二、比较的用法 1、more…than…,可能需要补出名字部分;more likely to…than…,补出系动词或助动词 2、比较的习惯用法,as be the case (with)…,是prep新出现的固定搭配,是as the case be的倒装表达,常见的错误用法有:as itbe; than be the case; as in/with the case of等 3、compare一词表示比较时,应使用被动:A is compared with/to B 三、倍数的表达 1、twiceas many...as;twice as much...as; twice + the + n;twice + what从句 2、用动词表达数 double、 triple、 quadruple、 quintuple,可用主动语态,也可以用被动语态,但不能和as 搭配 3、...times(或数字)+ as +形容词或副词 + as...或…times the + n 4、sb.be +百分数+ more likely to do sth. than (to) do sth
四、是否需要补出 50. (27159-!-item-!-188;#058&003134) Many teenagers undergo stress, but resultsof a recent study indicate that the patterns of stress that girls experiencearemore likely to result indepressionthanarethosethat boys experience. (A) are those that boys experience (B) what boys experience (C) boys' experience would (D) boys' stress patterns do (E) stress patterns of boys 有两个名词结构,所以需要补出。 Aare more..in X than are B,是A和B比较;如果不补出are,句子结构会变成A are more..in X than B,变成X和B比较
142. (32496-!-item-!-188;#058&006253) According to a 1996 study published in theJournal of Human Resources, Americans of Middle Easterndescentwere twice as likelyas was the national average to be self-employed. (A) as was thenational average to be self-employed (B) asthe average Americanto be self-employed (C) as the national average that they wouldbe self-employed (D) to be self-employed than was theaverage American (E) that they would be self-employed thanwas the national average 只是A和B比较,不需要补出助动词
58. (27510-!-item-!-188;#058&003569) If current trends continue,by the year 2010 carbon emissions in the United States willsoar to a level more than one-third higher than were those in 1990,according to official projections.(A) will soar to a level more thanone-third higher than were those (B) will soar to a level more than one-third higher than that(level) (C) would soar to a level more thanone-third higher than it was (D) would soar to a level more thanone-third higher than those (E) would soar to a level more thanone-third higher than they were 补出that,使得比较对象为level而不是emissions
131. (31735-!-item-!-188;#058&006516) Today's technology allows manufacturers tomake small cars more fuel-efficient now than at any time in theirproduction history. (A) small cars more fuel-efficient now thanat any time in their (B) small carsthat are more fuel-efficient than they were at any time in their (C) small cars thataremore fuel-efficient thanthose atany other time in (D) more fuel-efficient small cars thanthose at any other time in their (E) more fuel-efficient small cars now thanat any time in 补出those,是以前的车和现在的车比较;而A和B,是同样的车现在和以前的节能情况相比较;需要比较主语,就补出主语