Electronic computer chips made of tiny silicon wafers now regularly contain millions of electronic switches.Unfortunately, electronic switches that are this small cannot withstand intense radiation.Micro-Mechanics plans to produce a chip that, because it uses only microscopic mechanical switches, will be invulnerable to radiation damage.The switches will, however, be slower than electronic switches and the chip will contain only 12,000 switches.
Electronic computer chips made of tiny silicon wafers now regularly contain millions of electronic switches.Unfortunately, electronic switches that are this small cannot withstand intense radiation.Micro-Mechanics plans to produce a chip that, because it uses only microscopic mechanical switches, will be invulnerable to radiation damage.The switches will, however, be slower than electronic switches and the chip will contain only 12,000 switches.
文章说的是chips里面有electronic switches,electronic switches不能承受intense radiation,然后就计划生产a chip ,这玩意只用microscopic mechanical switches能承受intense radiation,然后又说了上面两种switches的速度问题,和一个chip里面有多少switches的事情。
1.chips里面有electronic switches和microscopic mechanical switches的问题,
2.两种switches能不能承受intense radiation的问题
5.到底是用electronic switches还是microscopic mechanical switches的问题