
标题: 如何找出这个argument的assumption? [打印本页]

作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-5-12 23:45
标题: 如何找出这个argument的assumption?
Public health will improve more quickly in the wake of new medical discoveries if medical researchers abandon their practice of waiting until their findings are published in peer-reviewed journals before informing the press of important research results. That is because the public release of new medical information allows people to use that information in order to improve their health, but the peer-review process is unavoidably very slow.
issue: new medicine could speed up public health or not
point: cannot
reasoning: new medicine has to be through slow peer-review process
我的问题是,我的理解是不是正确,你们如何找出这个argument的assumption? 求解答!
作者: ivy3997    时间: 2011-5-13 14:41
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-5-14 01:38
Ivy,请问你做题的步骤是读好题目后,自己根据问题想答案,还是看答案,然后再一个一个比较呢?我看Bible里讲的十种类型,里面都有,stop, think的过程,我是完全按照这个过程做题目的。
作者: ivy3997    时间: 2011-5-14 19:07

作者: zhShirley    时间: 2011-5-15 22:22
标题: assumption分两种

另外还有一种就是fill the logic gap,通常题干是a>B,C>D,所以a》D,那么gap assumpiton就是b>c

这个题干,我觉得可以有一个assumpiton就是,some medical findings that might be wrong and thus harmful to the public if not get processed by journals,
will not outweigh the benefit brought up by beneficiary discoveries.
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-5-19 00:49
谢谢大家的答案,我没有给出选项主要是训练自己的一个思维方式,看到bible和另外一本书都提倡先看问题,然后看题目,读好题目后想清楚,最后看选项,意思是你选的答案和你想的应该是差不多的。这倒题目的答案是:people would use new medical information even if it were not first published in peer-reviewed journels.
premise 1: if medical researchers abandon their practice of waiting until their findings are published in peer-reviewed journals before informing the press of important research results.
premise 2: That is because the public release of new medical information allows people to use that information in order to improve their health,
premise 3:  but the peer-review process is unavoidably very slow.
conclusion: Public health will NOT improve more quickly in the wake of new medical discoveries
我把conclusion加了个not,因为全文本身是一个假设,最后发现假设不成立,因为peer-review process is unavoidably very slow.这里用了个unavoidably,还有前面的一个but,这些都是提示premise 3就是出题人的考点。所以assumption自己的结论是: public health will not improve more quickly in the wake of new medical because new medical in the peer-review process is unavoidably very slow.再回头看看答案,就是对于这个的改写。
The importance of the ozone layer to terrestrial
animals is that it (entirely) filters out (some)
wavelengths of light (but) lets others through. Holes in
the ozone layer and the dangers associated with these
holes are well documented. However, one danger that
has (not) been given sufficient attention is that these
holes (could) lead to severe eye damage for animals of
(many) species.
我打括号的是人家读题是特别注意的,我感觉很受启发。如果我读题,我肯定不会注意到entirely这个词汇,我觉得lsat难也是难在这里,它提出的critical reading往往从这些细小的词来体现。
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-5-24 03:25
The two newest employees at this company have salaries that are too high for the simple tasks normally assigned to new employees and duties that are too complex for inexperienced workers. Hence, the salaries and the complexity of the duties of these two newest employees should be reduced.
Which one of the following is an assumption on
which Barnes’s argument depends?
(A) The duties of the two newest employees are not less complex than any others in the company.
(B) It is because of the complex duties assigned that the two newest employees are being paid more than is usually paid to newly hired employees.
(C) The two newest employees are not experienced at their occupations.
(D) Barnes was not hired at a higher-than-average starting salary.
(E) The salaries of the two newest employees are no higher than the salaries that other companies pay for workers with a similar level of experience.
Public health will improve more quickly in the wake of new medical discoveries if medical researchers abandon their practice of waiting until their findings are published in peer-reviewed journals before informing the press of important research results. That is because the public release of new medical information allows people to use that information in order to improve their health, but the peer-review process is unavoidably very slow.
这个argument中第一句其实是个假设情况,public health will improve基于什么的理论,后面是证实是否真实,后面最后一句说peer-review process is unavoidably very slow,那这个假设情况就不存在。也就是结论是Public health will not improve because peer-review process is unavoidably very slow. 根据这个conclusion,可以看到它的答案这是基于这个conclusion来的。
When volcanic lava solidifies, it becomes uniformly magnetized in the direction in which the Earth's magnetic field points. There are significant differences in the direction of magnetization among solidified lava flows from different volcanoes that erupted at different times over to,e/ Since lava flows differing by thousands of years in age often have very similar directions of magnetization, the change in the direction of the Earth's magnetic field must take place very gradually over hundreds of thousands of years.The argument that the direction of the Earth's magnetic field has changed over time requires the assumption that
A. only lava can be used to measure the direction of the Earth's magnetic field as it existed in the distant past.
B. a single volcano can produce lava of differing consistencies during different eruptions
C. not all solidified lava has changed the direction of its magnetization unpredictably
D. there are fewer volcanic eruptions now than there were millions of years ago
E. as lava flows down the side of a volcano, it picks up magnetized rocks
作者: Daken    时间: 2011-8-17 16:31
我这个人比较critical,所以做assumption都喜欢把所有的选项都negate掉然后看是否会有weaken conclusion的效果,如果有那就是assumption了~

cathy说的最后题用negate的方法最好做了 答案是C  
negate下 C 就变成了:all solidified lava has changed the direction of its magnetization unpredictably
如果都unpredictably,还怎么达到conclusion ‘Earth's magnetic field has changed over time ’

这题木有gap出现,是个defend题。即eliminate other possibilities.
作者: Daken    时间: 2011-8-17 16:49
Public health will improve more quickly in the wake of new medical discoveries if medical researchers abandon their practice of waiting until their findings are published in peer-reviewed journals before informing the press of important research results. That is because the public release of new medical information allows people to use that information in order to improve their health, but the peer-review process is unavoidably very slow.

我的看法是 先找conclusion和premise 有gap 堵gap,没gap 堵other possibility

P: the public release of new medical information allows people to use that information in order to improve their health
P2:but the peer-review process is unavoidably very slow

C:Public health will improve more quickly in the wake of new medical discoveries if medical researchers abandon their practice of waiting until their findings are published in peer-reviewed journals before informing the press of important research results.

放出消息人们能提高健康----peer reviw阻挡放出消息的速度---因此研究人员不应该等东西发表在已经peer review的杂志上。

我想到的一个assumption是:未经peer review的info不会对健康造成损害
作者: cathycathyhan    时间: 2011-8-18 01:24

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