
标题: [求助]大全-C-8-->携隐修改标题(test c-8) [打印本页]

作者: tina_aya    时间: 2004-6-3 18:37
标题: [求助]大全-C-8-->携隐修改标题(test c-8)

8.      Which of the following best completes the passage below?

A primary factor in perpetuating the low salaries of women workers has been their segregation in the so-called pink-collar occupations, such as nursing, teaching, library science, and secretarial work. Partly because these jobs have traditionally been held by women, their salary levels have been depressed, and, despite increased attempts to unionize these workers in recent years, their pay continues to lag. Moreover, although a large percentage of women than ever before are now entering and remaining in the job market, most continue to gravitate toward the pink-collar fields, despite the lower salaries. It seems clear, therefore, that if the average salaries of women workers are to approach those of men, ______

(A) labor unions must redouble their efforts to improve the lot of working women

(B) society’s perception of pink-collar jobs as less important and less demanding than other jobs must be changed

(C) more men must be encouraged to enter fields traditionally occupied by women

(D) the number of jobs in the pink-collar fields relative to the size of the work force as a whole must be markedly increasedE

(E) more women must enter occupations other than those traditionally reserved for them


作者: tina_aya    时间: 2004-6-6 18:40
作者: GreenHorse    时间: 2004-6-6 22:03

salaries of traditionally occupations for women are still low, so women must enter other higher salary occupations to raise average salary of women.

c is

作者: maomaolee1984    时间: 2005-9-15 22:51

我怎么觉得C也对啊 楼上gg说 salaries of women are still low, 但文中是说 salaries of women workers are to approach those of men, 只要接近就行。

那么, men进入enter fields traditionally occupied by women, men的average salaries 也降低了,或者,这些行业的salaries上升了, 不论怎样, 都减小了the gap bewteem salaries of women and those of men.


作者: maomaolee1984    时间: 2005-9-16 17:47


作者: maomaolee1984    时间: 2005-9-20 13:06


作者: maomaolee1984    时间: 2005-9-21 23:16

作者: tobytao    时间: 2005-10-25 00:51

C怎么看都不现实吧,怎么encourge啊。这些职业本来就traditionally held by women.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-25 0:55:16编辑过]

作者: yangxiuxiu    时间: 2005-10-26 03:34

我的理解,C和E都有理,但整段都在讲women workers,中心意思是为她们寻找一条出路,如果结论变成给men workers出谋划策,是不是有点背离作者初衷呢?所以选E。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-26 3:36:38编辑过]

作者: amber0919    时间: 2006-4-5 15:37

作者: amber0919    时间: 2006-4-5 15:38
作者: xjlv128    时间: 2006-5-20 17:10

我觉得文章的两个despite暗含工会和pink colar的状况不变,就是说对工资不会产生正面影响。所以找它因喽。


作者: luckyouyang    时间: 2006-12-17 18:00


但大多数选择C的人可能和我一样,没有注意到题目中IF从句后用的是are to,即will。



作者: ssl507    时间: 2007-6-30 22:50

C说的是more men must be encouraged to enter fields traditionally occupied by women如果妇女的平均工资提高到和男人一样,凭什么男人会must,最多也是may

作者: Loganzhou    时间: 2007-11-29 15:34


作者: rockmax    时间: 2008-7-20 23:51
作者: yanhuang2    时间: 2008-7-21 01:24
以下是引用yangxiuxiu在2005-10-26 3:34:00的发言:

我的理解,C和E都有理,但整段都在讲women workers,中心意思是为她们寻找一条出路,如果结论变成给men workers出谋划策,是不是有点背离作者初衷呢?所以选E。


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