
标题: 请教,工程师是不是最不待见的申请者? [打印本页]

作者: kingquene    时间: 2011-2-21 12:49
标题: 请教,工程师是不是最不待见的申请者?
作者: sportmann    时间: 2011-2-21 12:51
作者: pumpkin    时间: 2011-2-21 13:10
作者: bigjoe    时间: 2011-2-21 13:33
作者: CDJJMM    时间: 2011-2-21 15:11
我也同意这个说法.算是个僧多粥少的pool . 而且这个pool里面的GMAT, toefl 平均分应该是最高的吧.

作者: yyee11    时间: 2011-2-21 17:56
很多学校为了diversity还是会要engineer background的啊,只要你其他方面够格,我相信不是很难得。
作者: onlyuhaibo    时间: 2011-2-21 21:01
我是“sourcing engineer”,是不是也被归入engineer。。。
作者: sportmann    时间: 2011-2-21 21:24
作者: pursueMBA2010    时间: 2011-2-22 00:00
大家要注意,engineer background和工程师工作完全不是一个概念

比如engineer background的,可以是technical marketing,可以是management role,可以写很多有很大impact的事

比如programmer(不带人的那种),hardware engineer, 能源企业里的engineer等等
作者: Zoil    时间: 2011-2-22 00:19
作者: jarlin    时间: 2011-2-22 00:43

An MBA is a professional degree which prepares individuals for careers in a variety of fields, including business, government, international agencies, and the non-profit sector. The degree provides a combination of hard and soft skills that allow you to advance your career or switch careers entirely. These skills allow you to effectively manage your career throughout your lifetime.

Broadly speaking, the MBA program is relevant if you are a:

Career switcher: You aspire to transfer from one career to another and need additional technical skills to do so.
Career enhancer: You have experienced a slowdown in your learning curve and/or have experienced an inability to move ahead in your current enterprise. The MBA can enable you to re-energize your growth with a new set of technical skills, a new professional network, and a new brand association.
Examples in recent years include:

Engineers who want to broaden their career opportunities into general management or a business-related function.
Consultants who wish to become team leaders and managers in the consulting environment.
Scientists looking to move beyond their traditional research fields.
Magazine editors who want to be publishers.
Civil servants looking to bring a business mindset to government programs.
Entrepreneurs seeking to build a business framework within which to grow their businesses.
Naval officers wishing to transition to civilian life.
作者: bigjoe    时间: 2011-2-22 00:48

An MBA is a professional degree which prepares individuals for careers in a variety of fields, including business, government, international agencies, and the non-profit sector. The degree provides a combination of hard and soft skills that allow you to advance your career or switch careers entirely. These skills allow you to effectively manage your career throughout your lifetime.

Broadly speaking, the MBA program is relevant if you are a:

Career switcher: You aspire to transfer from one career to another and need additional technical skills to do so.
Career enhancer: You have experienced a slowdown in your learning curve and/or have experienced an inability to move ahead in your current enterprise. The MBA can enable you to re-energize your growth with a new set of technical skills, a new professional network, and a new brand association.
Examples in recent years include:

Engineers who want to broaden their career opportunities into general management or a business-related function.
Consultants who wish to become team leaders and managers in the consulting environment.
Scientists looking to move beyond their traditional research fields.
Magazine editors who want to be publishers.
Civil servants looking to bring a business mindset to government programs.
Entrepreneurs seeking to build a business framework within which to grow their businesses.
Naval officers wishing to transition to civilian life.
-- by 会员 jarlin (2011/2/22 0:43:42)

作者: pursueMBA2010    时间: 2011-2-22 01:34

An MBA is a professional degree which prepares individuals for careers in a variety of fields, including business, government, international agencies, and the non-profit sector. The degree provides a combination of hard and soft skills that allow you to advance your career or switch careers entirely. These skills allow you to effectively manage your career throughout your lifetime.

Broadly speaking, the MBA program is relevant if you are a:

Career switcher: You aspire to transfer from one career to another and need additional technical skills to do so.
Career enhancer: You have experienced a slowdown in your learning curve and/or have experienced an inability to move ahead in your current enterprise. The MBA can enable you to re-energize your growth with a new set of technical skills, a new professional network, and a new brand association.
Examples in recent years include:

Engineers who want to broaden their career opportunities into general management or a business-related function.
Consultants who wish to become team leaders and managers in the consulting environment.
Scientists looking to move beyond their traditional research fields.
Magazine editors who want to be publishers.
Civil servants looking to bring a business mindset to government programs.
Entrepreneurs seeking to build a business framework within which to grow their businesses.
Naval officers wishing to transition to civilian life.
-- by 会员 jarlin (2011/2/22 0:43:42)

-- by 会员 bigjoe (2011/2/22 0:48:41)

作者: elle08    时间: 2011-2-22 02:34
作者: simonwalker    时间: 2011-2-22 08:00
B-schools provide undergraduate majors distribution, but thats not the same thing with work functions. lots of engineering students end up with consulting or sales jobs before MBA but still being considered as engineering student for their academic background, thats actually a big plus cuz it proves their logical skills as well as interpersonal skills. but for a 'serious' engineer here, I think you really need to work on your essays very well and dont get them generalize you as a technical person who simply wants be a manager.
作者: bigjoe    时间: 2011-2-22 08:57
作者: MarkS    时间: 2011-2-22 11:23
作者: pumpkin    时间: 2011-2-22 14:23

-- by 会员 MarkS (2011/2/22 11:23:21)

作者: pumpkin    时间: 2011-2-22 14:30
说个简单例子从认得的人身上讲讲,一个小工厂里面的mechinical engioneer,他需要看图纸,需要解释图纸的错误,需要和图纸来源的顾客沟通为啥他们提供的图纸有错误,需要给自己的工人解释怎样把图纸变成零件,需要收集整理很多内外部交流的文件,有重大问题需要把厂里的头头,包括质检部,SHIPPING部,客户/采购部的人叫出来解决问题。这些事情看起来都很琐碎,很多都是第一线的活儿。这个人要申请MBA的话,有哪些优势?

作者: pierrot    时间: 2011-2-22 15:33
作者: Pythagoras    时间: 2011-2-22 21:47
作者: supermanlee    时间: 2011-2-22 22:57
作者: Ksharp    时间: 2011-2-22 23:16
-- by 会员 bigjoe (2011/2/22 8:57:26)

百度的构架师...  构架师... 这个可不是什么工程师了,构架师至少和group manager一级的..

再一看 “2003年7月,雷鸣辞去百度首席架构师一职,远赴美国斯坦福大学攻读MBA”。。。 这个是VP级别的了
作者: summit    时间: 2011-2-22 23:30
工程师有一些,但大部分是entry level。

作者: coffeegao    时间: 2011-2-22 23:34
作者: dogonmotor    时间: 2011-2-23 13:33
It's true there are tons of engineers want to get mba. However, mba also recruit tons of engineers. Actually mba recruits more engineers than any other profession(business included) engineers hav some core qualities such as analitical skill which is desired by top business firm(IB!!). If u r an engineer, be happy that u r mba's target group. Now it's time for u to differentiate uself among engineers. Comparing uself with ur closest colleagues is a good start(background+future goal)!  

Pls be warned: many engineers who tried to switch into IB this year failed making their career change and ended up with less salary than they had prior mba.
作者: pursueMBA2010    时间: 2011-2-23 14:47
应该是tons of engineering background but a few engineers才对
作者: Zoil    时间: 2011-2-23 15:03
作者: jojoman    时间: 2011-2-23 16:13
I'm a software engineer for 4+ years in American company.
I only get promoted in rank, becoming a "senior" engineer.
I receive admission from Rady, UCSD.
Maybe it is not a top b-school but it is good for me.
I would join high-tech post MBA, Rady gives me $$ and CA has high-tech opportunities.
I interviewed with CMU and still wait for their decision by 3/14.

My suggestion is that if you could clearly state a career goal fit for you, admission is not really a big problem.
However, if you want to switch to banker, you have to ask one thing to yourself: Can your "why MBA" convince yourself?
If yes, I think you could convince AdCom as well.
Making money doesn't work.
What have you done in order to become a banker?

My two cents.
作者: Zoil    时间: 2011-2-23 16:29
I'm a software engineer for 4+ years in American company.
I only get promoted in rank, becoming a "senior" engineer.
I receive admission from Rady, UCSD.
Maybe it is not a top b-school but it is good for me.
I would join high-tech post MBA, Rady gives me $$ and CA has high-tech opportunities.
I interviewed with CMU and still wait for their decision by 3/14.

My suggestion is that if you could clearly state a career goal fit for you, admission is not really a big problem.
However, if you want to switch to banker, you have to ask one thing to yourself: Can your "why MBA" convince yourself?
If yes, I think you could convince AdCom as well.
Making money doesn't work.
What have you done in order to become a banker?

My two cents.
-- by 会员 jojoman (2011/2/23 16:13:59)

作者: bigjoe    时间: 2011-2-23 16:43
对对,CMU很适合哦,宣讲会上说50%的学生是engineering background.
作者: sportmann    时间: 2011-2-23 21:25
作者: iamelf    时间: 2011-2-23 22:10
-- by 会员 Zoil (2011/2/23 15:03:10)

I'm a four-year software engineer, admitted by Duke.
I think female engineers have good chance, because IT companies need diversity...
作者: rendezvous98    时间: 2011-2-23 22:20
I am a software engineer admitted by INSEAD with more than 4 year working experience. Cheer up! Everyone is unique and please don't try to use others as reference.
作者: Zoil    时间: 2011-2-24 01:13

作者: bokchoy0925    时间: 2011-2-24 03:16
I don't think so - take HBS for example,  35% of the class was  in the engineering field pre-MBA.
作者: pursueMBA2010    时间: 2011-2-24 05:10

我见到很多申请者,已经从纯技术转到了project management或者team/people management
那其实是学engineering还是学economics还有区别么?反正都是show management能力了

我觉得这里所谓的工程师,是指活跃在一线,需要做很多programing, 一线的技术工作或dirty work,基本或很少有项目管理机会
否则一个electronic engineering毕业的,去做P&G的Marketing MT,2年后申请top school like Wharton成功,是很多见,但这和engineer啥关系?

申请者1,咨询背景,很容易找到帮助客户发现某些biz/strategy上的issue,然后展示innovation/problem solving能力convince了客户,使得他们的biz/revenue/profit增长多少多少(虽然咨询背景写职业的story很类似,但不能否认这类case的impact很大,看的很给力,感觉candidate有很大的potential) - 可能一个好的咨询师1.5~2y就能完成上述重要的成就
申请者2,engineering背景,但做sales/marketing的可以说改进xx流程,市场策略从而大幅度影响business,增长profit百分之多少 - 同理,2~3年就可以达成这些重要成就
申请者3,engineering背景,纯技术工程师(最多多一个senior,非project manager),他们的工作就比较难对biz产生直接有力的影响,总不能说因为技术强所以发明了ABC,导致biz增长吧?这不过是展示了你smart,技术sense好;通常必须从"和客户沟通","了解客户需求","通过某些personality,比如激发团队合作,发现潜在问题,或完成一些比较有压力的项目"等等角度入手,必须深度挖掘,而且可以明确对比出strategic thinking,big impact to business不容易展示出来,很容易一不留神就陷入技术jargon无数,搞得reviewer看不清楚重点的局面. - 也许2~3年刚刚从纯programming升级到senior,有点资本涉及很小一部分的biz

作者: csbowow    时间: 2011-2-24 05:41
Totally agree what "upstairs" just said. It's not that engineers are being discriminated. There are two MAJOR obstacles that one has to overcome:

1. There's A LOT more deep digging needed to show leadership and impact in a technical role.
2. "Stereotypically", engineers, especially Asian engineers lack soft/social skills.

If you can do an excellent job with #1 in your resume/essays and, at least, avoid or even disprove #2. Then go for it! But do keep in mind that engineers do start at a later starting line and have a lot of catching up to do in the MBA application race.

Good luck,
An engineer too
作者: bokchoy0925    时间: 2011-2-24 09:13
If you take everything so negatively and do not make effort to create leadership opportunities, it will be hard even if you are not an engineer. Also as long as you can show you are more than a quant person and demonstrate some leadership ( work, NGO, Personal), you should have a chance.  I am an engineer in the RF and PD field - I got in a few top 10. I have friends who were engineering background, whether stayed in the Operations or Design, or later on took on PM roles, got in HBS, Wharton and Stanford as well.  

If anything, know your strengths and work on your weaknesses. If you are lacking leadership, it is not because you are an engineer. A whiner who complains about a "late start" or "unfair disadvantage" because of current occupation probably does not deserve a spot at the TOP business schools. Stay positive and good luck.
作者: Ambro09    时间: 2011-2-24 09:56
现在大部分工程师的活都是team work吧,和同组的人,和其他部门一起,也可以锻炼领导力和沟通能力。职位不高的时候能对项目产生影响才能更好的显示领导力,title上去了再做这些就是分内的事情了。
作者: vampireking    时间: 2011-2-24 10:00
同意,即便是project manager也是劣势,更别说是纯工程师了。

我见到很多申请者,已经从纯技术转到了project management或者team/people management
那其实是学engineering还是学economics还有区别么?反正都是show management能力了

我觉得这里所谓的工程师,是指活跃在一线,需要做很多programing, 一线的技术工作或dirty work,基本或很少有项目管理机会
否则一个electronic engineering毕业的,去做P&G的Marketing MT,2年后申请top school like Wharton成功,是很多见,但这和engineer啥关系?

申请者1,咨询背景,很容易找到帮助客户发现某些biz/strategy上的issue,然后展示innovation/problem solving能力convince了客户,使得他们的biz/revenue/profit增长多少多少(虽然咨询背景写职业的story很类似,但不能否认这类case的impact很大,看的很给力,感觉candidate有很大的potential) - 可能一个好的咨询师1.5~2y就能完成上述重要的成就
申请者2,engineering背景,但做sales/marketing的可以说改进xx流程,市场策略从而大幅度影响business,增长profit百分之多少 - 同理,2~3年就可以达成这些重要成就
申请者3,engineering背景,纯技术工程师(最多多一个senior,非project manager),他们的工作就比较难对biz产生直接有力的影响,总不能说因为技术强所以发明了ABC,导致biz增长吧?这不过是展示了你smart,技术sense好;通常必须从"和客户沟通","了解客户需求","通过某些personality,比如激发团队合作,发现潜在问题,或完成一些比较有压力的项目"等等角度入手,必须深度挖掘,而且可以明确对比出strategic thinking,big impact to business不容易展示出来,很容易一不留神就陷入技术jargon无数,搞得reviewer看不清楚重点的局面. - 也许2~3年刚刚从纯programming升级到senior,有点资本涉及很小一部分的biz

-- by 会员 pursueMBA2010 (2011/2/24 5:10:20)

作者: iunknown    时间: 2011-2-24 11:14

作者: 怪叔叔    时间: 2011-2-24 14:18
我是纯工程师背景进的Top10 B school,我的印象中我们中国人中算我一共只有两个工程师,但是都不是国内工作背景的,一个应该是硅谷工作的,一个是某著名high tech公司国外总部。

我认识的进top的工程师大多都是这样的,我觉得 年轻,著名高科技公司,国际化背景 如果能占到两个,就比较有戏,占到三个就有优势。
作者: juezui    时间: 2011-3-3 01:42
我是纯工程师背景进的Top10 B school,我的印象中我们中国人中算我一共只有两个工程师,但是都不是国内工作背景的,一个应该是硅谷工作的,一个是某著名high tech公司国外总部。

我认识的进top的工程师大多都是这样的,我觉得 年轻,著名高科技公司,国际化背景 如果能占到两个,就比较有戏,占到三个就有优势。
-- by 会员 怪叔叔 (2011/2/24 14:18:37)

作者: felseny    时间: 2011-3-27 14:23
作者: 超级小饭碗    时间: 2011-3-27 15:30
小female engineer飄過。本來很活躍的。當engineer久了也沉悶了。唉。。
作者: windmaple    时间: 2011-3-28 01:06

-- by 会员 felseny (2011/3/27 14:23:11)

作者: supermanlee    时间: 2011-3-28 10:35
作者: snailc    时间: 2011-3-28 11:49

1. 学术背景是工程背景;
2. 做过工程师,但申请时做Consulting, Marketing, 管理等等;
3. 上学至申请时都是工程背景,非常“纯洁的”工程师;


虽然说像第三种情况也可能会录取,official的说辞也会说要看你整体的package, 但会非常难,我觉得。写好essay是必须的,但不是充分条件。

当然,如果你其它条件很好,被Top school录取也是可能的,但就从Background上讲已经远远落在别人后面,你不得不通过其它方面来弥补


作者: HUZ    时间: 2011-3-28 15:30
再次,top10里面,只有寥寥几个每年会保证1个IT engineer的名额。
作者: Gogoon    时间: 2011-3-28 23:00
再次,top10里面,只有寥寥几个每年会保证1个IT engineer的名额。
-- by 会员 HUZ (2011/3/28 15:30:01)

唉。是啊。我看到Duke EA录了同类公司的工程师,就知道我肯定玩完了,但是已经提交了。结果我的Duke R1也就真的连面试都没有。这些学校也不把前一轮录取人的背景公布一下,让我们浪费银子和时间精力和表情。
作者: 三月三,喝花酒    时间: 2011-4-19 10:40
作者: iunknown    时间: 2011-4-20 10:36
再次,top10里面,只有寥寥几个每年会保证1个IT engineer的名额。
-- by 会员 HUZ (2011/3/28 15:30:01)

are you sure?  我觉得你这个数据很可以。有例子吗?
作者: csbowow    时间: 2011-4-20 12:10
在這邊寫一下心得鼓勵一下純工程師背景的人. 我的背景如下:

WE1: 軟體公司Software Engineer一年半
WE2: 金融公司IT部門Analyst Developer兩年半
WE3: 媒體公司IT部門Senior Software Engineer兩年

光看背景就知道我on paper暴露了工程師申請者幾大罩門:

1) 大齡
2) 亞州男性
3) 光看職位感覺都是純寫程式
4) 一路從就學到工作經驗都是 - 理工, 理工, 理工!

今年的申請結果拿到了Stern, McCombs的offer, 其中Stern給了幾乎是第一年全獎的獎學金. Wharton拿到了面試, Kellogg被waitlist. 說出來是希望相似背景的工程是可以得到一些鼓勵. 我的建議是, 與其哀怨咱們的劣勢, 不如專著於sell我們的優點. 小弟獻醜提供以下我申請時採取的策略:

1) 其實工程背景是一種優勢. 只要GMAT考高(工程師應該不難)就不用像其他背景的人要花費力氣表現quant ability. 留下來的空間只要focus在盡情發揮自己的soft/leadership/teamwork skills就好了.
2) 想想看, IT背景的人跟Consultant很像, 會接觸到多元的project跟產業. 我的essay裡面不停的強調我跨領域(金融,媒體,科技)可以為class帶來很寶貴的perspective.
3) 工程師的title一般都較難看出明顯的career progression. 但是這樣反而可凸顯如何在manage project的時候如何管理跟說服比自己資深的同儕. 我一個朋友說得很好, 其實管理屬下很簡單, 叫他做事就好了, 挑戰比較大的是去說服比自己資深或是職位更高的同事.
4) 根據我念書跟工作後面識別人的經驗, 坦白來講, 很多工程師真的個性很古怪, 有時候我覺得只要個性正常的工程師去面試就很容易stand out了. 不用像其他教會講話的pool要更有魅力+能言善道.

最後我想說的是, 如果你深信自己是個唸MBA的料, 那麼就算你是工程師你也會申請得到the bschool of your dreams. 共勉之!
作者: windmaple    时间: 2011-4-20 13:49
Well said ~~

在這邊寫一下心得鼓勵一下純工程師背景的人. 我的背景如下:

WE1: 軟體公司Software Engineer一年半
WE2: 金融公司IT部門Analyst Developer兩年半
WE3: 媒體公司IT部門Senior Software Engineer兩年

光看背景就知道我on paper暴露了工程師申請者幾大罩門:

1) 大齡
2) 亞州男性
3) 光看職位感覺都是純寫程式
4) 一路從就學到工作經驗都是 - 理工, 理工, 理工!

今年的申請結果拿到了Stern, McCombs的offer, 其中Stern給了幾乎是第一年全獎的獎學金. Wharton拿到了面試, Kellogg被waitlist. 說出來是希望相似背景的工程是可以得到一些鼓勵. 我的建議是, 與其哀怨咱們的劣勢, 不如專著於sell我們的優點. 小弟獻醜提供以下我申請時採取的策略:

1) 其實工程背景是一種優勢. 只要GMAT考高(工程師應該不難)就不用像其他背景的人要花費力氣表現quant ability. 留下來的空間只要focus在盡情發揮自己的soft/leadership/teamwork skills就好了.
2) 想想看, IT背景的人跟Consultant很像, 會接觸到多元的project跟產業. 我的essay裡面不停的強調我跨領域(金融,媒體,科技)可以為class帶來很寶貴的perspective.
3) 工程師的title一般都較難看出明顯的career progression. 但是這樣反而可凸顯如何在manage project的時候如何管理跟說服比自己資深的同儕. 我一個朋友說得很好, 其實管理屬下很簡單, 叫他做事就好了, 挑戰比較大的是去說服比自己資深或是職位更高的同事.
4) 根據我念書跟工作後面識別人的經驗, 坦白來講, 很多工程師真的個性很古怪, 有時候我覺得只要個性正常的工程師去面試就很容易stand out了. 不用像其他教會講話的pool要更有魅力+能言善道.

最後我想說的是, 如果你深信自己是個唸MBA的料, 那麼就算你是工程師你也會申請得到the bschool of your dreams. 共勉之!
-- by 会员 csbowow (2011/4/20 12:10:06)

作者: supermanlee    时间: 2011-4-20 13:58
在這邊寫一下心得鼓勵一下純工程師背景的人. 我的背景如下:

WE1: 軟體公司Software Engineer一年半
WE2: 金融公司IT部門Analyst Developer兩年半
WE3: 媒體公司IT部門Senior Software Engineer兩年

光看背景就知道我on paper暴露了工程師申請者幾大罩門:

1) 大齡
2) 亞州男性
3) 光看職位感覺都是純寫程式
4) 一路從就學到工作經驗都是 - 理工, 理工, 理工!

今年的申請結果拿到了Stern, McCombs的offer, 其中Stern給了幾乎是第一年全獎的獎學金. Wharton拿到了面試, Kellogg被waitlist. 說出來是希望相似背景的工程是可以得到一些鼓勵. 我的建議是, 與其哀怨咱們的劣勢, 不如專著於sell我們的優點. 小弟獻醜提供以下我申請時採取的策略:

1) 其實工程背景是一種優勢. 只要GMAT考高(工程師應該不難)就不用像其他背景的人要花費力氣表現quant ability. 留下來的空間只要focus在盡情發揮自己的soft/leadership/teamwork skills就好了.
2) 想想看, IT背景的人跟Consultant很像, 會接觸到多元的project跟產業. 我的essay裡面不停的強調我跨領域(金融,媒體,科技)可以為class帶來很寶貴的perspective.
3) 工程師的title一般都較難看出明顯的career progression. 但是這樣反而可凸顯如何在manage project的時候如何管理跟說服比自己資深的同儕. 我一個朋友說得很好, 其實管理屬下很簡單, 叫他做事就好了, 挑戰比較大的是去說服比自己資深或是職位更高的同事.
4) 根據我念書跟工作後面識別人的經驗, 坦白來講, 很多工程師真的個性很古怪, 有時候我覺得只要個性正常的工程師去面試就很容易stand out了. 不用像其他教會講話的pool要更有魅力+能言善道.

最後我想說的是, 如果你深信自己是個唸MBA的料, 那麼就算你是工程師你也會申請得到the bschool of your dreams. 共勉之!
-- by 会员 csbowow (2011/4/20 12:10:06)

作者: zbb88    时间: 2011-4-20 14:08
楼上同学一针见血啊 哈哈
作者: 三月三,喝花酒    时间: 2011-4-20 22:11
作者: csbowow    时间: 2011-4-20 22:36
那就趁早出國吧. 我當初也是意識到待在台灣的發展機會受限才拼了老命出國唸工程碩士. 總是會有辦法的. 至少大家不是印度的IT工程師, 那個pool的競爭力才叫激烈.
作者: pennyh    时间: 2011-4-24 03:14
R&D engineer, 申请到USC.

作者: 三月三,喝花酒    时间: 2011-4-24 09:47
R&D engineer, 申请到USC.

-- by 会员 pennyh (2011/4/24 3:14:25)

作者: JoannaCaiCn    时间: 2011-4-24 11:05
interested in this topic
作者: balgirl    时间: 2011-4-27 12:23

作者: 我想去希腊    时间: 2011-5-2 04:05
作者: simonwalker    时间: 2011-5-2 07:04
IT, EE就不错啊,土木化工啊什么的就比较没有优势,因为传统行业不太容易接受改变和创新,循规蹈矩较多
作者: windmaple    时间: 2011-5-2 11:36
贴一个kellogg学生写给我的回信吧,此兄以前是IT test engineer,据了columbia, berkeley with $$$

Trust me, I nerd up with the best of them. The engineer stereotype actually works well to your advantage in business school. A big portion of full-time students come from engineering backgrounds (34% from eng/math/sciences background -, and the combination of engineering undergrad and business grad is very attractive to a lot of firms. Basically, you'll be a rockstar in recruiting. As far as breaking the mold goes, I think it is important to have a compelling story for how an MBA fits into your career aspirations/goals, and why you think Kellogg is a good fit in particular. One way to do this is to specifically mention classes and other parts of the program that align with your goals and development needs. You can also search for Kellogg's "Four Pillars" to get an idea of the values that the school espouses because it is probably a good indication of what they look for in applicants. Personally, I think that you want to demonstrate in your application that you've contributed both in and out of work in leadership type roles and have experience working in teams. If you don't understand or believe in the value of teamwork, then Kellogg would be a weird choice. Even if your work seems boring, think of high-level skills that you've had to apply at work that are valuable in other contexts. For example, as a test engineer, you've probably had to communicate to others about problems that you've found via defects. In this situation, clear communication is invaluable, and that is the case in a lot of other scenarios as well (especially managing a team/business).

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