标题: 六月份的同学复习得怎么样了? [打印本页] 作者: ppmovie 时间: 2003-5-30 03:45 标题: 六月份的同学复习得怎么样了? 我先说,听力作ppreview还是错了六七个,是不是太多了?能的几分?阅读笔试题也要错上好几个,pp2阅读还没做,好着急呀?作者: carri 时间: 2003-5-30 06:23
me too,but i believe everything will be good the day when i take the exam!作者: hulahoop 时间: 2003-5-30 06:50
have you done detlat 作者: yuntop 时间: 2003-5-30 08:27
my english might be the crappiest at this board of the forum... ;-( i don't have the mood to prepare the toefl coz' i don't think it's worthy... so... god is the only one i could turn to at the moment... wish me luck... ;-( 作者: hulahoop 时间: 2003-5-30 11:08
楼上这位,感觉一样嘛。我觉得如果没有什么拼命的情绪,就只有调整好心情,发挥最好水平了作者: ppmovie 时间: 2003-5-30 12:41
我还没有用过delta.我现在也是学起来没劲,毕竟放假了.不过还得稳住,争取旗开得胜!Good luck to you all!作者: yuntop 时间: 2003-5-30 20:05
Antipathy is the reason why i couldn't devote myself to the preparation. facing the toefl must-do vocabulary, i wondered why i should spend time on reciting those meaningless words, from which i could gain nothing but boringness... you won't believe it, my english, though quite crappy, has costed my precious 10 years. i don't wanna spend time on it anymore, even one week! i somehow hate english learning... 作者: ppmovie 时间: 2003-5-31 06:40
Take it easy. Just for the exam. Don't dislike English. It is used widely anywhere. When you can use it freely, you will feel it worth all what you have done. You should not always study on English. That will be terrible.作者: ondesert 时间: 2003-5-31 08:18
我做pp2的时候也是错很多的,考试还不是25 所以对自己要有信心,对ets要蔑视 但是阅读和语法必须保证搞分, 不然你不能有这个信心 所以现在复习的人不要想太多结果,付出和得到成正比,永远的道理作者: lucyyyh 时间: 2003-5-31 09:49
想问问ondesert,考试之前要达到什么水平,才能考到25啊?老题听多了都记的了.作者: ondesert 时间: 2003-5-31 11:40
其实考试前考30分都没用,考场上会出想各种问题和可能 你要做的就是平时不断的提高自己的实力 一段时间下来,实力自然而然的增加了 对自己有信心,jj也会帮助你的作者: ppmovie 时间: 2003-6-1 14:39
您说的绝对是真理!只不过有时候就是容易患得患失!作者: toefl_2003 时间: 2003-6-2 04:51
where can I download pp2 and delta? thank you very much.作者: 我有我可以 时间: 2003-6-2 06:18
JUST HERE作者: youlan77 时间: 2003-6-2 07:33
大家好 我6 19 Florida 你们都准备的怎么样了?作者: ppmovie 时间: 2003-6-2 12:23
五月的同学看来靠的都不错!看咱们六月份的同学了!作者: aminhua 时间: 2003-6-3 08:53
where can I download pp2 and delta?
thank you very much.作者: 困难是弹簧 时间: 2003-6-3 10:16