但是HKUST的面经不多,很多过来人都说压力面试,不知道面试后的录取几率有多大 - 依然在担心自己的AWA分数,要不要重考啊。。。。作者: flankfan 时间: 2011-4-6 11:29
我是上周三面的skype with sherring,4月8号即将去酒店face to face,据说是个叫Chris的associate director of HKUST MBA。
1)先问目前所在公司的头是什么职务,我回答是GM。接着问if you were promoted to be the GM of the company, what will you do?
2)tell me one thing that you think would influence the economic. 我听成了one thing that would influence this industry. 汗一个,想了半天。最后想到了一个CSRC的最新政策,刚想说,被无情打断,hoho :)
3)which type of sports you prefer? which student club you will participate in ? 貌似是差不多的问题,我回答是football club。又问,if you were selected to be the leader of football club, how will you manage the club?
看着我前面的一位仁兄出来笑容满面,大步流星,我出来的时候毫无感觉,他是一位思想不会容易被人左右的淡定且经验丰富的长者,没有任何情绪表露,所以我也不知道结果如何,但是要注意逻辑,切莫被自己的话给套牢。。。作者: chchoe 时间: 2011-4-11 23:12
我F2F就面了不到25分钟,前面那个50分钟。问了安排的Wendy,可能别人还没那么确定MBA目标,所以讲得久一点吧。 一直潜水很久,现在反馈一些面试问题。 1. Why MBA? 2. Career Goal? 3. Why do you think MBA can help you in your career goal? 说了半天神马enhance corporate communication, network, 还不如Chris说的how to implement启发了我。前面我说过要start my own business for long term career goal。他觉得是我不知道怎么implement。还问我有没有business sense。 4. Do you talk to other to know about MBA course? 我说有的,还去了CEIBS见过alumni和去过info session。接着问how do you conclude MBA course is?想了想,说comprehensive program, discussion和神马consider from different perspective 等等。
今天skype了。问了 1. What is leadership? 2. Guess what your referee says about your weakness? 讲了一推communication和technical。Do you think you wanna improve your communication and technical skill in 2 years in MBA program? 我说改了career goal 嘛,就要improve其他的。 3. What are 2 changes will you perform if you are promoted as CEO? 4. Tell me one news not related to your industry but will affect your industry. 5. What club do you wanna join in HKUST? 说了神马club。然后You are participating in the election of president, pls convince the audiance in one minute to vote you as president. 希望能帮到以后的申请的朋友。呵呵。作者: chchoe 时间: 2011-4-11 23:14
算是有些贡献吧。希望可以面上。作者: dreamstart 时间: 2011-4-12 11:01
请问楼主,关于hkust对awa有最低要求这一点,有官方资料说明没?作者: kool1001 时间: 2011-4-13 23:51
有人收到offer吗?作者: camlot 时间: 2011-4-15 11:33
楼上各位,HKUST R3面试后有发Offer了么?