北美top20本科,three degrees (B.A. and B.S. and B.S...), gpa close to 4.0; full-time 实习一年, 工作三年 (Big Four+Fortune 500 in the U.S.), 领域在很专很偏的global tax associated with M&A and cross-border transactions, 天天跟law打交道, AICPA,gmat 700+, T waived
希望大家都有好的offer, 不要急,平静,淡定,上帝在给你打开一扇门之前必将考验你一番,我也痛苦迷茫了好一阵子,被round 1几个心仪的学校惨拒之后哭了无数次,一度怀疑自己孤注一掷已无路可退了;最终经历一番挣扎后选择相信自己,round 2 卷土重来,努力拼搏。。。 feel really grateful that i didn't give up...thanks to all my friends and best wishes to all CDers!作者: MITMSRED 时间: 2011-3-26 13:25
沙发,恭喜。作者: yuchendawn 时间: 2011-3-26 13:35
big cong~~~作者: windmaple 时间: 2011-3-26 14:05