背景公开:之前帖子上发过,这里再贴一下。 Gmat 710+3.5, Tofle: 103, GPA: 2.8 四年工作经验,Fortune 500 (现在估计都跌到300名以后了) 顺便说一点体会,Kelley似乎并不太看重分数,看看我的分数就知道了,所以如果有分数低的同学不必过于担心。作者: bigjoe 时间: 2011-3-23 14:35
哇。。。今年Kelley的奖学金也大为进步啊!作者: xiangnian 时间: 2011-3-23 21:26
顶!恭喜!和bigjoe同感!请问lLZ的in和packet分别是什么时候,谢谢!作者: larrylw 时间: 2011-3-25 09:24
我想知道这个奖学金意味着自己还需要花多少?作者: ch280528 时间: 2011-3-25 14:18
I received the packet from Kelley today but didn't see any info about the scholarship. does it means that I didn't get any? Where did you notice that you are offered with scholarship? thanks作者: kangkangbaby 时间: 2011-5-8 23:08