标题: 读不懂答案选项,帮帮忙! [打印本页] 作者: Xiaotongdi 时间: 2011-5-6 19:18 标题: 读不懂答案选项,帮帮忙! In each of the past five years, Barraland’s prison population has increased.Yet, according to official government statistics, for none of those years has there been either an increase in the number of criminal cases brought to trial, or an increase in the rate at which convictions have been obtained.Clearly, therefore, the percentage of people convicted of crimes who are being given prison sentences is on the increase.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
In Barraland the range of punishments that can be imposed instead of a prison sentence is wide.
Over the last ten years, overcrowding in the prisons of Barraland has essentially been eliminated as a result of an ambitious program of prison construction.
Ten years ago, Barraland reformed its criminal justice system, imposing longer minimum sentences for those crimes for which a prison sentence had long been mandatory.
Barraland has been supervising convicts on parole more closely in recent years, with the result that parole violations have become significantly less frequent.
The number of people in Barraland who feel that crime is on the increase is significantly greater now than it was five years ago. 这题答案是C!读不懂答案选项!来帮帮忙!
猪, 这么活跃,语法区老碰见你, 好不容易来逻辑区, 也能碰见,得赶快把你牵回家,要不跑丢了,迷路了 Barraland has been supervising convicts on parole more closely in recent years, with the result that parole violations have become significantly less frequent. 这个选项混淆的点就是这个 parole violations吧, 这个 parole是名词,它修饰的也是一个名词,这就像 man doctor 男医生 mm nurse 这样 parole violations:假释的违反 对假释监管严了, 那么对假释的违反就少了, 试问谁敢顶风作案? 不想活了? 这个选项的问题, 在那个 in recent years 这个就太模糊了, 什么叫 recent years, 一年? 两年? 看看这里的题目 是说每五年,所以这个选项是out of scope 这里可能有人对正确选项有敌意了,说十年也out of scope了 你在看看选项哈 十年前,改革已经完成了哈,那么这个五年的比较,就得与上五年比较,所以这里的十年是正好和 in each of the past five years 是对应的哈 猪, 快跟我回家哈,哈哈,回家做好吃的