
标题: Carnegie Mellon(CMU) $$ or Cornell or UCLA?+面经 [打印本页]

作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-22 22:53
标题: Carnegie Mellon(CMU) $$ or Cornell or UCLA?+面经
Update: Apr 2, 2011.

大家也帮忙出出主意吧: UCLA, Cornell, CMU + $

当时报了这三个学校都看重了他们的 small & collaborative 环境.  三个学校的校友都是超帮忙, 耐心的回答了我的每一个问题. 答不了的就帮着找人。  新的US NEWS MBA Ranking 里的就业% 也都差不多。

回报CD, 补三个面经:

Background: University of Waterloo engineering under, post-grad 5 year rotation program in a NA telecom company: marketing, tech operations, corporate strategy
Focus area: Technology Product Management in High Tech companies
Score: G710, GPA3.3, exchange to France in 3rd year

Cornell, CMU 两个学校都是电话面的,和adcom.  问题都很standard.  UCLA 是去了学校面的.  

Cornell, CMU (Questions combined, since they are all very standard):

What's your goal?  
Why MBA?  
How will you contribute?  
1 Leadership Experience?
What's 1 weakness of your application?
How much do you know about the school?
Which other schools are you applying to?


二年级的一个学生面的,非常的热情。问的问题也很个人化。 直接就问我简历里的一些具体的经历,时不时的还谈他自己的故事,还问了我对一些时事的看法, 基本上谈的都很专业(他Pre-MBA是 Equity Research Analyst, 也懂通讯这一行)。主要是看我有没有 Fit。   30 Mins 就很快结束了。


1.问到 Which other schools are you applying to? 的时候一定要有一个theme, 几个学校要有一定的共同点。  E.g., Cornell & CMU 都为班级小而互助而骄傲,这又是我看重的。 Cornell MBA 虽然金融是强项, 但是本科的工程是TOP, 我也是工程本科。讲的时候很坦然,两个学校也没有多问。
2.Application's Weakness 和 “Your” Weakness 还是有一些区别。 Application weakness 尽量答的客观一点比较好。 也好用例子来正名如何弥补。
3. 很重要:多多锻炼把自己的经验讲给行外人听,看他们懂不懂。有时专业术语太多,遇到行外的 alum or student 会听不懂。  我UCLA面试前一天晚上为了放松,到 Hotel 厅里 喝茶,就随便找人聊(hotel clerk, other travelers),尽量把自己的故事讲的简单易懂,慢慢的就掌握如何去用很简单的方式来讲述专业上的一些事情。 结果面的时候很放松。
4. 感觉面试就真只是全过程的一部分,这一点和找工作不同。 Future applicant 还是多花点时间在Essay 上吧!  


R1: CMU+$20K
R3: Cornell

好象个人感觉 CMU 北美科技有影响力,但Cornell 国内名气大, UCLA又是西海岸的Finance名校。三个学校不分上下,都有特点。


希望大家,和三个学校的 student 或 alum 可以帮忙咨询一下。

作者: mopton    时间: 2011-3-22 22:53
CMU might be a good fit for you.
作者: Jack24    时间: 2011-3-23 09:17
一般观点是lz职业是high Tech,CMU更适合。但这个并不绝对,两个program都很好,不同的体验。建议参考毕业生的流向
作者: HENRYXXH    时间: 2011-3-23 10:44
作者: simonwalker    时间: 2011-3-23 10:52
-- by 会员 草稿纸 (2011/3/23 8:22:43)

[握手], 差点写上no brainer

vote for CMU, you will have plenty of opportunity there regarding your background.
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-23 14:17
都有道理。。。接着听。。。      刚补了面经。
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-30 19:16
IN @ UCLA.  出出主意吧!
作者: lakerfan123    时间: 2011-3-30 19:50
Vote for UCLA
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-30 19:55
why?  I think the 3 schools are similar in terms of ranking... Vote for UCLA because of Location?
作者: wannalifego    时间: 2011-3-30 21:34
不光地理位置好,国内知名度也高. 有人是拒了columbia去anderson的。
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-30 22:06
作者: wannalifego    时间: 2011-3-30 22:11
作者: nordic1981    时间: 2011-3-30 22:12
作者: Knockoff    时间: 2011-3-30 22:14

作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-30 22:14
也再想,决定去 CMU Welcome Weekend.  里面几个熟的同学都很厉害 (Amazon, Deloitte Consulting Internship)
作者: wannalifego    时间: 2011-3-30 22:16
-- by 会员 nordic1981 (2011/3/30 22:12:04)

作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-30 22:22
顶一下LS: 这我同意,老外选校很个性化,我知到的有:

据 Columbia, Booth -> Cornell,
据 INSEAD -> Cornell,
据 HBS -> Ross,
据 Booth -> Anderson
作者: maxdaddy    时间: 2011-3-30 22:22
UW grad got accepted by Cornell +1.
作者: wannalifego    时间: 2011-3-30 22:27
顶一下LS: 这我同意,老外选校很个性化,我知到的有:

据 Columbia, Booth -> Cornell,
据 INSEAD -> Cornell,
据 HBS -> Ross,
据 Booth -> Anderson
-- by 会员 reachkevinwang (2011/3/30 22:22:08)

如果在CD上有人纠结HBS vs ROSS估计要被人嘲死
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-30 22:28
Maxdaddy - You went to U Waterloo too?  
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-30 22:36
“如果在CD上有人纠结HBS vs ROSS估计要被人嘲死”

同意。。。 老外想法很个性。当然是拿了一些Ross的银子,但据的也特痛快。。。
作者: ChristopherC    时间: 2011-3-30 22:52
回国的话还是康奈尔名气大、UCLA地理位置占优、都是Asia Pacific Rim
作者: ceciliator    时间: 2011-3-31 01:51
Kevin, i got in UCLA as well. more choices now. lol
作者: maxdaddy    时间: 2011-3-31 01:54
Maxdaddy - You went to U Waterloo too?  
-- by 会员 reachkevinwang (2011/3/30 22:28:01)

Yeah. We can form a mini UW alumni club in Ithaca if you end up choosing Cornell.

I know you have a tough yet sweet decision to make, especially with the $$ from CMU and the lovely weather in California.

I don't think the rankings make too big a difference. These schools teach pretty much the same things, and give you access to pretty much the same bunch of recruiters. It depends on what matters to you most. Cost, location, weather, life-style, or something else?
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-3-31 02:14
maxdaddy: Nice!  which year did you graduate from UW?  Would be great if we can chat a bit over the phone about this... Thanks!
作者: ChristopherC    时间: 2011-3-31 03:05
根据Business Week,CMU和Cornell的就业数据在金融方面可大大逊色于UCLA了
UCLA的就业雇主上每年有20人左右进入Morgan Stanley、UBS、Citigroup、Credit Suisse等金融大牛公司,
作者: HENRYXXH    时间: 2011-3-31 11:53
作者: cyh17    时间: 2011-4-1 12:48
Of course you should choose Cornell! There is another NN hesitated between Cornell and UCLA in other post, and almost everyone agree that Cornell would be much better for not only the Ivy League reputation in China or US or all around the world but also the opportunities from Cornell itself.  You should consider the overall undergraduate ranking (thats how the majority of American weight a school), UCLA is #25 whereas Cornell is #15.  After all, Cornell is at a totally different lever than UCLA-- much much better.
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-4-2 02:05
Thank you everyone for your comments!  I will visit each school and do further research.  Best!
作者: zxyaa    时间: 2011-4-3 07:28
Of course you should choose Cornell! There is another NN hesitated between Cornell and UCLA in other post, and almost everyone agree that Cornell would be much better for not only the Ivy League reputation in China or US or all around the world but also the opportunities from Cornell itself.  You should consider the overall undergraduate ranking (thats how the majority of American weight a school), UCLA is #25 whereas Cornell is #15.  After all, Cornell is at a totally different lever than UCLA-- much much better.
-- by 会员 cyh17 (2011/4/1 12:48:08)

Please don't compare apple with orange and then get a 100% conclusion...
作者: reachkevinwang    时间: 2011-4-3 09:13
Thank you all for your comments.  All 3 schools truly are unique in their own ways.  That's why it's a hard decision.  I just updated my interview experience.

Hopefully they can benefit future applicants.

作者: pawpawbear    时间: 2011-4-3 12:43
根据Business Week,CMU和Cornell的就业数据在金融方面可大大逊色于UCLA了
UCLA的就业雇主上每年有20人左右进入Morgan Stanley、UBS、Citigroup、Credit Suisse等金融大牛公司,
-- by 会员 ChristopherC (2011/3/31 3:05:18)

天啊,这话真不知道怎么说出来的..... 每年20多人进入BB...是在嘲还是在赞啊.
作者: tarkovsky    时间: 2011-4-3 23:12
作者: zxyaa    时间: 2011-4-4 01:12

根据Business Week,CMU和Cornell的就业数据在金融方面可大大逊色于UCLA了
UCLA的就业雇主上每年有20人左右进入Morgan Stanley、UBS、Citigroup、Credit Suisse等金融大牛公司,
-- by 会员 ChristopherC (2011/3/31 3:05:18)

天啊,这话真不知道怎么说出来的..... 每年20多人进入BB...是在嘲还是在赞啊.
-- by 会员 pawpawbear (2011/4/3 12:43:49)

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