about the conductivity of mental, silver is the lowest resistant mental, copper and gold follow silver, then talk about superconductor, it can eliminate energy loss, if a current is circling around a superconductor circle, the current will not reduce. but there are still problems for superconductor, since they function only at very low temperature. then about the high temperature superconductor, though it's called high temperature but in fact the temperature is still very low than we live, so the application is restricted.
第二篇 就是拿到西班牙到美国的东海岸一个地方,见了一个城堡,jj还是挺全的,题目也一样,不多说了
第三篇 cave paitings, a cave excavated, a lot of paintings found, but inside the cave, it is very dark, how can painters draw, o.., they use something reflecting (or transfer the light into the cave, fortunate no question about this) so they can see. then about the pigment, it's durable, why? because it has two things, one is some sort of addictive (sorry forgot) and the other is some sort of water( i think), and then about the cave height, why painters can draw such high paintings, of course, they use ladder and some other tools (i forgot). the next the speaker will say is about the ladders
an island, many boats dumped a lot of garrage there, the govenment want to clean the garrage, but, before they do this, scientist study that the birds' offsping are more than another island without the garrage. this is because the garrage fertilize the sea grass around the island, so more fish and food for the birds, so their popullation became more than others. so the government want to pretect the garrage, and they plan to build a fence for this goal.
又一道排序题 说这个故事的顺序,基本上就是我说的那样
接下来是两片段对话,非常简单,不说也吧,因为太简单, 不屑记住,赫赫
语法,一道题 remainder 当动词用了,我觉得不妥
阅读 真的很难,尤其是插句子, 感觉今天没有满分就是因为这个
内容谁都看得懂,就不说了, 词汇
people know about life from parents and freiends or by his personal experience, compare the advantages of both the two ways, and which one is your preferred? why?