Claire非常和善,提了三个behavirol question: 1. Tell me about a time when you had to consider other's opinions or feelings when completing a project. 2. Give me an example where you noticed your team is going for the wrong direction, and you had to defend your ideas. 3. Tell me a time when there was no leader in your team.
面试官有一张A4大小的表格,上面好像是各种表现的评分和comments,她面试过程中也会把一些她觉得additional需要记录的内容写在背面。 我感觉面试官的关注点不在于你讲的故事本身有多精彩,而是在于你描述完之后的follow up question的反应(也可能是因为这部分的问题是没法事先准备的),比如她问了我每个故事的challenge或者benefit,和西方人交流时的cultural difference如何处理。