese language skill is not that great yet but I could understand most of what was discussed here.
-- by 会员 Ris (2011/5/19 17:54:36)
Ris, this is Alex. add me on MSN: alexdai121 at
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-23 21:18
I'm happy that so many people come to join the party. I think we'll see each other on Jun.12th for the bigger party! 
作者: Ris 时间: 2011-5-24 12:50
对啊,我那天did show up.
I didn't realized that the thread was still going on. 只知道昨天有人email了我说在chase dream有人要我加他的MSN. Zftlys, 你应该是那个得到奖学金的,对吧?那个很多人要跟你聊聊的。我记得有另外一个人名字跟你一样的要问学校whether he was the one who was supposed to get it 哈哈。
He did show up.Think harder...
Great see you soon then

I'm also a r3 intake.
-- by 会员 Ris (2011/5/19 18:28:07)
Guy, u didn't show up....
By the way, tonite was a lot fun
-- by 会员 zftlys (2011/5/20 0:25:49)
-- by 会员 hannahsophia (2011/5/20 21:27:53)
作者: Ris 时间: 2011-5-24 12:53
Lynn, 你accept了CEIBS的admission offer吗?
I'm happy that so many people come to join the party. I think we'll see each other on Jun.12th for the bigger party!

-- by 会员 zhiling (2011/5/23 21:18:49)
作者: Ris 时间: 2011-5-24 12:59
Added you
Hi guys, do you mind if an international student also join in? My Chinese language skill is not that great yet but I could understand most of what was discussed here.
-- by 会员 Ris (2011/5/19 17:54:36)
Ris, this is Alex. add me on MSN: alexdai121 at
-- by 会员 dxy121 (2011/5/22 19:23:13)
作者: zftlys 时间: 2011-5-25 09:01
对啊,我那天did show up.
I didn't realized that the thread was still going on. 只知道昨天有人email了我说在chase dream有人要我加他的MSN. Zftlys, 你应该是那个得到奖学金的,对吧?那个很多人要跟你聊聊的。我记得有另外一个人名字跟你一样的要问学校whether he was the one who was supposed to get it 哈哈。
Yeah,that's me... .zhangfan_ff(A),add me~
作者: zhiling 时间: 2011-5-25 15:30
I've confirmed the offer 
作者: Ris 时间: 2011-5-25 17:51
I've confirmed the offer

-- by 会员 zhiling (2011/5/25 15:30:49)
作者: Ris 时间: 2011-5-25 17:53
Added (I think)
对啊,我那天did show up.

I didn't realized that the thread was still going on. 只知道昨天有人email了我说在chase dream有人要我加他的MSN. Zftlys, 你应该是那个得到奖学金的,对吧?那个很多人要跟你聊聊的。我记得有另外一个人名字跟你一样的要问学校whether he was the one who was supposed to get it 哈哈。
Yeah,that's me...
.zhangfan_ff(A),add me~
-- by 会员 zftlys (2011/5/25 9:01:07)
作者: dearsissi 时间: 2011-5-25 17:54
LS的各位同学请加我MSN报名参加June 12th的聚会!~
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