
标题: 求解 [打印本页]

作者: 小新和小白9899    时间: 2011-3-13 23:23
标题: 求解
4.In his eagerness to find a city worthy of Priam, the German archaeologist Schliemann cut through Troy and uncovered a civilization a thousand years older as was the city Homer’s heroes knew.
(A) older as was the city Homer’s heroes knew
(B) more ancient than the city known to Homer’s heroes
(C) older than was the city known to Homer’s heroes
(D) more ancient of a city than Homer’s heroes knew
(E) older of a city than was the one known to Homer’s heroes
答案是b 可是文明怎么能跟城市相比较呢?此处为什么ancient要优先于old呢

12.Most nations regard their airspace as extending upward as high as an aircraft can fly; no specific altitude, however, has been officially recognized as a boundary.
(A) as extending
(B) as the extent
(C) to be an extent
(D) to be an extension
(E) to extend
答案是A。但我觉得B更好些:regard sth as sth
作者: chelseeea    时间: 2011-3-14 11:34
4.In his eagerness to find a city worthy of Priam, the German archaeologist Schliemann cut through Troy and uncovered a civilization a thousand years older as was the city Homer’s heroes knew.
(A) older as was the city Homer’s heroes knew
(B) more ancient than the city known to Homer’s heroes
(C) older than was the city known to Homer’s heroes
(D) more ancient of a city than Homer’s heroes knew
(E) older of a city than was the one known to Homer’s heroes
答案是b 可是文明怎么能跟城市相比较呢?此处为什么ancient要优先于old呢

12.Most nations regard their airspace as extending upward as high as an aircraft can fly; no specific altitude, however, has been officially recognized as a boundary.
(A) as extending
(B) as the extent
(C) to be an extent
(D) to be an extension
(E) to extend
答案是A。但我觉得B更好些:regard sth as sth
-- by 会员 小新和小白9899 (2011/3/13 23:23:48)

1 A. as 错
C 和 E 都不用加助动词,因为不是主语比较
D 比较对象不平衡

2 看这个
作者: geegee    时间: 2011-3-14 11:43

作者: 小新和小白9899    时间: 2011-3-14 18:06

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