我认为MBA美国是首选。但由于种种原因,不是每个人都有机会去美国。如果不能去美国读名校,我主张去德国。德国GDP是英、法两国总和。欧亚澳各国相比,德国回国就业前途看好些。虽然德国不是英语国家,但欧洲人的英语水平,至少是口语还可以。况且MBA都是用英语教学。楼上的人说话太轻狂,别人问东西你没有必要反唇相讥吧, 如果你有说服力的证据何不拿出来分享?
2. 德国企业界好像不认MBA,觉得传统的BWL比MBA好得多,我个人也就觉得BWL学的扎实,而且在高年级的时候分的方向很细.
German MBA is not very famous in the international market. Also not very useful in Germany. However, if you are interested you can check out 2 schools.
HHL (But this school is in Easter Germany, and to be honest, Graman people from Western Germany tend to think people from these 'eastern part school' quite strange)
WHU (I think better than HHL na)
But, I also witness some crul case. In my company there's a Indian guy who just graduated from HHL. He is 30 years old with a wife back in India. After he graduate from HHL...He can't find a real job so he get a internship for 6 month hoping that he will get hired afterwards. But now the German economy is quite bad, so he didn't get offer and he is considering even teaching business English. Maybe this is an extrem case...but I for sure not want to be in his situation. 30 years old, earning 800 euro a month (before tax), a wife to maintain and have a MBA from a school no one heard of (Not even the Germans reconize the degree) Of course you can say at least he learnt German. But you can learn German everywhere, even in China. No need to pay all the ticket, tuition fee just to learn German plus get a some kind of degree here.
Personal opinion....
没有觉得德国人对MBA骨子里喜欢或是崇拜, MBA这种东西是美国文化创造的,在欧洲也许不那么适用。德国人觉得它就是master in business adminstration, 硕士的一种,并没有什么特别的光环。感觉MBA是空降部队,让以前没有学过经济/金融/财务的人有机会在学习。而BWL相对学得更深入/专业。不觉得这是一种变态。
Universität Mannheim bester deutscher Vertreter auf Platz 12, Schulen Hannover, Koblenz und Leipzig auf den Rängen 26, 32 und 33.
Düsseldorf, 23. Juni 2005 - Pressemitteilung der Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt GmbH
Die Uni Mannheim belegt als bester deutscher Anbieter den zwölften Platz. Ebenfalls unter die besten 34 MBA-Schulen Europas schafften es die Gisma Business School mit Sitz in Hannover (Platz 26), die WHU Graduate School of Management in Koblenz (Platz 32) und die HHL Leipzig (Platz 33). Shooting-Star des diesjährigen MBA-Rankings von karriere ist die Universität St. Gallen, die im vergangenen Jahr nicht vertreten war. St. Gallen platziert sich auf Anhieb auf dem vierten Rang, noch vor der renommierten London Business School, die es nur auf den fünften Platz schafft. Im vergangenen Jahr hatte sie den dritten Rang belegt. Insgesamt dominiert Großbritannien das karriere-Ranking. Gleich 13 der europäischen Top-Schulen sind hier beheimatet.
Die besten Business Schools in Europa
1. IMD International, Lausanne
2. Insead, Fountainebleau
3. RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam
4. Universität St. Gallen
5. London Business School
8. Esade, Barcelona
9. Vlerick, Gent
10. Aston Business School, Birmingham
11. Instituto de Empresa, Madrid
12. Uni Mannheim
13. IESE, Barcelona
14. Said Business School, University of Oxford
15. HEC School of Management, Paris
16. SDA Bocconi, Mailand
17. Helsinki School of Economics
18. Nimbas Graduate School of Management, Utrecht
19. Birmingham Business School
20. Cranfield (GB)
21. Audencia Nantes School of Management
22. Ashridge (GB)
23. Cass Business School, London
24. University of Bath (GB)
25. Manchester Business School
26. Gisma Business School, Hannover
27. Henley Management College, London
28. Durham (GB)
29. Sciences Po, Paris
30. Smurfit Graduate School of Business, Dublin
31. ESCP-EAP European School of Management (Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid)
32. WHU Graduate School of Management, Koblenz
33. HHL Leipzig
34. ESSEC Business School, Paris
Quelle: Exklusives MBA-Ranking von karriere
German MBA might not be as good as American/British ones, but it is much more useful if you want to find a job in Germany. For instance, many of my classmates have already held job offers 6 months before graduation. In contrast, one friend of mine from Tuck Business School at Dartmouth failed to find a job here. He is native American and has German/American nationalities. he also speaks very good German although not very fluent.
German MBA might not be as good as American/British ones, but it is much more useful if you want to find a job in Germany. For instance, many of my classmates have already held job offers 6 months before graduation.
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