
标题: 关于ACCA & CFA [打印本页]

作者: mengqina    时间: 2011-4-12 22:11
标题: 关于ACCA & CFA
我现在在欧洲读一年制的MASTER OF FINANCE,学校今年的QS世界排名大概在100-120左右,国内本科读的是ACCOUNTING, 以前本科的时候就想从事会计方面的工作,课程设置都是和CPA相关的,所以一直很想考CPA。但是又想使自己能进外企,更国际化,又想考ACCA,但是那个时候一直在忙IELTS & GMAT,所以没有时间考。现在过来留学,本来还想继续读MASTER OF ACCOUNTING的,结果阴差阳错的被我们学校的finance给录取了,上的课程都是和finance相关的portfolio, derivatives, econometrics,valuation之类的,和accounting & auditing 就没有太大关系了,但是我发现我现在对derivatives or investment方面的东西也很感兴趣,而且班里的同学不少都在考CFA。
作者: mengqina    时间: 2011-4-13 22:35
can any one can answer me?
作者: ckylwy    时间: 2011-4-14 12:42
In my opinion, if you plan to work in a bank or do not mean to run a CPA firm, you should take ACCA first and then CFA because many chapters of accounting in CFA I and II are covered by ACCA. If you finish ACCA first and then take CFA, you will find that you are very strong in CFA I and II (accounting part) which count for a heavy portion of the test.

It is my case too. I finished ACCA first and now passed CFA I and II and going for III.
作者: mengqina    时间: 2011-4-14 19:32
if I follow the steps, how many year should I take? because I will graduate this september, I face the problem to find a job, I  cannot read books the whole day~~~
作者: mengqina    时间: 2011-4-17 22:20

作者: ckylwy    时间: 2011-4-20 00:55
Actually, no body (or few people) study ACCA or CFA by full time study because you can accumulate your experience for the membership. I think you can take ACCA and then CFA while you are working. Still in my humble opinion, it would be better to take ACCA first and then CFA
作者: royiran    时间: 2011-4-22 17:16
既然LZ对derivatives or investment感兴趣,那么还是考CFA吧;毕竟兴趣是最好的老师哈~
作者: Michelle_Li    时间: 2011-4-30 19:36
作者: Daryl115    时间: 2011-5-29 21:03

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